1. These forums are archived and available in read-only format. No new accounts may be created and content may not be added or edited. This archive is dedicated to hoshiwara.t who tragically passed away in April of 2015. She will be forever missed.

Katta's Magnificent Vlog *IC*

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Pengowando, Oct 2, 2014.

  1. Pengowando

    Pengowando New Member

    Aug 3, 2014
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    *A video pops on, showing Katta sitting in her room. She has her usual light smile, and seems quite cheerful. The quiet sound of conversation, one of the voices being distinctly James Russell, can be heard from outside the room.*

    Let me warn anybody who is watching this right now: I have no clue what I'm doing. She chuckles, shaking her head and composing herself once more. Hopefully, I'll get better at this as I do it more. Well, anyways, to start this out I'd first like to bring up something important to me right now: Ray Beluga. She glances at something in the room and mutters, "I sure hope he doesn't see this..." Anyways, Ray and I have recently started... dating. I'm no stranger to dates, I've been doing it for years, as a matter of fact, but it's never been quite like this. Ray really, really is not boyfriend material, but that is why I love him. And I do love him, I don't plan on getting rid of him any time soon. But he's just so... interesting. He's boring! But he's full of surprises.

    Just today we were talking, and I ask him what kinda hobbies he's got, and he says to me that he's a runner. He Actually exercises, I would've never guessed. As you could imagine, that got me... you know what? I'm not gonna hold back. Ray is one of the most handsome guys I've seen. Anyways, I'm digressing. He told me that I ought to try exercising, and that it was "rewarding." Now, I know he's not socially educated enough to mean what it sounded like he meant, but damn! Now I think I'm gonna start exercising!

    Oh, that's another thing. Ray doesn't believe in uh- a "physically intimate" relationship, as he called it, until after marriage. I can respect that, but it's probably gonna be a little difficult for me to... wait that long. I kinda get where he's coming from, he probably thinks I'm gonna get rid of him after we do it. But, it's fine. He'll learn soon enough what kind of person I actually am. In fact, he already knows my... pretty much biggest secret. I can't repeat it here, but he says if he knew before hand, he wouldn't have been interested in me. Or at least, that's what it seemed like he said. And that really worries me. Ray might not think it now, but I'm just as grateful that he likes me... as he is that I like him. If that makes any sense. Well, I had better see what the guys are up to downstairs. See you guys later... I think...
  2. Pengowando

    Pengowando New Member

    Aug 3, 2014
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    ((Okay, OOC time. Anybody can reply to this at any time. So, yeah. Also: these would be saved onto Katta's camcorder device in her room. If it weren't for the instruction "Character journal entries are not open knowledge..." then I would've had this be an actual Vlog series uploaded by Katta onto the Starnet for anybody to watch. But alas, since this is not allowed, it shall not be so.))

    *Another video feed pops into motion. Katta is sitting in the Taranis inn, upstairs, with a very plain, slightly bored expression. Behind her there is a window, a large tree can be seen outside. There are many voices coming from the bar downstairs. Mostly Glitch, but the rasp of a Floran can also be made out*

    Well, this would be day two of the vlog. I haven't got a lot to say as of yet, but a couple of things have happened. For one, the glitch bartender downstairs was talking to Kryssa, a good friend of mine. Apparently this glitch had some mental trauma and shot Kryssa. He offered her free drinks for a while, as a sort of apology. I think that was a nice thing to do.

    The second thing I ought to mention is the strange... robot contraption, that I just talked to like ten minutes ago. It called itself a "companion orb" and it was asking me a lot of questions. For example, he asked why Hylotls have three eyes.
    She shrugs. I thought it was common knowledge that the three eyes are for seeing in the low lighting of the water. But it was a cute little thing, and it was kind of neat talking with a little device like that. Whoever designed it was very smart. Alright, well, I'll update again once something else interesting happens. I'm quite excited to see Ray again... maybe I'll try out that exercising thing, too.

