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Science Gone Wrong

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Switchback, Oct 30, 2014.

  1. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    " I don't think this is such a good idea father..." Rakael had exclaimed, a few other scientists nodding their heads.
    " It worked on the animals but testing it on Apex, let alone yourself is dangerous!" She added.
    " Please Rakael, we've almost made a scientific breakthrough! Everything will be fine. Trust me." Jeremiah patted her head
    " But-"
    "Trust me."
    "... Fine" Rakael sighed and nodded her head

    "Rakael..? Rakael? Rakael!"

    She snapped to attention as she stopped recalling what happened not just four days ago.
    " S-Sorry.. just thinking."
    She returned to looking down at the corpse on the medical bed, the body already autopsied. She looked down to the clipboard again, reading the name once more. Jeremiah Kong. Age 42. Height 6'2. Weight 163 pounds. Cause of Death: Redacted. She let out another sigh, her eyes growing watery as she looked down at her father's corpse. ' I knew it would have turned out badly, and I was right. Now here you are...'
    " Rakael? I know this is hard for you... you can go on ahead. I'll finish up here." The male assistant offered. Rakael nodded and set the clipboard down, took off the gloves and wiped her eyes as she walked to the sink to wash up. Putting some soap in her hands and starting to scrub them clean.
    She started to think about her Father again, always ending up back at the moment she could have stopped him but didn't. She snapped back to reality once again when she heard screaming, running to where it was then stopping in the doorway, eyes wide. The assistant was screaming for help as he was being bitten into by none other than her father. She stood there in shock, not even breathing as she watch her father tear out the assistants throat. She turned and started to run, swiping the keycard on the door and bolting out it, leaving it open and not looking back, leaving passers byers dumbfounded. She ran as fast as she could, what seemed like ages were only minutes as she reached her grandfather's house and banging on the door.
    " Grandfather!! GRANDFATHER!!" She yelled, hoping he wasn't napping. Luckily he wasn't since he opened the door with a concerned expression on his face. " Rakael? is everything alright?" Harlow questioned his granddaughter.
    " N-No..no..no.. he's alive.. I. he's alive... I don't know how but he's alive and k-killed my assistant!!" She blurted out, Her whole body shaking hard.
    " Rakael! Calm down and tell me what happened." Harlow ordered as he put his old hands on her shoulders to steady her shaking.
    " I-I was washing up.. a-and.. and... I heard screaming... an-and.. I rand to see what happened... and.. D-Dad.... Dad was up and attacking my assistant and.... I ran.. I ran.. " She started to cry, her heart and mind racing, hoping it was all just a bad dream. Harlow simply hugged her tightly, figuring she nodded off at her desk and had a bad dream, He was sadly proven wrong when he heard screaming followed by gunfire. Both looked up then at each other, Harlow led Rakael to the screaming. Both would witness shambling corpses limp and devouring other colonists. Dead ones springing back to life after clearly being dead.
    Harlows eyes widened. " What in sam hell...!?" "
    " I told you!!" Rakael whimpered out. Harlow took Rakael by the hand firmly and started running with her to the spaceport, passing by colonists screaming for help and being devoured by the undead.
    " Wh-Where are we going?!" Rakael exclaimed, nearly tripping over herself as she ran.
    " We're leaving!" Harlow responded.
    " B-But the colony! The colonists! what abo--" She'd be interrupted by her grandfather.
    " if we stay here we're dead! We're all that matters right now! If no one else is at the port then they're not coming!"
    "B-But--! "
    "No buts!" Harlow yelled, the normally calm and gentle hearted Apex never sounded so stern in all the years Rakael had heard him.
    They soon reached the spaceport, seeing only cargo workers.
    Harlow told them what was happening, they quickly dropped what they were carrying and followed to the ships, only finding 2 cargo ships and Rakaels fathers. Naturally Rakael and Harlow took Jeremiahs while the others took the cargo ships.
    As Harlow flew the ship up and out of the spaceport Rakael gazed out the window, their home colony, where Rakael was born and What Harlow helped build, being reduced to nothing but a crypt. Rakael couldn't stop staring as they flew off into space, most likely never able to return.

    (( Just a little backstory to Rakael, since the wiki is broken and no one really reads it anyway I figured i write what happened before Rakael popped up in Antares. Feedback is welcome, I know I'm not the best at writing but uh... oh well? :3 ))
    #1 Switchback, Oct 30, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 30, 2014
  2. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    ((Es good))
  3. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    ((10/10 gud zombeh storee
    In all seriousness, very well done. Good job!))
  4. Ricardo

    Ricardo ERP Champ 2016

    Aug 25, 2014
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    ((Not a bad short story! :) Everything happens kind of quickly but that at least avoids the TL;DR people. I wouldn't mind reading more stories like this one.))