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Relzurautt Armada, A Complete History

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Avis, Nov 17, 2014.

  1. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    These files would be found in the desk of Chief Warrant Officer Eugene Donovan after his death. Dates of events are included alongside each entry.

    Upon the United Systems Colonial Marines' arrival in the Antares Sector, dissatisfaction had already began to brew among the ranks. There was a gross inefficiency under leaders such as Vice Admiral Verita Zirilli and Colonel Ashe Dechemblaine, leaving many of its numbers to wonder "What next?" From the turmoil that comes alongside colonization, a pair arose to bring Order to the galaxy with a code: High Legislator Tarl Hollow and Lieutenant Joshua Scheffler. Both were of lowly rank at the time, but their great aspirations led them to conspire to form their own beacon of order. Plans were made, and prior to their desertion, Scheffler chose to stay within the USCM and achieve a promotion as opposed to sharing in Tarl Hollow's dream. High Legislator Hollow was but a clone who came from undesirable grounds, who grew into the most powerful dictator mankind has offered up to the universe.
    The United Systems had proved grossly inefficient in Antares, an area populated almost entirely by savage Florans, bandits, and other lawless individuals. From this, Hollow laid the foundations of his vision alongside Captain Daniel Graveson, his recent comrade in his efforts. The Relzurautt Armada was to be an impervium wall of order, a well-oiled machine of efficiency. Hollow hoped that despite the probabilities, his vision would be seen by others, and upheld as a sanctuary of sanity.
    The Antares frontier was already known for its "Come and Go" governments. Organizations would start in weeks with unimaginable numbers - only to crumble in an Earth month. The Armada seemed as if it would follow a similar pattern, but with the involvement of High Legislator Hollow and Captain Graveson, the brutal first steps of establishing sovereignty made way for the footsteps of our leaders.

    #1 Avis, Nov 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 17, 2014
  2. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    To ensure their foothold in the Sector, Hollow thought it best to establish the Armada's Military and its required assets before anything else. With Graveson as the head of military, recruits from all corners of the universe proved eager to find their pay by the rifle. With training methods and technology nearly identical to that of the Colonial Marines, the Armada quickly raised a militia capable of protecting its few assets from smaller threats, such as the Floran warbands which frequented the area.
    Hollow also understood the importance of diplomacy, however. Immediately making ties to pre-established organizations and factions, Hollow made use of local business for economy, and even made ties with the already powerful Astral Empire and Carroli Corporation, a scientific research firm. Emporer Suweidi and High Legislator Hollow had prior connections, and, although the Empire adopted policies which were questionable by most, they found a close bond. With the technology from the Carroli corporation, and the funds from the Astral empire, the Armada quickly found itself to be nearly as well-equipped as the other eminent powers in the close systems. With new equipment and room for improvement, Lieutenant Graveson improved upon USCM training methods, beginning the process of making his Relzurautt Militia into a powerful fighting force, inducting the first members of the Armada Special Ops (ASO), who undertook covert missions.

    The Armada was not free of issues, however. Early in its development, the Armada bore issues of great debt: To the Astral Empire, to the Carroli Corporation, and the Armada even endured large cases of bank fraud and counterfeit money, bringing into question the morality and ethics of the government. Upon exercising his dictatorial power, and reminding those within his grasp that his view was the Armada's view, High Legislator Hollow quickly put a stop to illegal activity in the Armada's space.
    #2 Avis, Nov 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 17, 2014
  3. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    The Armada started in a rather peculiar spot. Despite what the name would suggest, Naval military vessels did not appear in regularity until several months into the government's development. Instead, the Armada's resources were invested into a single mothership, and investors were permitted to build within its airspace. Within a matter of days, the Armada laid claim to planets and systems in a large reach from their own asteroid field. This realm became known as the "Expanse". High Legislatore Hollow set out to create his own set of laws, some even in direct contradiction with the Astral Empire. However, the alliance endured, and though the Armada received great ridicule from outside forces, it remained a steadfast bulwark.
    At about this time, a menace to the Sector became known; a Floran known only by the name of SharpTooth. This Floran had obtained advanced technology in a bodysuit, and was causing galaxy-wide terror, even able to avoid capture by the United Systems.

