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Doc's Log. *IC*

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Pengowando, Nov 30, 2014.

  1. Pengowando

    Pengowando New Member

    Aug 3, 2014
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    ((Doc Ripper's logs are on his pda, which he carries with him in his coat. So if you pickpocketed him you'd maybe see these? I dunno. Also feel free to comment OOCly))

    The log starts with a blinding white light, which slowly dies down as the camera focuses. Bright white covers most of the screen, with a figure sitting in front of it. The contrast between the brightness and the shadowy outline is enough to hurt one's eyes. Doc's voice is calm and cool, contrasting his ghoulish appearance.

    Well. Here I am in Antares. I must say, I hadn't thought I'd be in such a populated place so soon. But! Things happen. I can't say I want to be anywhere else. Good drinks, good people, lots of opportunities! I've already got an interview lined up for a job on Asani. They must need a doctor. I never was too interested in the medical field, but it's what this place needs, and what I need is pixels. I'll always live for research and discovery, though. Speaking of which, I'm going to dissect that alien creature soon. Should be... fun.

    Anyways, past business I've met a few interesting individuals around here. Some avian, some apex... most of them aren't very smart, but I can excuse it. This frontier is truly a colorful, diverse one. I haven't seen any plants yet. I'm not surprised... Anyways! The avians around here have really peaked my interest. The pink and yellow one, Siarra, specifically. Heh. What I wouldn't give to... learn more. Possibly under the right circumstances I'll get to have a little... a peek inside... heh. Maybe a nice... little... nick- and a slice or two... maybe dice it up first and ask questions later... or we could do it my favorite way. Yes, I think that will suit me best. Huehehh... ahhah... hahh... hah.

    He tilts his head to the side, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a little box. He opens it, pulling out and lighting a cigarette. It just barely illuminates his face.
    Of course, I would patch the thing back up. I haven't killed anyone yet, I don't plan on doing so in the future. However I cannot deny that this new job is giving me a lot of chances to step up my research. I do it all for science, but I must watch myself. I shall only study, not damage. Do no harm, right? I won't harm. Why would I harm anything? I am a doctor now. I promise to heal. A crazed grin spreads across his face. But it doesn't mean I can't have my fun!
  2. Pengowando

    Pengowando New Member

    Aug 3, 2014
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    The next video starts with a subtle clicking noise, and Doc's arm retracting from the camera. He sits in a darkened room as in the last video, but this time without a light behind him. The angle is different as well, with the camera showing Doc at a small, simple desk with an assortment of medical supplies lying on it. He sits on his chair backwards, with the headrest in front of him. He stares solemnly at an unlit cigarette in his hand as he starts speaking.

    Today was rather uneventful... but peaceful. Lots of new faces at the bar. There was some trouble... something about slavers. I need not concern myself with those issues, though. I have my own business to worry about. And it might seem like no big deal to most, but this is the last cigarette I have... and I don't know where I can get more.

    He hangs his head, and reluctantly strikes a match and lights up his smoke. My interview's coming up soon. I'll get this job. I know I will. I could probably get any job around here, everyone's so idiotic. I hope I meet someone of higher intellect soon, I'm getting bored of all the imbeciles. Just today I visited Gum again, only to be approached by a strange man with a mask, belonged to some church. I told him I could supply his little group with bones if they needed it... they seem to use them for decoration. Least that gives me something to do with all the bones I usually throw out.

    Oh, speaking of which, I did that dissection. My results weren't all too interesting, but I'll save that for my report. I wonder what I ought to study next... I've been interested in learning some more about the hylotl soon. They are, as far as I can tell, more closely related to frogs than fish. Common misconception I'm thinking. Of course, I can't get my hands on a proper subject without causing a big fuss, so that will likely have to wait. Other than that I'm mostly just anxious to try out some of my little gadgets here on some patients- that is, once I have patients. I have, of course, thoroughly tested all of my devices and homemade medicines on animals, and they work flawlessly. Usually.
    Doc shrugs.

