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Stab-Dancer's ship log.

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Wreth, Oct 24, 2014.

  1. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    (Crudely written in floran carving style drawings and writing, but written on her ship's computer via a touch screen and bone stylus. It requires knowledge of several passwords, and extended use of Stab-Dancer's personal computer to read.)

    So apparently there ''ex'' Outcast leader on Opportunity. Blaze, the blue haired human. Said she kill other Outcast leader Cass. Floran might have believed her, but she was way too defensive when floran ask for proof. She'd pretty much go from someone floran want to kill, to someone floran would consider hero if true, so why she so hesitant to prove it? It make no sense to floran.

    It also very strange that the RA, with all ex-SCUM soldiers happily allow leader of an organisation that kidnapped, tortured, and murdered people, and committed multiple acts of terrorism that ultimately resulted in the destruction of a major human colony, openly own property and work on their colony. ''Ex'' leader or not. Many of them even help ICIA fight the Outcasts when that conflict was happening.

    Tarl's sudden cease of reply also strange, not seem like him.

    Something strange happening on Opportunity. Though floran not sure if it will have effect offworld, elsewhere in Antares.

    In other news, Venus contact floran about successful raid on a stupid human's ship. She is odd floran. Seem like multiple separate people in one body. Sometimes is timid, shy and sweet. Othertimes bloodthirsty and savage, othertimes cold, calculated and efficient. Must be due to experiences as slave.

    Apparently good at organising raids though. We get much medical supplies, food, and plenty tasty blood from raid.
  2. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Floran wrote this?

    It says floran did but floran not recognise any of it.

    It is as unfamiliar as anything written by anyone else.

    Floran not remember.

    Floran remember one thing though.

    Ssstab, ssstab, ssstab.
  3. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    When Tribal florans are taking the role of security officers on other planets, you know things are a mess.

    Maintaining order is not exactly in our sap. In fact, florans thrive on discord.

    Still it gave the tribe a chance to do some good in the eyes of the general Antares population. The criminals killed someone, and even the self claimed ''civilised'' cultures execute people for that sort of crime, yet floran only injured the criminals.

    Admittedly if it had been a tribemember they had killed, floran would not have hesitated to execute them but as Chief it's my responsibility to my tribekin to neutralise any threats to their safety, and people that kill tribemembers are exactly that. I'm sure the other factions would respect that decision.

    It's funny, the other races have the nerve to call us uncivilised, yet they are so hypocritical.

    Humans, Avians, Hylotl, Glitch, Novakid, Apex. They all have locks on their doors. Floran used to think it was a fairly smart security response to interspecies conflicts. For example, human might lock their doors to protect themselves and their possessions from floran raiders. However after learning more about the histories of humanity, it turns out humans actually installed locks on their doors before they ever encountered other intelligent life, before they even left their homeworld or achieved space travel.

    They had locks to protect themselves, from each other.

    Florans do not have locks on our doors, we never have, and probably never will, florans do not steal from floran, it's simply not in our nature, not in our culture. Each floran assumes a role in the tribe based on their interests and abilities, and then provides a service to the tribe. We work in unity to provide for the tribe, and Flora as a whole. Why would a bonesmith steal from the hunter, when the hunter is the same floran that helps the bonesmith by bringing them meat. In the same way the hunter does not steal from the bonesmith, as the bonesmith makes the furniture, weaponry and armour for the hunter.

    Floran culture is about cooperation and unity. Every floran works towards the betterment of every floran, we feel safe in our homes with our doors unlocked amongst our kin.

    This is more than be said for the other races. They have the nerve to call us uncivilised when they cannot even trust their neighbours not to harm them or steal their possessions. They live in fear of each other as much as they do of us. No society can be considered healthy or ''civilised'' when those within their ''civilisation'' are so scared of each other.

    It makes me proud to be a Floran, proud to be part of Flora, knowing that florans in same tribe do not steal or hurt each other, and do this out of choice. Flora is an efficient, unified, voluntary, and cooperative collective that works with deadly efficiency. Whilst other races cultures are plagued with petty infighting, thievery and a lack of trust between members of the same race, or even same settlement.
  4. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Floran has some kind of new creature, an intelligent one. After a fight, floran tasted its blood, it tasted strange, not entirely unpleasant, but it certainly wasn't meat, or plant like floran. The creature seems to share the the floran lust for stabbing and blood. Despite the creature having an entirely different appearance and physiology to us florans, it seems to share our way of thinking.

    Flora has never been opposed to mutually beneficial alliances, and so floran offered the creature, called Steel-Skin in floran tongue a place in the tribe. He accepted. He had already assisted the tribe multiple times and so floran though it was only fair.

    Floran suspects this creature will end up very useful in the future.