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Jared's Lost Journal

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by yoyohaloreach, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. yoyohaloreach

    yoyohaloreach New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Hmm, what to put here.... Ah my old man had a quote. not a good quote but a quote. He always told me right after I got into a fight, or I got hurt he said, "Kid... The world is a dick, life is it's bitch and the truth is it's unwanted son." Back then I didn't believe those words, I knew there was going to be some good times that would last.... Boy was I fucking stupid...
    (First Entry)- I just got into the system the computer calls it Antares, hmm well I guess this is my new life in the clunker of a space ship. I just escaped from earth a few days ago, kept going and I'm out of fuel... I've been hearing what I assume is radio chatter from the main console, athough I prefer to get a few supplies before finding out whatever is around here.... It's no been a few hours later I saw, this robot people caging this weird diseased ape thing. Further down the road I met the local population of this place, they call themselves the glitch. I've heard of these people but I've never really seen one, interesting people they sort of live in this weird fantasy world but like in space. Anyways I've found enough fuel to get myself out of here, when I get back to my ship I send out a distress beacon and I am apparently picked up by e Glitch and... Floran? I looked em up fierce creatures they are supposed to be... (This is just what I recall from the beginning of the server so yeah...)
  2. yoyohaloreach

    yoyohaloreach New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Next date a few days later:
    I was welcomed with open arms, nice little homey place with an Inn... Couldn't really afford staying in there so I asked to live there, I built myself a house it was made out of metal and wood not the best combination but hey I work with what I have. The Glitch was quite nice his name was Bodehn, the floran was even sweeter as well and gave me a delicious meal her name was Prysscylla. On my adventures I met up with two other humans, one who called himself doc (Who was a big surprise a doctor) And one named Mandy quite the armored and well stocked one. She gave me enough fuel to get me around... Next place I visited was the Freezer ran by a man from the USCM trying to rebuild, quite the cold place met a floran and an avian I didn't really get to know them.... Although the man was named Ashe, I told him I was ex USCM I gave him my excuse... I assaulted my commanding officer for an order I could not do, and he said even with that I should have followed orders. He didn't give off the best impressions but well I stayed in contact with him just incase I needed any aid.
  3. yoyohaloreach

    yoyohaloreach New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    A week later:
    Me and Prysscyla or my little nickname for her Pry have gotten to know each other threw exploring and such, as well as talking over those nice meals she makes for us. We have gotten really close I have started to get a bit shy around her, and she questions it quite a bit I'm afraid that I have to tell her the truth.... I did and she had some time to think, a floran and human couple isn't really considered normal but I don't really care I'm just happy she said yes. On other accounts I have been made the lawman of the Prior... That's what we're calling it now, in reward of this Pry gave me a nice hat. On other news the Freezer is up and running with a few people living in it already we trade with them got a nice assault rifle from them I did. There is also Avalon a well... Lets call it the detroit of space the leader of it, well at least to say she is very open like... Valley open. Anyways last news Bodehn is making a base of operations for security and such.
  4. yoyohaloreach

    yoyohaloreach New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    A while later, lets say two months:
    Damn it's been some time since I have put in a long on this damn computer... Well, me, Pry, and Bodehn are running the prior well. I moved out of that weird mixed metal shack and helped build this big place for me and pry to live in, she was so happy when I told he that she could live with me. Although it was mostly made out of metal, she used quite a lot of vegitation to make it homey for her. There is also this kid named Nathan he calls himself a "bard" or whatever, that means a musician. Other then that... I found a nice plasma rifle and traded it for a lot more assault rifles to add to the armory that Bodehn made. Nothing much else to add really.