    Also at the same time, Lieutenant Daniel Graveson brought his newly-formed ASO corps on a classified mission to an obscure planet to break into a high security facility which bore sensitive information on a flagged target of the Relzurautt Armada. The operation, dubbed "Splinter-Cell," went without a hitch, retrieving the information on a grounded Avian known only as "Redcrest". This Avian was a known producer and distributor of amphetamines and other drugs, and had been proven dangerous on more than one occasion.
    At this point, Legislatore Hollow had proven even more studious, creating ties and collecting debts. The colony of Alioth Prime had undergone a devastating plague, and despite its isolationist stance, the Armada took immediate action to aid its restructure. A similar program was underway for "Tetanus Fields," which has since been destroyed by an unclassified creature. Having created debt between these colonies, the High Legislator saw it fit to create bonds with mercenary companies and otherwise, including Exxon, the Vulcan Mining Company, the Solari and Zelena families of Liberty Mills, the colony Opportunity (Now known as Port Last), and even a mysterious conglomeration known as the "Unimatrix". Having created a foothold in the sector, with power equal to the surrounding governments, the Armada had become a contender in the Antares Sector.
    #3 Avis, Nov 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 17, 2014
  4. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    With his new found political power, High Legislator Hollow stepped even further, creating the Sovereign Systems. This group of planets and their governments would trade among themselves, vote for actions to be taken against hostiles, and supported order among the lawless frontier. The most prominent symbol of this union was the S.S. Grackle, who was responsible for nearly all of the shipments and security work that most governments could have needed. With the founding of this union, the Relzurautt Armada sent frequent food shipments to Tetanus Fields to keep it sustainable, and checked on the well-being of Alioth Prime and Opportunity. The Sovereign Systems were composed of the Armada, Opportunity, the Astral Empire, Tetanus Fields, and Alioth Prime.
    The Armada made enemies in its rise, however. Due to his seditious actions, the High Legislator and his relations with the United Systems were very stressed, the two constantly in a rivalry. Even more unfortunately than fringing upon war with the United Systems, was fringing upon war with its allies, such as the Knights' Order, Honeydew, and a colony known as Stark. However, with the raw materials brought from the Vulcan mines, the weaponry from "Mishka's Arms," the ships from the Titus shipyards, and the ingenuity of the Carroli Corporation, the Armada knew it stood more than a good chance to withstand an attack.
    During this time, Lieutenant Graveson and his ASO kept busy with what is now called "Operation: Geronimo," intended to capture the Floran Traptooth, and then followed with Operation Amphibious Warfare, which was based upon the documents found on the Avian drug lord "Redcrest". Prior to this assignment, a Marcus Crosswell was recruited into the Armada, who would later himself lead the ASO.
  5. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    Enclosed is a report written by Daniel Graveson:
    The Drug Cartel leader, Redcrest. Potentially a dangerous mastermind to many of the illegal drug farms and gangs around Sovereign space. A wide scale operation was conducted by the Armada's most elite, top-notch soldiers in an attempt to remove the threats from the face of the universe. The soldiers unfortunately, only had a few weeks time to prepare for such a feat. A paratrooper squad, also known as Exxon was called in order to reinforce the strike force, as well as to maintain good relations for the future. During the assault, commanding officer of the ASO, LT Graveson held multiple injuries as well as a concussion from the ship blast. Therefore, not all details of the firefight can be recalled. Information is being gathered by all participants of the events.