    *The video make a jump-cut. Katta is now outside, wearing some exercise-y jogging clothes. A couple beads of sweat can be seen on her head.*

    Whoo! Man. *pant* This was waayy harder than I had anticipated... *pant* Ach... I just made it about a mile and a half down to the shooting range, and I'm hella tired. She wipes her forehead and tugs at her shirt. This is gonna take some getting used to.
    Katta stands up, video feed still rolling, and takes out her one-shot pistol. Let's see if my aim is still what it used to be. She takes a shot. The targets cannot be seen in a video, but a large shattering noise follows the gunshot. Katta smiles to herself, and does a little fist pump.

    The video does another jump-cut. Katta has resumed her position in the Taranis inn, and the sounds of a piano can be heard. Katta quickly swivels the camera around to show Meriweather playing. She switches it back to herself quickly; starting to speak with a quiet tone.

    I just met a Hylotl girl by the name of Jebe. She was quite interesting, and somewhat unnerving at the same time. She was apparently very happy about the death of John's... girlfriend, or whatever. I didn't see it happen, but she told me that John and a Floran beat her up. Would explain all the crashing noises. She seemed very goofy and cheerful, but her pleasure in John's girlfriend dying was a little frightening. Oh well. Earlier, poor Aubrey pissed off the wrong people and ended up getting publicly humiliated by nearly everyone in the bar. I mean, he can be rude, but nobody deserves that. It seems to be a daily occurrence now, I hope the poor fool wises up some. Katta reaches for the camcorder and it blinks off once more.

    Dang, another jump cut?! Katta must have been REALLY bored today.

    Katta is sitting inside her room, the paper lamps on the ceiling barely illuminate the dark room. A light sound of music playing can be heard, it sounds like something very 80's, akin to something like Queen's "Friends Will Be Friends". Katta looks like utter shit, extremely sleepy and a little embarrassed. She speaks with an exhausted tone.

    Holy shit... I feel horrible. I have no idea what I've been doing for the past few hours... if my dreams hold any truth, I've been giving Ray a pretty hard time. Too much rice wine... Ray, if you're seeing this, I'm so sorry... Can't sleep. My head hurts like hell. I've never been this drunk before, I hope Ray and I didn't do anything... we'd regret. Anyways, I'll be back tomorrow. Hopefully with some more answers... good night, Antares. She turns off the camera.
    #2 Pengowando, Oct 4, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2014
  3. Donovennn

    Donovennn New Member

    Apr 23, 2014
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    ((You know, you could move this into the 'other roleplay' section. I think a Vlog would fit there.))
  4. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    ((These can be public and/or private, actually. Its up to you. *Done posting in the thread K thx bai*
  5. Pengowando

    Pengowando New Member

    Aug 3, 2014
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    ((Well, okay. If this is allowed to be a public thing, it will be! Yay...?! Feel free to bring this Vlog up IC in the server if you had your character watch it. Anyways, back to business!))

    Katta sits in the Taranis hospital on top of a bed. She has bandages all over her left shoulder, and she is completely shirtless. But by her expression, she gives no shits whatsoever.

    Uh... sorry for the um, nudity, but... She turns around to show a horrific 3rd degree burn scorched into her back. Wearing anything is kinda painful... I just hope this doesn't get taken down for it. Anyways, I got this... Points to her bandages. And that burn from three assholes that mugged me today. But that's not even the worst thing since Ray came along. He had some sort of freaky flashback and remembered some traumatizing shit that went on during his early childhood. And he's become... cold. He says he can hardly feel any emotions, not even for me...
    Well, he's gonna get himself some sort of strange surgery from Kryssa. I'm scared... I just want my poor Ray to come back to me as the same person... I'll update later. Wish me... and Ray... luck.

    Such jump-cut. Katta is still in the Taranis medical ward, alone. An eerie quiet fills the room. Katta herself looks extremely tired but content. She speaks soft and clear.

