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Fearmarker's Ship Log

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by QuestionableMotives, Oct 26, 2014.

  1. QuestionableMotives

    QuestionableMotives Not To Be Trusted

    Oct 25, 2014
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    ((These can only be accessed by directly hacking into Fearmarker's password-protected ship terminal, or PDA.))

    A screen flickers to life, showing a skinny but fairly muscular Apex sitting in the cockpit of a small fighter. Over his head and through the glass canopy that surrounds him, elongated tendrils of multicoloured light streak past. The Apex himself has a stern, somewhat scared looking face, and he is still frantically tapping keys on the terminals around him.

    W- what the-?
    The video terminates.

    The video log starts up again, showing the Apex in the same fighter. He is no longer going FTL, instead he has a large grassy looking planet directly overhead.

    "Oh, so that's what button it was. Uh, Hi. I guess." He gives a small wave to the camera. "Sorry about earlier, I might delete that clip. Then again, that means this one won't make even a little sense. I'm- well.. I kinda have two names. The miniknog know me as Hellbiter, but my alias is Fearmarker. Hopefully there's no Miniknog cronies checking out the feed right now. I'm with- well, was with those Miniknog tyrants, but..." he gives a feeble smile "I left. Stirred up the hornets nest, I can tell you that much. I know a few things-" he taps his head with a slender, although furry finger. "That the ol' Ministry of Knowledge wouldn't like me to share with you. Anywho... " he looks out towards the planet, past his cockpit "I'll update this log later. I still think I'm being followed, scanners are showing three small fightercraft just warped into the system. They're showing standard Apex search patterns. I'll be back later."

    The video cuts out abruptly.
  2. QuestionableMotives

    QuestionableMotives Not To Be Trusted

    Oct 25, 2014
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    It appears to be a private message, saved onto the ship computer. It reads;

    "Alright, so I've been working for the person who sold me the ship-- Knurlaggn, he's called. Runs a science facility. A glitch running a laboratory. Anywho, he's sent me some coordinates-- as a very generous gift-- to head over to. But first, I've funded the supplies for the journey. The coordinates are as labled below;

    X *** Y ***. Beta **** ** * ** - DROPOFF. Once you get those, beam to my ship.

    The coordinates have been hidden.
  3. QuestionableMotives

    QuestionableMotives Not To Be Trusted

    Oct 25, 2014
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    The timestamp on this message is three weeks after the first.

    Fearmarker is sitting in the cockpit of a larger ship, obviously Apex by design. There's a smear of dried blood on the door it's obviously been there for a while. There is a nasty cut running along his cheek as well, just beggining to scab over.

    "Well... I decided to make this log thing a permanent thing. I guess. Why not?" He reaches up, touching the large cut. He winces and pulls his hand back down. "This is the SS. "New Borneo".. It was a miniknog ship, so I... borrowed it." He chuckles. "It's an expeditionary ship, with only two crew members. Well, before I got here. Now it's just me. I decided I needed a better ship, since Big Ape knows what I was flying before. Now, they won't know. I've decided to rename it the Phoenix, I think it kind of fits.... well, this." He spreads his arms, motioning to everything around him. "I haven't had the friendliest past, and now I'm changing it. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, I guess you could say." He chuckles, rubbing a palm across his face. He winces when it touches the cut. "Look at me, I sound like some sort of philosopher." He checks his PDA, sets it down, and stares into space for a while. He begins to speak, although not directly to the camera.
    "It's been two weeks since I took the ship. I made a friend of sorts, his name is Dynyl. We went on an expedition to an asteroid field, apparantly a friend of his found something of interest and sent us to investigate. It was an old research lab... what we found in the computer's logs was interesting. I might post the findings on Starnet soon, but..." He shakes his head, turning to the camera. "I don't know. Anyways, I guess that'll be all." He reaches a hand out of the camera's view, and a moment later the feed shuts off.
  4. QuestionableMotives

    QuestionableMotives Not To Be Trusted

    Oct 25, 2014
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    The video camera would flicker to life, showing Fearmarker settling in his seat. He begins to speak in a somewhat hopeful voice.

    I've got potentially good news. I was on Starnet when I saw some post about 'The Grey Hand'. I sent an anonymous message, and met up with one of the members. She's also an Apex... I'm not really sure about her past, the conversation seemed to be focused on me. I didn't go into detail about all of what happened to me -" He pats his chest with a furry hand. "But I guess I did a good enough job of answering the questions.. probably.
    I'm not in with them yet, but I'm keeping hy hopes up. I have a feeling that around here, you can't just stick around by yourself."

    He reaches his hand out of view, and the video feed cuts off.
  5. QuestionableMotives

    QuestionableMotives Not To Be Trusted

    Oct 25, 2014
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    A lower quality video feed starts up, revealing Fearmarker standing in front of a bustling construction zone. The skeleton of a large steel building can be seen, and half a dozen robotic drones can be seen whizzing around, making welds and carrying pieces of metal to and fro. Fearmarker himself looks tired and somewhat dirty, although he has a large grin on his face.

    I haven't put this into a log, although I really should have. I met someone, by the name of Rainheart. We started talking and became friends, the first friend since I've came here really. He and I talked for a while, and... he introduced to me the idea of starting a colony, which at first didn't appeal to me in the least. Now, however.." He smiles a little, the corners of his mouth raising just enough to reveal a large canine protruding from either side of his mouth. "It'll be safe here, in Haven. We're getting large quantities of supplies, mainly from an old scrap yard out in the Beta sector. The metal is being recycled and sent here for incredibly cheap prices." His face takes a more serious look, before he resumes speaking in a more cautious voice.
    "My one concern is the Miniknog finding us here before we're prepared to defend. Other than that... everything is going good. Really good."

    He laughs a little, his face returning to a content expression.
    He turns around, looking at the drones buzzing around the skeleton of a building. He rubs the back of his neck with a furry hand, and looks back at the camera again.

    "And... this is it. This is Haven. Everything is coming into shape. There's not much to comment on yet, construction has only begun... I'll keep it updated."