    The units took two boats to the shoreline. One boat, being a decoy filled with gaseous explosives was driven by Exxon members while the main boat of the strike force followed from a distance. The LT briefed the troops, stating that the amount of hired mercenaries were unknown, but to expect a large amount due to the wealthy nature of Redcrest. Before approaching the shoreline, Exxon troopers were called back to the main boat and the decoy was activated to propel itself to the shore. Expecting an immediate retaliation by the hired mercenaries of the drug cartel leader, armada forces were surprised that the boat was still intact as it hit the shore. 3 mercenaries showed to investigate. The boat was lit up releasing toxic gases and disoriented, if not completely wiped out the mercenaries providing enough time for the main boat to hit the other side of the beachhead. The ASO and Exxon laid suppressive fire, overwhelming the stationed mercenaries up the hillside and managed to overcome the first barricade after crawling through barbed wire. From there, the soldiers bravely fought off most of the hostile forces and reached the warehouse. The warehouse was empty, crates empty. A specialist opened the door to the exit and was met with a spray of bullets catching the unit off guard. It was apparent that Redcrest was willing to sacrifice his men in order to secure his own escape. The LT held his team behind the crates for cover as the Exxon squad took vantage point on the roof, effectively subduing their ambushers. The soldiers proceeded, fighting their way through the runway when a massive explosion took a chunk off the bridge, disorientating our soldiers. A stray bullet from the hail, caught the LT in the shoulder but the troops were ordered to proceed with the mission regardless. Air support remained unavailable, mercenary vessels disrupting signals. Mercenary shuttles arrived dropping off more hostiles and a firefight broke out in the hangar. A suicide bomber ran up to the soldiers. The bomber was subdued and the LT managed to grab Lieutenant Arid and pull him down off the bridge before the explosion went off. Several casualties. Exxon troopers subdued further hostile reinforcements as armada troops infiltrated the vessel. Performing standard vessel seizure protocols, the soldiers managed to make an opening into the ship but Redcrest's plasma weaponry was far superior and held the soldiers back. More suicide bombers and the team knew they didn't have much time. The ship was set to self destruct however, and Redcrest was able to escape using her mercenaries as bullet sponges. The ship then went up in a blaze, blasting all personnel off their feet. Numerous casualties sustained.
    Radio log:
    Overlord coming in. Proceed with seizure.
    Copy that. BREACH!
    * sounds of gunfire *
    Get off the ship! GET THE FUCK OF- * massive and deafening explosion *

    * After some time *
    Gather all personnel. Regroup.
    LT out.

    LT Graveson sufffered a concussion, news of a troop taking shrapnel to the chest, specialists missing several limbs. The whole hangar had been destroyed as well as the bridge. The General of the Armada ordered a personnel recovery team to immediately retrieve the task force. Mission is to be called off temporarily and eyes to be kept out on the lookout for Redcrest. ASO suits proved lifesaving and is considering implementation into standard. Further details are to be reported.

    Private First Class Marcus Crosswell received special mentions for this mission, bringing him into special graces with both Lieutenant Graveson, and the High Legislatore himself.
  6. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    Despite its recent defeat by a mere cartel, the Armada did not take this loss as a signal to stand down. In the interest of progress, High Legislator Hollow and Lieutenant Graveson issued the construction of a new ship. The R.A.S. Prometheus was to be a ship that no other ship before had appeared as; a cruiser with enough firepower to occupy a city. This ship was to become the flagship of the Armada, serving whatever purpose required of it. The responsibility of overseeing and constructing the ship fell to Private First Class Avis Alaea, who achieved the rank Specialist for his efforts. Alaea worked with Carroli scientists and the Titus shipyards, building a ship of his own vision. The R.A.S. Prometheus featured numerous turrets, all varying in use and firepower, as well as a modular system in a cargo bay, capable of supporting nearly any facilities required. The standard models bore either a prison hold, or extra bunks for large-scale invasions. The ship also bore the highest security the Armada could afford, with inter-vessel systems, to shields with nearly uncrackable codes.
  7. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    As the Armada grew in military strength and political influence, Redcrest remained elusive, and planned further horrors. While on shore leave, Avis Alaea frequently visited a female avian on Liberty Mills known as Rookster. Reports having shown that she did not meet him at the agreed upon time, Specialist Alaea walked down the streets of Liberty Mills, and was not seen again for several weeks, by anyone.
    Eventually, the ASO received a message from Redcrest herself, demanding they meet in a location for a ransom for the captive ASO member. Lieutenant Graveson mustered his men, heading for the planet, and upon touchdown, entered a cave. Alaea sat in a chair behind a window, his head covered while incoherently mumbling, his body clearly beaten. Redcrest demanded 10,000 voxels for the Avian's life, and the Armada, against its initial intent, eagerly agreed. However, Graveson still had other plans. ASO operatives were to flank Redcrest, who fled into a cave, while the others retrieved Alaea. Upon retrieval, however, Specialist Alaea had clearly been dead for weeks, his body exhibiting signs of oxygen-deprivation, among other things after being sent out an airlock on Redcrest's ship. As ASO operatives followed Redcrest, they also found Specialist Alaea's body wired to a bomb, causing a cave-in and trapping the ASO long enough for Redcrest to find a secret route out. Upon an autopsy of what remained, Specialist Alaea had been injected with well over three dozen doses of an unidentified drug, as well as undergoing intense psychological and physical torture. Upon the return with his body, ASO operatives found that he had not been able to resist the torture, and divulged nearly every secret the Armada had to Redcrest, including the shield codes for every large-class vessel the Armada owned. Alaea's body was stored in the Prometheus cargo hold without a proper funeral.