    Ray has had his surgery, and from what I could tell it was a fantastic success. He's even better than befo- Huge yawn. I'll keep this short: he and I pretty much just talked for hours. It was nice... can't wait to see him tomorrow. She winks into the camera as if Ray was watching. Good night, Antares.

    She turns the camera off.
  6. Pengowando

    Pengowando New Member

    Aug 3, 2014
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    The Vlog starts, with Katta in an unfamiliar room. She is lying on a bed, tannish-brown blankets covering her. A window behind her shows the dark outlines of a glitch-looking building. She speaks softly, with the voice of Ray Beluga just barely being audible in the background.

    Well, today lots of nice things happened. For starters, a human girl with strange cat ears -I think she was called Lucy- Visited me in the medical ward. She offered to patch me up a bit more efficiently, and so I went with her. Thankfully she didn't try to kill me and I ended up leaving feeling good as new. She smiles.

    Today was my first day being a guard in Taranis. All of us Greys have moved into the apartment buildings in Taranis, that's why I'm here instead of my room as usual. We're two to a room, and of course Ray and I are together... She pauses, listening for his voice. Him and I went searching for some runaway Outcasts today, and it ended up turning into a harmless jog together. We also talked about our, uh- relationship. We decided it wasn't a good time to do anything drastic, but... well, I honestly think we're going to end up married. I just don't want to do anything without thinking about it first.

    Other than that there was very little going on. I'm hoping tomorrow we might make some progress on this whole Outcasts thing. But, today was a good day. Good night, Antares.
    #6 Pengowando, Oct 6, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2015
  7. Pengowando

    Pengowando New Member

    Aug 3, 2014
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    The video starts, showing Katta in bed, nearly indentical to the last Vlog. However, she has an expression of sadness and disappointment.

    Well, looks like I fucked things up pretty bad.

    I... got drunk again. And I did some shit... god, what is wrong with me?! Ray, if you're seeing this, I can only hope to god you're not gonna... freaking... commit suicide or something. Well, I got drunk. And at first it was fine, I was just making my way back home, when I ran into Aeolus. I asked him...
    She cringes. If he wanted to do some magic tricks... She turns around and facepalms, muttering "I can't do this..." Okay. So, he politely declined... and uh, then I saw this floran. And I guess my drunken self thought it was my long-dead boyfriend Shroomy. And... that's when things started going downhill.

    This floran -I didn't even catch his name- he just sorta played along with it. And Jonah... he offered me... a joint.
    She has an enraged expression. If you're seeing this, you shit- you'd better run. Far. Away. She calms herself down. Okay... okay. Well, either way, I ended up accepting. And then, ohhohoh, then some other floran bitch wandered in and took a picture of me, high, drunk... stupid, stupid, stupid... I didn't mean it... but she took a picture of it! If that picture finds it's way onto the Starnet, I swear, I'm gonna... She angrily mumbles to herself for a few moments. Not only that, but I... kissed the other floran guy... Katta looks up at the ceiling, shaking her head and blushing.

    That was about when Kryssa walked in. And for some reason, I thought she was a girl I used to know named Rabbit- and I proceed to... She facepalms momentarily. Okay, I'm gonna leave out that tiny bit... but, as Kryssa was leaving, I guess I must've snapped out of it because I yelled at her... As she speaks her accusing tone degrades into blubbering, Katta starts to tear up a little. I told her I was busy breaking Ray's heart... and that was when I... sorta woke up out of my stupor. Ray... I'm... I can't imagine how you'll feel when you find out about this. Just... please, don't leave me. I don't want to die having lived a pointless life.... you're... the innocence that I left behind so many years ago. She starts to silently cry, and covering her face, she turns off the camera.
  8. Pengowando

    Pengowando New Member

    Aug 3, 2014
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    This video would be released around a week later than her last one. She sits in her usual spot in her room at Taranis, ger legs outstretched on her bed. She's grinning ear to ear, looking the opposite of how she ended her last video.

    So much has happened since my last upload... where do I begin?

