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Raids, Crime, and Self Defense

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by JimHarrison, Oct 11, 2014.

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  1. skipi

    skipi New Member

    Jun 17, 2014
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    barring a few mistakes in the past
  2. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    Doop de doooooo
    As for Port Last (Opp) it's not 24/7 guard force etc.
    It's just got a barracks. And the resident guntoters are for the most part stranded more or less on world.
    The barracks is more or less next to spawn (out of convenience since we just fixed up an old place) So I insist that the colony leader gets a heads up so the local guard bros have a chance to avoid fucking up their own pc's rp.

    Will pvt billy say "Fuck those explosions. I'm not getting out of bed" after weeks of RP involving him being the sort to try and do his job?

    Granted, It's primarily because this community doesn't work well with in depth or semi-serious factions, that I've taken a break.
    The Outcasts are not a serious faction with depth, and that's ok. They're the goblin horde of the server, a bunch of anarchist one off folks who exist to provide conflict. That's neither good nor bad.

    The issue really, is when the rpers who want depth clash with players who prefer the more "lite" side of things.

    To put in in perspective
    Storywise, RA and Outcasts

    RA: Ideaology, Background, lot o' rp, primarily manned by players who want story that goes beyond shallow caricatures.

    OC(Outcasts): Anyone who wants to say they're an Outcast, and cause a ruckus, one or two might be serious minded and have depth, but most are "Lite RP" one-offs.

    One side values it's pc's more than the other.
    Both have different ooc focuses as far as the majority of members on each side.

    My interaction with the Outcasts is limited. So these are essentially what I've observed as a third party, and why for awhile I tried to maintain distance ooc, and look for a better antagonist that has more depth.

    It was why in part, I did not outright snub the idea of the Viridian assassinating Tarl, but it seems the Viridian has gone quiet ooc, as far as I know.
  3. skipi

    skipi New Member

    Jun 17, 2014
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    this does not justify it
    because on the flip side, most of the outcasts are usually on standby, waiting to be called on IC
    but i will rarely bring in every outcast character either because its unfair or theyre unavailable OOC
    i think i know where you stand on it
    your interaction with the outcasts is limited, so you choose to base your opinion and interaction with them based on hearsay
    and go as far as to say that the outcasts dont have depth
    while its true that some outcast characters dont have much to them, the group itself isnt just "kill all enemies", and character development within the outcasts is far from shallow
    every outcast has their own motivation for what they do
  4. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    Keep in mind that when it comes to faction vs. faction/colony attacks, people tend to be on one extreme or the other. It's true that a faction being able to attack whenever it wants is unfair; it's also true that OOC consent frequently results in the defending side calling everyone they have to the place beforehand, which is also unfair; it's metagaming. In my opinion, a third party mod should be involved in any faction conflict, since it tends to get messy and stupidly out of hand almost immediately, but that's an incredibly idealistic view on my part.
  5. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    I'll just be right here.


  6. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    My two cents for this issue is. Even if its not one day in advance, just pick -when- you attack, wisley. Instead of picking when there's only one guard on, pick when there's a few more on. PM the head about the attack, and there you go. Get general outline of "Do we want people to die here or not, what will we run into when, etc etc". That hopefully clears shit up easily. And a 3rd neutral party is -always- good.

    Another thing that may be slightly unrelated. As to regards of military factions trying to snuff out conflict. That is literally the -job- of the soldier, for the most part. Their job is to protect the civilians. Not just shoot shit up. If they can stop fighting before it happens, by having lots of numbers, or a very well defended entry position, -good-. They're doing their job. OOCly you may not like it. But its what they are there to do IC. (Rant over, may of been a bit aggressive. But needed to get that off my chest)
  7. skipi

    skipi New Member

    Jun 17, 2014
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    number of guards around is always taken into consideration when doing attacks
    if there are too few, there will be no conflict, thus no point in even going
    no i will not contact the head of a faction about the attack unless it's absolutely necessary (such as attacking the very base of operations)
    you miss the point im making, that the guards cannot be around 24/7
    nor do they have to be, when the attacker scales their group according to the number of guards online
  8. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    It is justified. It's essentially giving the players offline a chance to stick to their characters norm/background.
    You're assuming that a faction will automatically call every single member available to fight right off the bat and "win."
    Just take a quick peek at the RA's faction vs faction conflict record. It's lost most if not all. Because an insistence on playing fair oocly. Sure we organize people and give them a heads up, but we don't fuck our own RP by saying "Hey hop online. Yea your character is asleep in the barracks but fuck that. He';s totally breaking his routine and chilling at the beam-pad waiting" It works both ways. It's a safe bet that the majority of colonies, if given the chance, will play fairly.