    Well. I'll be having that interview soon. Wish me luck! Actually, don't. I don't need it. He chuckles softly before turning the camera off.
  3. Pengowando

    Pengowando New Member

    Aug 3, 2014
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    The video begins to reveal a very well-lit room somewhere in Doc's ship. It appears to be some sort of study room, with a computer at the far end and and a few chairs around a small table. Doc sits on a small sofa, the camera appears to be on some sort of coffee table.
    His tone and face easily show that Doc is worried about something.

    I'm losing it... going insane... He sighs, shaking his head and recomposing himself. No. I'm perfectly fine. I've experimented with my own body enough... I know. I am healthy, my mind is clear. He nods to himself, and seems to start over.

    I got the job. No surprise there... but I haven't really had much to do since I started. I saved an avian from poison, though. It's a start, and either way it pays well. I'm sure this job'll bet a little more interesting in the future. Uhh... not too much else to say about business matters, 'cept for maybe that I'm kinda at a loss for what to do next when it comes to my research. I want to take a look at the Hylotl, but... there's no way I'm getting a subject for that. So for now, I'm going to wait and see if anything presents itself to me.

    Now onto more interesting subjects. I've met a lot of new folk, but I have to mention a Floran from the bar. She kept... looking at me... and had to be contained several times. It pains me to have to interact with such grime, such horrible creatures. Florans are monsters- I haven't met a single good one. And I'll take my words back the second I do, but I have failed to find one who justifies their own existence.

    On the other hand, I met a lovely Hylotl scientist. She had to take off soon after we met, but still... she peaked my interest. A lot. I haven't had a chance to converse with a Hylotl.... ever, now that I think about it. I'll see what I can do about that. Uhmm... not much else to report here. Oh, except for some jerk robo at Asani who's been bossing me around. "Doc, put the gun away!" "Doc, no smoking inside!" Give me a break. Why can't people be more like Siarra, and just relax? I'm obviously not going to hurt anyone.
    He pauses after the comment, thinking about it for a second. He breaks out into a terrifying laughter. Hopefully, that is! Bah, I'll be fine...
  4. Doc

    Doc Video Game Extraordinaire

    Dec 17, 2013
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    1 person likes this.
  5. Pengowando

    Pengowando New Member

    Aug 3, 2014
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  6. Doc

    Doc Video Game Extraordinaire

    Dec 17, 2013
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  7. Pengowando

    Pengowando New Member

    Aug 3, 2014
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    ((canadian cyber police? please...))

    The video starts up with the same well -lit room as in his last log entry. He sits on a little sofa with the camera angled upwards from a table at him. He himself looks tired but still content, and his tone is relaxed as he begins speaking.

    Wow, it's been far too long since I made one of these bad boys. I've been a bit busy lately, this job has got my working pretty hard. But! I have been enjoying things, even if I have to deal with insane florans and drunkards sometimes. I believe I've calmed myself down quite a bit since the last entry, thankfully I found some more things to... dissect and whatnot. However, I am getting a bit worried about Aeon... or rather, the fact that I haven't seen her in such a long time.

    She's very important. Her effect on me is... more powerful than alcohol and tobacco. It's calming to be with her, and the calmer I am, the better off things are for everybody here. Sometimes I wonder if I made the right decision, to be this way. It certainly had many more side effects than what I had originally known, but it was still a risk I was pretty dumb to take.
    He sighs to himself, shaking his head.

    Anyways! There have been two bodies dropped off on Asani with satanic symbols carved all over 'em. One beamed in dead and soaked in his own blood, the other had no jaw and no arm. He looked a bit familiar, but with all that damage it was too hard to tell. Only other thing worth noting was a visit from Akane, wanted me to DNA scan some dagger thing. I've got no idea what the importance was and it's not my business, so that's really all I got to say on that matter.

    Doc yawns, stretching his arms out above his head. Well, that just about covers everything recent. Hopefully I can start getting these logs down more frequently, but oh well. Night...
    #7 Pengowando, Dec 23, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2014
  8. Pengowando

    Pengowando New Member

    Aug 3, 2014
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    What was I thinking?!

    The video starts with Doc angrily pacing around his own dimly-lit bedroom in his ship. His small desk and computer are visible along with a bed further away in the room. Doc speaks loudly and harshly, clearly upset.