    Well the week started out pretty good with Ray and I finally having a civil conversation about my... incident. And thank god, he's forgiven me. Well, he's done more than that... uhh... what else? I suppose our little trip with Algae is noteworthy. He wanted to take us to his temple, but there was a... surprising lack of temple... or, anything! He was just sitting in front of a table full of nothing. All this time... he was just torturing himself...
    She has an inquisitive expression. He's clearly got some sort of mental instability... I wonder if Ray knows about that. She looks down, thinking. After a second she mutters, "No... Ray is an engineer...."

    Next Gillian and Aerdem invited us down to their mansion for a breakfast. It was great! Aerdem is a terrific chef, and it's always fun to see Gillian. Katta chuckles lightly. She's always so excited! But the best part came after, when we went swimming at the Hands base. Ray was in a world of his own when he saw me in my bathing suit... She grins smugly to herself. I hugged him just to see what he would do. And unsurprisingly, he couldn't cope with it. Poor guy, I wonder if he's ever even been attracted to a woman before... After I explained to him the fact that he should enjoy my affection for him, and his... body's reactions to it. She chuckles, grinning. I guess he mustered up a little courage because he touched... my gills! It... felt amazing... I'm shocked Ray knew about the whole gills thing. But hey, he's full of surprises- just like always.

    But not even that could beat what happened the next day... but for now, that's a wrap! I'll see you guys in the next Vlog, and I'll explain what I mean...
  9. VaporDispersion

    VaporDispersion Superflappy Dogefish

    Jul 31, 2014
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    ((I am watching yer escapades Katta))
  10. Pengowando

    Pengowando New Member

    Aug 3, 2014
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    ((Good to know...? Ray's side of the stories are pretty funny, check those out too.))

    The video blinks back on. Katta sits, once again atop her bed, relaxed.

    Back to what I was going to say yesterday. Ray and I got engaged! He really pulled it off, too...

    It started at Aerdem's mansion, Gillian must've mentioned it... the quasar. I had no idea what she was talking about, or what a quasar even was, but the way she was talking about it was very strange. That coupled with the very strange comment Moneybags -Free Radical- made that day, I figured something was up. But I never expected something so... wonderful!

    Ray told me he wanted me to see the quasar. I figured it was just some weird science-y thing he found, but when we finally got there... it was beautiful. It was like a vortex of blue light, it was marvelous... Ray proposed then. The ring he gave me is so cool, it's got some kind of light in it, and it flashes with Ray's heartbeat.
    She holds her hand up near the camera, the ring rhythmically glowing white. It would seem Ray is fairly relaxed, wherever and whatever he's doing.

    That's about all... She grins, lost in the memories. It all flew by, I can't wait for the wedding! We've been slowly figuring out how we want to set that up, but we're in no rush. The invitation list might be out pretty soon here. If you think you'll be invited, you most likely will be. Oooh, it's so exciting!

    She reaches for the camera, still smiling. The video feed ends.
  11. Pengowando

    Pengowando New Member

    Aug 3, 2014
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    The next vlog entry is dated several weeks later than the last one.

    Katta sits on a modern-looking bed in a new location, a small spacecraft with simple gray walls and a window showing the vast expanse of space. The place is recognizable as Katta's spaceship. Katta herself is scantily-clad in only a black, soft-looking shirt that hangs down over her thighs, leaving most of her legs exposed. She has a look of intense happiness and satisfaction as she sits against the headrest.

    Forget everything else, I need to talk about Ray s'more right now.

    I've got my work cut out for me with this guy.
    She seems genuinely concerned, despite her grin and generally satisfied nature. I mean, I never expected anything excellent from Ray, but he's just so... ignorant. Poor guy. Probably didn't even know what was going on the whole time. She thinks to herself, smiling blissfully. Uh... what else? Heh, wonder what he's thinking right now. He must not have been expecting something so pleasant, or at least it would seem that way by the look on his face.

