*picture of Ted attached to the post, seems unharmed* *recording starts* Hsss Warchief Blackfang aftersss Floran victory overssss meatbag colony! Heresss firsssst ssslave of meatbaggington. In goodsss condition. Good ssslave for cleaning-worksss. Will sssell each ssslave for shipment of meatssss. Contactssss if wantssss ssslave. *recording ends*
*recording starts* Isss have new offersessss! Buyssss while sssslavesss ssstill breathingsss! *recording ends*
((Clearly John is psychic and knew a Floran would come by disguised as a Blackfang, then bust him out xD))
((Was that you? If so, high five.)) Wow, not even including me on the list. Screw you, Blackfang. I thought what we had in that short time was special. - Johnson
*recording starts* Ssssecond ssslave calledsss "Eleven" hassss been tradedsss. Adding detailssss of new sssslave ssssoon. *recording ends*
*recording starts* Hssss Sssorrysss. Him andssss new ssslave foundssss are being ssssold asss speak. *recording ends*
(( I was the guy who busted out Junko and Johnson. I also took along some Blackfang who Johnson converted. I was all ninja like and disguised as a Blackfang. It was fun. I did it with Greenok. )) Heysss, you never givesss borrowed armourss back to Floran!
Are there any quality "slaves" for sale left ? I am interested in acquiring one. I will pay considerably well but my demands are high as well. -Tyrr Zhar