    "i think i know where you stand on it" My stance is that it's not my preference. It's neither good nor bad. It's a fairly plain statement. I've had alts that were unaffiliated and fell into that category, but it was only fun briefly, and then lost my interest fast.

    your interaction with the outcasts is limited, so you choose to base your opinion and interaction with them based on hearsay
    and go as far as to say that the outcasts dont have depth
    while its true that some outcast characters dont have much to them, the group itself isnt just "kill all enemies", and character development within the outcasts is far from shallow"

    I mentioned that there are some that have depth. As far as going off hearsay, it's matched my first impression so far, and the Outcasts fit the stereotype. It's not special or different oocly from a lot of it's predecessors on differing servers/settings/communities.
  9. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    And for clarification, the few outcast's I've interacted with in game, have all been fun ICly
    Cass, Anette (Mishka 2.0), Sam, most of Jim's.

    My only real issue, has been lodged firmly with the ooc side of things. Namely, how the faction leader has built a reputation for disregarding the idea of informing other faction/colony leaders of hostile stuff they want to do on said colony.

    Basically, Most of the bad hearsay, orients around the leader. And it is a relatively EASY fix that amounts to

    Communication and Courtesy

    If I wanted to play in your manner, I would just send people willy nilly to Outcast areas, like the place Josh found, and tell them to go do w/e they want, and let the owner figure it out after the fact.
  10. skipi

    skipi New Member

    Jun 17, 2014
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    i do not feel it is necessary to inform a faction leader for reasons ive already stated

    regarding the negativity toward me in particular
    i do not care, i am not aiko or jim
    i am a straightforward, unpleasant person
    i have opinions and morals and i will stick by them regardless of what anyone thinks of me
    the one attack that there has ever been on opportunity was to rescue an outcast
    what you are saying implies that there have been many attacks on opportunity with no apparent goal in mind other than to raise hell

    regardless, i would not mind if you did that
    because it is not something i can control
    its up to the players that happen to be at that outcast base at the time to decide what to do
  11. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    I feel bad for Jim, since he started this thread to help improve the situation, but it's quickly devolving into the shitstorm of shitstorms.
  12. skipi

    skipi New Member

    Jun 17, 2014
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    this is not a shitstorm
    there are no insults being thrown around
    no one is being attacked
    this is a conversation

    if youre going to contribute nothing but declare how im "ruining" this thread, please leave this thread and never return
  13. Destroyer713

    Destroyer713 New Member

    Mar 6, 2014
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    My big issue on the Outcasts is that I've been constantly coming onto the server with one of my characters, one who sleeps on Taranis, mind you, and I find out there was some huge raid that occurred. It's honestly getting annoying to try and justify why one of my characters manages to sleep through these raidss every single damn time, despite the Castle's proximity to where all these things keep happening.

    It's really just annoying how I can't even do anything because I actually have to do IRL things, and the Outcasts decide to attack in the dead of night (I'm serious. I live 2 hours behind EST, and these raids are always happening while I'm asleep IRL and with no warning.).
  14. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    I get this perspective, but at the same time, I find it hella selfish to expect others to adjust their free time to conform to your ideals. Think about it yo
  15. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    It's more about giving the group of players as a whole, a chance.
    If someone can't make it, they'll say that, and hell, might even be like "sorry, can't make it, good luck, thanks for the heads up. I'll find an ic reason to explain my dudes absence."

    It all boils down to courtesy.
  16. skipi

    skipi New Member

    Jun 17, 2014
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    can you really put the blame on the outcasts because you're in an inconvenient timezone?
    raiding while there are no guards online is never encouraged, anyhow, so there must have been a few online at the time
    which again, is not unfair

    that is until we are asked/forced to change the time of the attack so that they can bring the full force of their faction, whereas otherwise they would not consent
    it is a genuine concern
    #55 skipi, Oct 12, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2014
  17. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    For larger events, sure. But I /really/ dont think planning and permissio should be required for some little pew pew gun fight or a stick up. Outcasts do a lot of small things on top of their bigger events. Is someone gonna ask colony leadership to start a bar fight? No way dude. And for bigger things, like heists or frontal faction assaults, they /do/ normally plan and ask ahead
  18. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    How many people are on?
    2 including Tarl all civi
    Okay expect potential raid

    That was the moment I literally lol'd.

    And realized there's really no reason to bother.
    On an individual Basis, Outcasts are great to rp/interact with.
    But as a faction, not so much.
  19. skipi

    skipi New Member

    Jun 17, 2014
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    i was asking how many RA were on or available so that there could be a proper raid
    when i said potential outcast raid (which never happened)
    i was letting you know that there was likely going to be a raid on opportunity in the near future
    preferably when more RA are online

    so rather than communicating, you chose to believe the worst scenario
  20. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    Then say what you said in the above.
    Your reputation is exactly why I assumed the worst, when it was stated so vaguely.
    Hearsay or not, I tend to go off the info of the majority. Because nine times out of ten the majority is right, unless there's a vast amount of mis-communication.
  21. skipi

    skipi New Member

    Jun 17, 2014
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    i agree
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