    A while ago he told me he wanted to try a little alcohol, but not get drunk. I think that's a good idea. Loosen the fella up a bit. I don't imagine it would help too much, though, this was clearly his first time.
    She looks down, and tugs at the shirt. She returns to the camera with a more worried expression. I kind of feel guilty... maybe I shoulda eased him into it more. Maybe not. Who knows? I'll just have to see how he turns out after a little experience. Wish me luck!

    She goes to turn off the camera, but her arm stops halfway.

    Oh, and Ray, if you're watching this.... I don't mean to shoot you down. You did your best. By the way... She uses a silly wizard-voice. You are getting very sleeeppyyyy... She giggles and the video ends.
  12. Pengowando

    Pengowando New Member

    Aug 3, 2014
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    ((You guys can feel free to leave ic comments, assuming katta is using a youtube- like video site w/ a comment system))

    This entry vlog is dated MOOONNNNTHHSSSSSS after the last one. The video springs to life, the quality is far better than the previous videos.

    Katta herself is sitting on a sturdy white bed with a blue blanket, within a circular, white room with a large window. She wears light blue compression clothes. She seems content and happy as she smiles into the camera, and speaks with a relaxed tone after a moment's pause.

    Wow, I haven't been on this in ages! There is sooooo much to talk about, where do I begin?

    I guess I can start with my wedding. Which was excellent! Everything... well, most things turned out just the way I had imagined. Ray had a great suit, the best man and maid of honour were perfect, even the lemonade was fresh and delicious! I have to give a big thanks to Aerdem for hosting and everybody who showed up. It was fun!
    Katta's expression fades as she goes on. But Ray's parents showed up as well, and... they didn't approve of me. In fact they rather hated me. She sighs. I can't help but feel guilty. It's my fault that Ray's parents have basically disowned him. Hmm. I'm sure Ray must care more about being with me than his relationship with his parents.

    The video quickly fades out and back in within a couple of seconds, an easily recognizable cut in the video.

    More good events to report, though! I have secured a new job for myself.
    She nods to herself with a smug grin. I met a human named Alyx recently, and he needed a bartender for his little colony. So far, it's been excellent work. I love having the opportunity to meet lots of new people, and I need all the money I can get since... the thing happened. Right. Anyways! It's good work for good people, and I'm quite happy with it. As for Ray, he hasn't had much work other than to make the house! She makes a broad motion with her arm around the room.

    Ray built this big old house from his own designs! This is the bedroom. It's a nice place to live, and the planet's cool too. There's this funny stardust that falls from the sky and bursts into powder when it hits the ground. It' all very interesting to see, and this planet's been a joy to explore too. It's made my recent jogs much more eventful. I've been trying to keep up with my jogging, too, but I ought to go with Ray more often. She giggles, shaking her head. We haven't really been doing much of anything recently... but that's fine. Ray's turning out much better than I expected... but I digress- I shouldn't talk about that sort of stuff here.

    So, I'll end here on that happy note. Overall, everything it going great for Ray and I, and I hope it lasts. I have a feeling in my gut that things are gonna start going downhill from here... hopefully I'm wrong.
    Katta shrugs, grinning. Probably just over thinking things. I'll see all of you guys later, then! Good night, Antares.
    #12 Pengowando, Nov 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 29, 2015
  13. Optimism

    Optimism Guest


    Good husband or not, Ray Beluga is crazy.
  14. Redwilt

    Redwilt Washed up has been

    Jan 21, 2014
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    Posted by mobile-device xB-II

    Unfortunately, due to .. economical issues, I must retract your job offer. I am extremely sorry, please forgive me.
  15. Not A President

    Not A President [help me]

    Oct 19, 2014
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    I enjoyed the livestreams. They're neat. Gives me something to watch on the wireless TV in my ship. Besides that Numi shit.
  16. Pengowando

    Pengowando New Member

    Aug 3, 2014
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    After ages of absolutely nothing from Katta's account, a new video rolls in. It starts right up to reveal, surprisingly, a young hylotl man's face. Behind him are stacks of books on bookshelves lining the walls of the room he's in. Though the lighting is poor, you can make out his face- calm, and almost daydreamy as he turns his gaze slowly to the camera.

