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Raids, Crime, and Self Defense

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by JimHarrison, Oct 11, 2014.

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  1. M-Bot

    M-Bot #swellest

    Apr 4, 2014
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    the world is exploding around me

    and im just here


    can someone hug me i need a hug
  2. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    *Robo-Bro-Hug, no homo*
  3. Kaiser Franz

    Kaiser Franz New Member

    Feb 13, 2014
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    I'mma build us a time machine, and you and me can go back to just breaking things at Liberty Mills.​
  4. Nioki

    Nioki New Member

    Aug 14, 2014
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    Well. You're blunt and straightforward. So.
    As a faction, the outcasts can be immensely annoying. Even ignoring the lack of good communication, they are very, very disruptive. Whenever things on a busy settlement settle down, whenever stories and character relationships start to build up, bang. Outcasts. Maybe they've got reasons, but it gets hard to care about those reasons when another building gets blown up, another five characters get leg piercings, or another half hour is spent cowering from random gunfire. Whatever nuances the outcasts may have gets lost in the pure 'Oh come ON not again! Just stop it already!'
    It's great that people are playing antagonists. It really is.
    But antagonists should be a problem IC, not a disruptive annoyance OOC.
  5. skipi

    skipi New Member

    Jun 17, 2014
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    that seems like a personal problem
    because rp is not something that always has to conform to the way you want it to
    it's not /your/ story to control
    the outcasts are not going to hold off their attack until the end of your life changing bar conversation

    if they are a nuisance, treat it in character
    there is no reason you should be frustrated about something that happens in character just because its inconvenient toward your character
  6. Narfball

    Narfball narfball

    Dec 22, 2013
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    i think the point trying to be made was: the outcasts are immersion breaking at times.

    edit: please note the word 'think', thank you.
  7. Sen

    Sen Guest

    Ma be someone shoukdcyobkillbthem
  8. Nioki

    Nioki New Member

    Aug 14, 2014
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    Nor is it something that always has to conform to the way you want it. Throughout this thread, you have seemed entirely unwilling to compromise or even consider the majority of complaints brought up against the way the outcasts are run.
    This isn't about inconvenience towards a character - which, by the way, IS one of the ways my characters treat it IC. This is about inconvenience towards the RP as a whole. This is about not being able to tell a story because, partway through someone's sentence, their character gets shot in the legs by a bunch of paper bandit cutouts. Are they really that two dimensional? Maybe not. But they rarely look like more than that.
    You can be as IC as you want. Your IC sucks. And it's janking up the whole caboodle.
  9. skipi

    skipi New Member

    Jun 17, 2014
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    its a shame you feel that way
  10. Narfball

    Narfball narfball

    Dec 22, 2013
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    i'm glad you're willing to accept criticism and people making mention of their opinions :^)
  11. Nioki

    Nioki New Member

    Aug 14, 2014
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    If you are unwilling to acknowledge or address any of the problems that players have with the outcasts, you should not lead them.
  12. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
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    Welp, this has degenerated into another flamewar. Albeit a somewhat civilized one. Please try to put this train back in track!
  13. JimHarrison

    JimHarrison Grouchy Player

    Apr 18, 2014
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    Don't bother leaving messages if this is your idea of constructive.

    You too, Skipi.
  14. Malachar

    Malachar Heir to Madness

    Feb 1, 2014
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    My main issue with outcasts, since we're leaving ours here, is the incosistency.

    I have often heard it stated. "The otucasts are not a unified group"
    Yet they are also a group ready to be called in?

    The outcasts are not a faction.
    Yet they have suppliers and specific heads.

    And the common rebuttal I see to many of the outliers is that they aren't roleplaying as the outcasts are meant to RPed.

    I just wanna know which it is? Is it a faction or not? If it isn't, might be a good idea to cut down on funding and gear if it's actually just a bunch of joe schmos.

    If it is, keep the funding and gear, lose the alts.

    I won't go into detail of communications and consent as that horse has been cut to pieces with the stick.

    This has been Mal's 2 cents.
  15. Nioki

    Nioki New Member

    Aug 14, 2014
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    Yeah. When you read this, sorry, Skipi. That was very rude of me and way out of line. Got caught up in the moment.
  16. LaserLlamas

    LaserLlamas Mother of the Pack

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Eh... What else to add...

    Honestly here's the thing. I get where skipi is coming from "oh it's not fair that you guys can just have all of your guys on for this attack" I get it. It's not fair. The thing is, realistically speaking, where else is the RA going to be stationed? The thing is even if they're all on, you're going to catch the majority asleep in their bunks off guard, still trying to wake up as they have to engage the enemy.

