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T-34's To-Do List

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Optimism, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. Optimism

    Optimism Guest

    (( A piece of notebook paper taped by his ship's beam pad. ))

    -Get a new job. (Preferably honest work) HAHA! Got one!
    -Send padres their monthly cut of the paycheck.
    -Fly with a jet pack for the hell of it.
    -Fix up the space tin can before she starts falling apart again.
    -Get PDA fixed.
    Don't need to now.

    Didn't finish everything I wanted to, but whatevs. All I've got a surplus of around here are dusty print books and canned food packed with enough preservatives to probably make me live forever, but that should change now that I've got a job. Joined the bindle-stiff platoon today, which means I should have enough by the end of the month to send ma and pa their financial aid package. Buncha crazies and stone-faces for comrades, I swear. Well, plenty time to get some social work done on 'em. I swear to God, I'm gonna put some smiles on these poor bastards' faces. Especially that Avian in R&D. Holy shit does she need one.

    Met a techie Avian by the name of Taryx or something. He's cool. I'll probs invite him down for another drink sometime again.

    -Training tomorrow. <--- (Hey, dumbass. Don't forget this!!!)
    #1 Optimism, Nov 3, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2014