    Greetings. His voice is chillingly smooth and calm, and seems to have a very light British accent. So, after hearing plenty a story from ma about this Antares place, I've decided to take it upon myself to pay it a visit. It's supposed to be a place of opportunity, yeah? Maybe people are looking for a... doctor, like myself. He grins, chuckling. Ah! I've forgotten the most important thing: I am James Beluga! Son of Ray and Katta, of course, and named after the great Captain James Russell.

    Kind of a stroke of fate that I happen to stumble across my mum's little blog thing here at this sorta time. I wish she showed me this stuff earlier, it's a pretty cool little history lesson... and now I finally know why I never met my grandpa.
    James shakes his head, grinning.

    I wonder if this Russell fellow is even still around. I heard some conflicting stories about him when I did a little research. It would be cool to meet an old friend of ma's- she was always a lot more social than dad. You know, I'm not sure you people know it, but my dad can be a real prick sometimes. But still, I got this damned degree for him... I suppose it was for 'the best.' But that's just not what I'm into, y'know?

    Ma taught me how to play all kinds of instruments since I was just a little guy, my favorite is the electric bass. Just has a nice deep tone to it. Ma also taught me all her old songs she picked up, especially the ones from humies. Those guys have got it down to a science. I like the psychedelic stuff mostly, wavering notes and driving beats, that sorta sound. Anyways, I'm digressing quite a bit here.

    Basically, I just wanted to put this out there so people can... maybe get a little taste of who I am before I come on down. I dunno if ma's account here will pick up a lot of attention, but I can only hope. Heh, maybe being a Beluga will give me a bit of popularity on it's own?
    He smiles smugly. My old folks were pretty well known, after all. So! I'll see ya soon, Antares.
    #16 Pengowando, Mar 21, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 29, 2015
  17. Pengowando

    Pengowando New Member

    Aug 3, 2014
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    ((Just a reminder- these are still completely public videos)

    The next entry starts once again, with James in his workroom. Books are scattered about, and the shelved look a little more displaced and disorganized. James sits on the chair with a vacant expression, his eyes glazed over as his head lolls over towards the camera. He is very clearly under the effects of drugs, and what appears to be a blunt hangs out of his mount.

    James takes a deep breath and puffs smoke.
    Good evening, Antares. I have done a lot of things since the last video. Inhale, exhale. Met lots of nice people. Got to learn a bit... Inhale, exhale. Best parts? Got a job... and even better... got some of thiiis... Inhale, exhale. Excellent... thank you, Mr. Free, for this excellent... gift. Heh. Inhale, exhale.

    James reaches down and picks up an electric bass guitar sitting by his side, closing his eyes as he begins strumming. Pretty soon he falls into a psychedelic-sounding jam session as smoke continues to pour from his mouth. He gradually gets quieter and quieter until he just stops. As he sleeps, he begins to sweat. The video fades to a close.
    #17 Pengowando, Mar 22, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2015
  18. VaporDispersion

    VaporDispersion Superflappy Dogefish

    Jul 31, 2014
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    ((I might stop by just for old times' sake. Could be fun :) ))
  19. Pengowando

    Pengowando New Member

    Aug 3, 2014
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    The next entry is unique, as it starts with a blinding purple, before focusing. James sits in a new room, with flashing lights on the ceiling and purple lamp-like structures on the walls. The whole room has a psychedelic vibe.

    Good evening, Antares! Today has been full of things... lots of things. Things here, things the- His speech gets interrupted by a distant "Hallooo?" Hold on just a moment. The video jump-cuts to James again, now with a couple of others looking around his room behind him.