    I've really done it now. Revealing my age... what was I thinking? What if this spreads? What if I get found out? How the hell am I going to rectify this? And it gets worse. I fucking... god, I got angry and yelled at Siarra. She was merely joking around with me, and I had to go and take things so seriously... and I proceeded to show her all of my... hideous scars to try and somehow prove her wrong. I mean, I thought I could control my own self... maybe not yet.

    It's much too early to take any actions though. I have made friends here, and that's more than what I've gotten to my last couple of attempts. No. I need to stay with these people, this planet, Aeon... Where has she gone? If only I could have her with me... I need something to give me a little peace. Who's to say that I can't be with an avian? Is it some rule? I've seen the looks from people...

    He plops down into an office chair sitting behind the desk. It doesn't matter. I've said it to myself, I'll say it to Antares if I have to. I am fine. There is nothing wrong with me. I'm just a simple man... who decided to try his life a second time. A third time. Is that such a crime? Do I deserve to be punished for simply trying again? No! I should be rewarded. I have perfected my own life, now others are ruining it. Doc pauses for a long while. No. I just don't know how to act yet. I need to keep my mouth shut, yes. Keep my mouth shut. Doc lights up a cigarette, giving his face an eerie glow. Maybe that's why I keep restarting. Maybe it's even worth... looking... into.

    I'm going to work on this. I can't become angry in public... I won't be able to handle my own self. Nobody will be able to handle me. I'm skating on some thin ice here...
    Doc looks away, just staring for a while before the video suddenly cuts out.
  9. Pengowando

    Pengowando New Member

    Aug 3, 2014
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    The next entry, dated months and months after the last, blinks on to show a very worn-looking and exhausted Ripper, sitting in his room at a desk. His arms are folded on the table, and his head rests on them. His tone is a little annoyed and frank, overall it feels like Doc would rather not be making the log entry.

    Well shit. These past couple months freaking... sucked. The Gecks were back again. I mean... not to brag, but being one of the best quote-on-quote "surgeons" in all the know galaxies has it's disadvantages. I don't want a lot about the Gecks on this log, just in case I happen to... I dunno, leave my coat around somewhere for a floran to pick up and find. But what I will say is that they're insane- might as well be a cult. A group of scientists, I used to hang pretty tight with them when I began my expeditions some... what, thirty years ago? The main goal of the group is to find the solution to mortality. In simpler terms, they want to live forever. Psychopathic pigs. Doc cracks an oddly-placed chuckle at that.

    That's not even the main problem though. They kept me for so long that everybody must think I'm dead or something. When somebody falls off the map in Antares, they may as well be dead. Echh... whatever, I guess. I paid my own ransom with some spare bits I was keeping in my ship's cryo chambers. I didn't really need all those old pieces, but it's never a good thing to give up useable equipment. Now my next trial is going to be getting back into the groove of things. I'm afraid of what Omen might say about my absence. And one thing is for certain: I can't let anyone know about the Gecks. It'll alarm people. And heaven knows, I'm already far too alarming.
    #9 Pengowando, Jan 26, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 19, 2015
  10. Pengowando

    Pengowando New Member

    Aug 3, 2014
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    The next log starts up with static, the video itself slowly fading in. While it is easy to see Ripper himself, his dark surroundings are unclear as the video quality is horrible. Strangely, however, the audio is still crystal clear. Doc smiles unsettlingly wide right into the camera, as some energetic jazzy music can be heard in the background.

    My, my, it has been quite a while. Okay, down to business- after Asani fried, I ventured off for a while, searching black markets and drug dealers and the like. I found the most beautiful pair of fresh eyeballs, too... but I fucked that up hard. Thus, my beautiful optics! He turns his head to show his profile, his night-vision goggle esque optics protruding from his face. After a quick moment, he turns back, the camera taking a moment to adjust to the pink light. So that has been freaking out people ever so slightly. Which is not what I was going for, but ehh. Pink suits me, yeah? He grins.

