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Alternate Characters Abuse

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Atom, Nov 18, 2014.

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  1. TinyKiwi

    TinyKiwi New Member

    Apr 2, 2014
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    Yeah, I agree with the premise of trying to filter out the bad characters but I also don't think there's much we can do. If someone really truly wants to make a cyber-wolf lesbian darkpast mcunlovingfather we can't stop them just by making applications. I wish we could apply stricter rules regarding that but since everyone has different ideas on how characters should be, it won't happen through a form.

    A lot of it just comes down to the person realizing their character is boring garbage, and the most we can do that on front is basically what Sen said.
  2. Atom

    Atom New Member

    Sep 8, 2014
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    Your right. The people that keep having the same issue need to be limited with their alts then. That is the simplest way to solve this. I have not seen any actions taken against the people of these terribly bad RP situations yet, other than a simple slap on the wrist and we void their presence. Until then this shitty cycle of characters will continue. I have witnessed multiple times this unlimited character creation has caused problems and its getting old quick.
    #42 Atom, Nov 19, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 19, 2014
  3. JimHarrison

    JimHarrison Grouchy Player

    Apr 18, 2014
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    Who is 'they' by the way?
    Like. I honestly can't think of a specific person who's been guilty of just spamming Suicide-Alts.

    When specifically have you been victimized by getting Alt-Rushed, or when has it disrupted your RP?
    Who did it?
  4. Atom

    Atom New Member

    Sep 8, 2014
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    I don't know who they are in the forums, but I bring it to a mods attention when it happens. I don't understand why you are trying to defend this behavior just because it hasn't happened to you.
  5. Atom

    Atom New Member

    Sep 8, 2014
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    Again, I agree the application process would not work and everyone should not have to suffer because of a few peoples poor habits.
  6. JimHarrison

    JimHarrison Grouchy Player

    Apr 18, 2014
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    But that was your idea.
    That was your first post. The name of the thread is Vote System for Alternate Characters.

    Anyways, the reason that I have a problem with this idea is because I solely play antagonists - but I refuse to deny consent to people when they have a motivation to kill somebody I have. I die extremely often. My starbound character list has like, nineteen dead characters on it. This would stop me from being able to play on the server with the same level of acceptance of events as they happen in order to keep playing and getting to avoid a bad voting system.
  7. Atom

    Atom New Member

    Sep 8, 2014
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    After hearing peoples ideas, they have changed my mind. Sometimes people agree. The vote system is a bad idea. Still there should be consequences for repeat offenders. If no one has made complaints on you then your not who this is aimed at and your clearly using your characters correctly. People who have made alts who get in trouble for meta on the first hour of playing that character or with the sole purpose to Jihad innocent people without consent or valid reasons should not be allowed to make alts for a certain amount of time. Up to the mod who deals with the offender.
  8. JimHarrison

    JimHarrison Grouchy Player

    Apr 18, 2014
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    threads useless now
  9. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    I feel it's an unrealistic idea. It makes no sense to burden everyone with such a hassle and generate excessive amounts of work to hold back a couple dud characters. There isn't much else to say against it besides that, but such a point is a strong one. Taking such extreme action against such an uncommon problem is crazy. The 'benefits' that this offers don't even come close to outweighing the effort involved. All we can do is trust the community to be responsible.

    Let's consider a busy intersection for a moment.

    Cars are like the community, while the traffic signal is our CoC.

    A traffic signal attempts to enforce proper behavior among drivers. Can a driver simply run right through a red light? Of course they can. It's their responsibility not to. The municipality won't start installing automated steel walls that raise from the ground to block your path just because a few unsavory people smacked into each other. And hey, there's bound to be a lot more incidents with drivers crashing into the walls themselves.

    EDIT: Aaaaaaaaand its already solved. Welp, I'll go over there now, to the corner.
  10. Atom

    Atom New Member

    Sep 8, 2014
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    AGAIN the vote idea is scrapped. No need to punish everyone for a few peoples mistakes. I simply suggest people that abuse unlimited character creation receive some form of punishment, wait time, or balance. If only given time between alts after an issue is brought up. I wasn't trying to blow this up into a big thing. Just brainstorming ideas to avoid problems in the future that mods would have to deal with. Its not a major problem yet, but a factions cannon fodder troops should at least be recorded somewhere so we know how many are being put out there. A faction should not be allowed to make throw away troops 10:1 active players in a short amount of time.
    #50 Atom, Nov 19, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 19, 2014
  11. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    But they do do that, at toll roads :c Point received, though.

    So the topic is resolved; any complaints to closing the thread?
  12. JimHarrison

    JimHarrison Grouchy Player

    Apr 18, 2014
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  13. Atom

    Atom New Member

    Sep 8, 2014
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    Nope I guess not. Lets just avoid the issue until the mods are forced to step in and we have to void major events caused by this problem. lock it
  14. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    Done n' locked.
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