    Anyways! Today some slutty avian girl was mumbling about a place called 'The Freezer'. Turns out it was a pretty cool locale. I took it upon myself to grace the patrons with my impeccable saxophone performance. One of the figures in the background seems to half-scoff at that. A grey-clad, pirate-looking apex leans over from behind. So, are we spectating, or what? Ah, right! James turns around. Here's some roomies. Say 'Hi.' He chuckles. Rude... name's Luke. Sup? A hylotl girl, suited from head to toe leans in as well. Hiiiiii! And also, my sis Aruana's here. Actually, lemme turn it over to you guys. Might as well give your own little accounts of recent events, eh? James stands, walking off-camera.

    Uhh... you first! Oh, boy, do I have some recent events- let the shit-talking begin. James speaks from off-camera. Have at it. So there's this guy, a glitch with a superiority complex. He thinks he's doing everyone a favor by doing things his way... little does he know, I'm about to prove him wrong in his assumptions. I know for a fact he's dead wrong!


    Asides from that, I just became a scientist. Scientists are cool! I got the lab coat and all. Soon, I'm gettin' the lab set up, and I have all the brains in jars that I can hold...
    She giggles quietly. Uh, what else? Nothing I can say that won't get my killed by saying it. You're up, Aruana!

    Oh- okay! Um... She takes a seat, sitting upright and proper. Before starting, she clears her throat. So... hi, I'm Aruana. Uh, I usually do this in a handwritten journal, so this is weird... She chuckles nervously. Uh, well, I have a boyfriend now! His name is Shian, and he's just... wonderful. He's so smart, loving, caring... just the best. Uh, research is going well, we've almost finished sequencing the plasmid we need... I can't think of anything to complain about, so... yeah! She stands, blushing, and returns to her original position.

    Hey, nice, Aruana. Didn't know you were already datin'. She giggles. Hey, it's recent...! James speaks once again from off-camera. Neato. Thanks, guys. No problem! The video makes another jump-cut.

    Luke and Aruana mumble in the background as James has taken the front seat again. I don't usually do this sort of thing, if I do any more I'll put them in a different playlist than this. So! That being said... Good night, Antares!
  20. Pengowando

    Pengowando New Member

    Aug 3, 2014
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    The next video fades in to reveal James back in his original room with books lining the walls. However, the camera's angle is changed to show him head-on. This also reveals another corner of the room in which there is a messy pile of equipment- guns, parts and pieces, some armor and a blue translucent helmet that can be recognized as NGSF standard-issue. James has an uncharacteristically placid expression as he stares off, his eyes not staring at anything, really, and definitely not at the camera. He has his signature electric bass guitar lying across his chest, it is plugged into a big pear of over-ear headphones on James' ears. His tone is relaxed and friendly as he starts to speak.

    Nothing's really been up lately, gotta say. I'm just kinda thinking about some shit. Like, about my life and that kinda sophisticated bullshit. He adjusts the headphones, continuing to stare off, starry-eyed. I figured I would just make a more relaxed vlog. Is there anybody out there? James strums his axe for a moment, in deep thought.

    So how are you all doing? Things have been totally quiet lately. And in general, that is. Antares isn't quite as... thrilling as I had it pegged for. That's not saying I dislike it, it's just a little surprising. I feel like I need something from here, but hell, I've got no clue what it is. I've been having this feeling a lot, actually, there's just... something not there. I'm sure I'm just over-thinking things, though. I have everything I could ever want, don't I? Have a new place. He plucks his guitar hard, sending a deep electric boom through the video's audio. Have new friends. He plucks again, louder. Have a new job. He plucks again.

    I'm definitely fine. Maybe I just need... a girlfriend or something. I should try that. I'm pretty good-looking, aren't I? He fails to crack his usual smug grin. And I need to perform more. That always relaxes the mind. Maybe buy a new guitar? Get into fights, leave the lights on, drop bombs... He starts to sing in a hushed tone, stringing together lyrics with his sporadic guitar riffs.

    After a few minutes he turns back to the camera. Oddly, he stares longingly into it as he reaches for his head, touching his own fins thoughtfully.
    I must be going crazy or something... He chuckles awkwardly.
    #20 Pengowando, Mar 31, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2016