    Now! Onto recent events... I'm back in Antares. Place is still full of fools, crazed gunmen, mercenaries, the works. But that is exactly how I wanted it. There are lots of opportunities for a doctor. Speaking of doctors, I have already met plenty of new ones out and about. He looks off for a moment, bobbing his head to the music. He mutters along with the lyrics... "Can you dig it? Yes I can..." Ahem. Right. Good to see 'em, skeletons like me are gonna be dead soon. Well, not like me. For most, though, it's on the horizon.

    I have indeed already found some work, too! I was basically volunteering my time at the Katune hospital for awhile before this robo named Max came around. He's kinda a soulless machine, but he hired me right there and pays good wages, so I have no problems with him. Reed is still in charge, I haven't seen him in a while, though. I wish him well.

    I'm not really working with anyone other than Reed, but there have been a few ladies who've dropped in to help out as nurse now and then.
    He shrugs. I'm not looking for a girlfriend. Hell, I've never looked for a girlfriend, Aeon just latched onto me. Literally. He chuckles, looking off with an expression of mixed longing and nostalgia. Beautiful creature...

    Welp, that's all I got. Things have been better more than worse, so I can't complain. Hey, maybe I'll even getting around to learning an instrument sometime, too? Who knows. I gotta remember to update this damned thing, though. Just looking back on what I've already got... man, I was going frickin' insane. Glad I messed up a surgery, it's humiliating. I need a little humility.
    #10 Pengowando, Apr 19, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2016
  11. Pengowando

    Pengowando New Member

    Aug 3, 2014
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    Doc's next log, dated over a year since his last entry in a folder on his PDA entitled "Antares_Logs" opens startling as Doc's grey, grinning mug whips into frame. The lighting is less than perfect as he sits in what seems like some sort of dentist's chair with a flickering incandescent bulb illuminating his well-worn visage and his long, night vision-esque goggles with pink light glowing from the front. He nods to the camera and his smile fades quickly as he begins speaking in his characteristic deep and comfortable voice.

    I haven't ever made a log entry from the operation room... I just wanted to make this one in here because that fact was on my mind. Kinda funny how that works out. There are a million other things that I should probably be thinking about, but what's on my mind is making a log entry in some damn room. He cracks a smirky grin. Antares on the horizon, once again. I know I'm excited. Are you? He points at the camera and chuckles awkwardly. Ehheh... that was weird.

    Anywho, first things last: I haven't been doing much work on all... this. Doc makes a sweeping motion of his face and neck. Personally I think I'm looking pretty decent despite the fact, but it doesn't mean I'm not worried about getting rusty. He absently reaches behind his seat and slowly brings a doctor's scalpel into frame, which he proceeds to look at absently. And it's not the kind of rust that can be fixed with some oxalic acid. Doc's gaze points straight at the camera for a moment as his left optic's pink light turns off for a split-second. I have, though, been tweaking the specs. I figure if I can't find any eyeballs I might as well touch up on my tech know-how. I'm still nowhere near being able to even diagnose a Glitch, let alone operate. I'm not proud of it per se, but it is like I've always said: brains before processors.

    Speaking of, ahem, "finding" parts, I'm hoping that Antares will still have the need for medical professionals that is has always had for my previous visits in. I remember that I used to only do proper medical work to make a living, but now? I've no idea how I didn't see the shopping opportunities it affords a long time ago. I'm still looking for a Hylotl, too. Aren't we all? They have such beautiful eyes. I'd love to try them on sometime.

    What else? Oh right, first things last. Maybe I should explain why I've come back to Antares. The answer is complex in it's simplicity, really. I was bored. Ever since I left there was a certain emptiness, I was never quite as alive as I was back those many months ago. I never felt like I was ever doing much of anything. I need to get back out there again, because making conversation to this camera would drive any surgeon insane. He makes a sharp, tense movement with his right arm, bringing the scalpel back into frame in a threatening, stab-ready stance. Sometimes I cannot tell if it already has! Haaha! He relaxes again, and the sound of the scalpel being dropped and hitting the floor echoes through the dark room. I wonder if anyone will remember me. I wonder indeed...

    Doc turns his gaze to the camera one last time before the video comes to a clean stop.
    #11 Pengowando, Aug 12, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2016