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IC: IV4N Video Log

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Redwilt, Oct 20, 2014.

  1. Redwilt

    Redwilt Washed up has been

    Jan 21, 2014
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    (This is publicly uploaded, and while his face is not directly shown, it's pretty obvious who he is.)
    Ah, hello! Name is... eh, not important, yah?

    Anyway. Figured I would start up video log. Popular people do that, right? Heh.

    I am miner, hearty and hale! Despite injury. -He shifts his arm in a sling- I decided to go to advertised beach other day, and met three amazing comrades! Bold Hylotl, Charming Human and Shy Glitch. All very nice individuals, dah! Reminds me of olden days, when I had many comrades and sang song Katyusha alongside them in the mine.

    Although, I do worry about one comrade. Have not seen in person, and says she has stuff going on it life. I'm sure it's nothing big... I hope.
    -He takes a solemn pause, for about 30 seconds-
    Maybe comrade will see, and we can talk once more, yah! -He lets off a hearty chuckle that ends in a hacking cough- Oh... cyka. That hurt chest..
    -He gingerly placed his hand over the offending spot- Not sure doctor did good job... but.. I am just miner, she was doctor. Supposed have to trust them.

    -He cleared his throat- Well, Is enough log for now. Will get some more rest, like doctor say. Just wish she had given stronger pain med...
    -He fumbles over the off button for a moment before the video clicks off-
  2. Redwilt

    Redwilt Washed up has been

    Jan 21, 2014
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    ( OOC: You can reply to any of the videos )

    Title: VLog 2
    Time: Early Morning; Location: Asani

    [The video opens up on a badly injured man in the bed, with a voice recognizable as Napol's behind the camera] "It's on."

    [The man in the bed smiles at the camera]
    H-hello, comrades... [His voice is hoarse, and weak]
    I figured would upload, to let friends know I will be okay, yah?

    Operation was long, and very painful, despite numbing stuff. [He appeared mournful for a time] But the doctor was kind and gentle, made sure everything was right and fixed me up good, heh. [He struggled to sit up and failed, lying back down] I feel so... weak, comrades, like newborn child. My main worry is Kryssa. I never got to tell her what I wanted to! And.. didn't get to make sure she was okay after shielding her.

    [There is the sound of a lighter in the background and a light inhale from someone smoking]
    [He sighs] I am well, comrades. In two days, will be able to fend for self again, but will still be weak for long time.
    I am done now, yah? Can turn camera off.

    [The camera bobs as the person in the background fumbles with it and the video cuts off]
  3. Redwilt

    Redwilt Washed up has been

    Jan 21, 2014
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    The camera cuts on with a slight hum. Before you sits a relatively gaunt man, but he is smiling.

    "Hello, comrades! First day I am able to have strength since ordeal with florans. I am very grateful to be alive. What do I have to say.. hmm. So much! So little time though, is not fair. Heh."

    He shifts slowly to get more comfortable, movement obviously still painful for him. "Doctor has done wonderful job this time. Took good care of me, and will be helping me with therapy after. I.."

    He closed his mouth, taking a deep breath. "I confessed feelings to certain comrade... and she returned them, partially. She said 'not quite yet'. I get it, really. Is not always easy to overcome emotional hardship. Heh." He gazed off dreamily for a moment.

    "I digress. While I feel better, I am still weak. Hoping to fix that soon."
    As he reaches over to turn the camera off, a soft "I wonder if any of my old comrades are still around.." can be heard before it shuts off.