    The incident with Redcrest marked the first act of terrorism directly against the Relzurautt Armada. To this date, Redcrest is still at large.
    #7 Avis, Nov 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 17, 2014
  8. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    After the events with Redcrest, the Armada stressed its naval recruitment. One of the originals, Officer Cadet Eitan Levy, proved to be disastrous. OC Levy stood for individuality above the conglomerate, and was known among Armada command for being troublesome and passionate about that which was harmful to the Armada, even attempting to create an interplanetary crisis relief system in the hopes of helping those in the frontier, and to improve the Armada's decaying public relations. This decision is considered one of the most foolish moves in the Armada's history. However, Levy is credited with the most recent form of shield generator, focusing on hydro-nuclear power as the source, which, once stabilized, is more efficient than the prior methods. Eitan Levy was found murdered in the Prometheus, presumably devoured by a Floran.
    At the time of these events, Marcus Crosswell had been working closely with the Carroli Corporation, creating devastating plasma weaponry, as well as rudimentary rifles. Nearly every weapon in the arsenal was updated, as well as the addition of the "Variable Strike Platform," an exosuit which was to allow a soldier to function as an armored vehicle. Upon its first field test, however, Crosswell lost the entirety of both his arms, and although progress on the projects never stopped, the use of the suits was discontinued.
    More importantly at this time, the Astral empire's power had dwindled, and its slave trade had all but failed, leaving High Legislator Hollow with the desires to adopt the government, and its members, under the Relzurautt banner. While bolstering the numbers and economy, the Armada's eye shifted upon Tetanus Fields, whose debt had gone unpaid too long. After absorbing the Carroli Corporation as an official branch of the Armada, the ASO used a faux-food shipment to peacefully take control of the planet, later destroyed by an unclassified creature. While the colony remained in tact, Armada troops frequently drank in its bars, and met heavy resistance from the locals.
    #8 Avis, Nov 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 17, 2014
  9. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    As a group known as the "Outcasts" grew, locals of Antares noticed a shocking diminish in the numbers of the Armada. What used to be a massive force dwindled to a small squad of heavily armored soldiers to protect the remaining interests in Antares. The situation is explained in a quote from Captain Marcus Crosswell:
    "the RA was looking for something. They had been looking for this particular something for a long while, and when they found it, it took immediate precedence over all other matters. So they boarded their ships, they abandoned Tetanus Fields (some might call it a de-occupation, rather), cut all trade routes, and left.

    Between then and now, there was a battle. This battle, too, is classified to such a degree that only the Armada's leaders have access to the details. And when they discuss it, it is in hushed whispers.

    This battle was won. It also resulted in ninety seven percent losses amongst the Armada and its personnel, both civilian and military.