    A rather blunt point I need to make, it all seems like the situation can only happen if it's in the interest of the Outcasts. While I understand the whole "If it's nothing major, we shouldn't have to inform the colony" thing, when you do it three times within four days... Ehhhh... it just becomes this feeling of "We're cunts and we don't care about your character's stories". Honestly if you want the Outcasts to succeed as a faction, consent, consent, consent. I /cannot/ stress that enough. I don't care if it's not fair for you, because it's not fair for everyone else either. You need to plan things, otherwise, you're going to look like ass hats who will just do whatever they want, and this will lead to your faction being shunned and ignored.
  17. skipi

    skipi New Member

    Jun 17, 2014
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    i like you
    define success
    regardless of how well they manage to achieve their goals in character, i find the faction is very successful
    everyone within it are enjoying themselves
    fun and realism in rp is a delicate balance, but ive already given my standpoint on it
    guards should not be available at all times
    it stunts conflict considering that very little rp is actually conducted outside of these tiny control zones
    even the outcasts seem confused about this concept sometimes
    let me clarify
    the outcasts is a unified group, but it has loose recruitment procedures and a loose hierarchy
    it would be very easy for someone to find the outcast radio frequency and declare themself an outcast, but it would take much more to actually be trusted by the outcasts as an "official" member

    very few outcasts have more than one character at a time
    i do not discourage people from making another character intended for the outcasts if their current character dies

    funding is not an issue the outcasts have because of ic reasons, but that's largely irrelevant because most members are expected to supply themselves with armour and weapons
    #77 skipi, Oct 13, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 13, 2014
  18. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
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  19. Cole Ombre

    Cole Ombre Lurking Admin

    Feb 11, 2014
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    Same with the USCM, but look howthat turned out. Seriously, look at that. It was fun, but only to the faction players, and we were pretty much universally hated. OP scanners, -slight- powergaming equipment, etc. I see the outcasts in sort of hte same light. No OP scanners and what have you, but the fact that for everyone in it, its enjoyable, but for everyone outside it, when the outcasts show up somewhere they hunker down and say "Demmit, might as well leave". Again, just try and look at it coolly and logically, see if you can agree with any of this.
  20. November

    November Previously Sermane
    Staff Member

    Jan 31, 2014
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    This has been said some other ways, but I just wanted to look at one example.

    The goal of a police force on a colony is safety, and safety is when nothing happens. I would like to think any civilised locale would not welcome conflict in the slightest.

    From what I understand, the goal of the Outcasts is to upset that stability. In order to successfully do this, they need to hold an advantage over whoever they're opposing.

    Advantage in equipment is mostly out of the question, if the people are indeed self equipped. Although there isn't a centralised government regulating what is and isn't civilian level, it is not necessarily economically sound to sell high grade weaponry (making assumptions on the actual cost, and the size of clientele. Basically it's cheaper to make what you need than buy what you might).

    Advantage in timing is likely their strongest point. They can attack whenever, wherever. Without a central identification, they are able to have scouts waiting to spring an attack at a moment of vulnerability. Issues here arise with the IRL availability of the security force. However, instead of saying "We want to attack you when your members aren't online" it could be presented as "We're doing reconnaissance on your forces, and we want to attack at a moment of perceived vulnerability. That means that colonies have to be willing to give up their ideal 100% security and find a hole. Even if the hole isn't enough to allow a clear victor, it is a time when an attack can and should occur.

    Advantage in numbers is troublesome. The rule of thumb is three attackers to every defender. While this is theoretically feasible, because the Outcasts are recruiting alts (or characters that are made with the express purpose of dying for the cause) they don't need to establish an actual source of troops. Oppose this to colonies, where you have primary characters who elect to serve as security. I think this is something that Outcast leadership should recognise, and if they want to have an advantage in numbers then they should work on recruitment of "permanent" characters, or rather those with a previous history.

    There are plenty more I could list, tactics/experience/fortifications...but I think my idea is clear. If the Outcasts can not stack the advantage to their side, they should be expect to be routed swiftly and effectively.

    With this said, to address the quote; yes, colonies should not dictate the conflict to be under ideal situations for their side. On the other side of the coin, the Outcasts cannot expect the colonies to allow exploitation of their differing natures as factions (permanent vs non-permanent PC's for one). I think both sides sort of have unrealistic expectations, and that both sides have been shafted.
    I propose that we just say "fuck the past" and try to have an understanding that we can go forward with.
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