I was jailed after confronting a member of the MiniKnog in the streets of Gum. Despite the fact the she OPENLY admitted to being MiniKnog in front of Gum authorities, I was detained and she was free to roam. This is not acceptable! All who are not against MiniKnog are /FOR/ MiniKnog! All who call any non-MiniKnog apex their friend are asked to /AVOID/ Gum and warn their compatriots! Yukari, leader of Gum is unsympathetic to the plight of the apex. All be warned. Gum is for MiniKnog. Panzer v2
((some real SJW shit going on here. welcome to gumblr, where apex feminists shit all over cis white humans.))
I find no problems with Gum. Being tolerant is not an offense, but something to applaud. If the aforementioned Miniknog individual did not assault you or inflict upon your rights, there is no real reason to inflict upon hers. - RayBeluga Hey, Gum is the best, cuz, like everyone is nice there! -<Gillian3
Ray this /tolerance/ of yours is poorly placed. Are you still a Hand? I always saw you as a logical being but if you think MiniKnog is acceptable on ANY level, I cannot agree with you. You disappoint me and hurt me, along with the cause of The Hand. I tried to help Katta in your defense before on Taranis but if you can't understand our plight then I cannot keep your support. I hurt if I must reject someone I /thought/ to be a logical, thinking being as you. I /reject/ you as a member of the Hand if you cannot see the error of your 'logic'. Educate yourself on the truth of the MiniKnog. If you see no issue there then you are not a friend of the Hand. You are not a friend of /mine/. I want your support, but cannot have it if you are so erronous. Panzer v2
All I meant to say is do not criticize the government of Gum for being politically neutral. I did not voice my personal opinion on the Miniknog, which I assure you is very much against them. Please, do not be so cutting with your words. It hurt to read what you said. I hope we are still friends, Panzer. -RayBeluga
Ray, I want your support. I want your friendship but if you knew what I've dealt with in Gum I doubt you'd support Yukari as you do. I doubt you'd support her if you knew the extent of the MiniKnog depravity. They are villainous! More so than the Outcasts! Think about this when you are attacked in the future by any volatile group! Understand my reasoning! Panzer v2
"Jesus, if yer that much if a whipped bitch for a 'friend' who chews you out for the whole world to see I can't imagine how much ass you kiss for your whore of a girlfriend. Fella, drop yer shitty 'friend' and get a new gal too." -Friendly Advice
Kindly retract that statement, insolent one, and I can pretend you never said that. Do not insult my friends or family again. -RayBeluga
"Your lady is a loose fish man, and uh... Friends don't insult friends in public forums. Clear out yer shoddy group of companions fore ya get pissy with me." -Friendly Advice
Ray, you are too good to be offended by this one. He is a common StarNet maker of discourse. Trust in the loyalty of your companions. Please at least warn others of what I've endured here. Panzer v2
-ReflectiveStoneIguana- I think you should calm down and think twice before posting things like this, openly hating against a colony and a person, just because you thought they weren't against the Miniknog, or that they even supported it. I, personally, highly dobut they support the Miniknog. I believe they detained you and not the Miniknog simply to avoid trouble. The miniknog probably has more assets than Gum has, because it's just a small colony. They couldn't even withstand a single miniknog attack, so they just decided to avoid any problems whatsoever by detaining you, rather than risking an attack of the miniknog. So yeah, hate them for trying to avoid a possible miniknog attack against which they can't defend themselves at all, thus ensuring the safety of the colony and its citizens.
Suggestion. Don't mix your personal ideals with colony/faction politics. Reason. It never works, and just ends up in a raging s**tstorm. - Grey Knight Commander John M893-CV of Taranis
To be honest, I quite like Gum. The people are nice, even if some of the members of the GSF are a tad jumpy. ... Granted, I haven't been anywhere past the Security Checkpoint in a while. There never seems to be anybody watching those gates... - SpeakNoEvil
May I say that I was one of the guards who arrested you? You SCREAMED at the Miniknog, and you pulled out a GUN and POINTED IT AT THE MINIKNOG. That is a very good reason to arrest you. You didn't put away the pistol after many commands to put it away.. you put it away after like 15 minutes of us yelling at you trying to get you to put it away. God, tell the entire story before you post the thread. -TachiNono ((Tachi))