    The surviving pieces of the Armada are as follows:

    One Prometheus-class battlecruiser, the Poseidon, severely crippled. Barely space worthy. Most of its crew perished in the line of duty - the remnants have formed a skeleton crew, which was thankfully enough to see the ship home. Every other Prometheus-class vessel (four of them, out of five) were destroyed in the line of duty.

    The Asteria, Crosswell's ship. Marcus Crosswell, head of the RA's Research and Development, never left with the rest of the Armada. His body had taken such a toll over time from various combat-related injuries that it started to fail him. He was dying. In a latch ditch effort to save the backbone of the Armada's military research so that he may continue to serve, the Glitch members of his research team used the remaining resources left over in the research station to construct a body. The scientists, with the help of the station's small medical contingent and under guard by the Asteria's troops, undertook an incredibly risky brain transplant operation.

    It was successful, but at a cost. Crosswell can no longer feel pain, warmth or cold. He has lost the sensations of taste and smell, and it took many days and hours for him to relearn basic motor functions, such as walking or even holding a pencil. Only time will tell if he ever returns to prime form.

    The Asteria's crew refused to depart without its captain, in direct violation of Armada orders. But this defiance proved to be crucial - the Asteria held the majority of the RA's experimental military technology, including the Scorpio exoskeletons, the three Orion variable strike platforms and the highly classified Taurus heavy assault exosuit, which was transferred over from the research station as the scientists began evacuation procedures.

    As a result, the Asteria never received a scratch, and has become the de facto flagship of the remaining forces as they return to the Antares sector. It is pivotal in the effort to find a safe planet to land and dock the ravaged fleet. The vast majority of the Armada's most important military technology remains perfectly secure, and the Carroli Corporation researchers have joined the crew so they might continue to study and develop what they can, despite the rapidly dwindling resources.

    Six Stone light dropships and their crews, in varying states of spaceworthiness. The rest of the Stone dropships (thirty, out of a total of thirty-six) were destroyed in the line of duty.
    Four Wasp fighters, all moderately damaged. The rest of the Wasps (twenty-one, out of a total of twenty-five) were destroyed in the line of duty.
    The target of the Armada, the reason why it left in the first place. It is secured and hidden. Whether it was worth the cost is seriously debatable.

    And finally, the Yggdrasil, the former flagship of the Armada and home to the majority of its civilians. Destroyed in the line of duty.
    The Relzurautt Armada has seen better days. Its focus now is to simply find a place to set down and lick its wounds, as the nomadic lifestyle is unsustainable given the current situation. Whether or not this makeshift "colony" will be open to the public is being discussed amongst the survivors, but whatever the outcome, it should be obvious that the remaining forces will stand vigilant and protect their home.

    Because even though the rest of the old, militaristic factions of Antares have long since collapsed, the RA still stands. Progress and order must still be - and will be - maintained."

    Captain Marcus Crosswell,
    August 29th, 2414, Earth Calendar

    The contents of the objective are still classified, and have been spread to select individuals in the unlikely event of the current trio's deaths.

    At this time, the Carroli technicians were working on a vessel known as the "Charon," a vessel the likes of which had never been seen before:
    "The RA-013 Charon is the most recent development in the RA's fleet of ships. The Charon is a multipurpose strike-craft built to withstand the rigors of entering and departing from a planets atmosphere. The Charon is outfitted with a series of weaponry focusing on plasma based projectiles as well as a moderately sized bomb-bay. The vessel serves as the Armada's answer to planetary warfare. But, due to the Armada's primary purpose, the ship is suitable for combat operations with in the void of space. The cockpit is designed for a single pilot. The ship is designed for ease of use. However, pilots are required to submit to a neural uplink, which requires extension surgery. This is due in part to the vast inefficiency of modern AI's or drones. The uplink facilitates greater control for the pilot, resulting in a very deep connection between pilot and vessel. The uplink itself is the first of it's kind within the Armada."

    Officer Cadet and 25-year USCM veteran Eugene Donovan was chosen to undergo the first uplink, which proved to have devastating effects on the user.