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Weapons cache

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Baron, Oct 2, 2014.

  1. Baron

    Baron New Member

    Sep 27, 2014
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    *It appears an anonymous trader has posted an advertisement from somewhere in the Alpha sector, though the exact location is scrambled.*
    Greetings my fellow voyagers, I believe I have a business offer that may be interest some of you. I have appear to have come into the acquisition of a rather sizable amount of weaponry, these weapons all native to the Alpha and Beta sectors and include some rare, interesting and deadly variations. I'm offering this cache at the starting bid of 5500 pixels, each bid will raise the value of the bid in increments of 500 pixels a piece. Details of the collection will then be given to the winner of the auctions upon completed transaction of the promised amount of pixels. There is a buyout price of 15,000 pixels assuming the current bid isn't within 10% of that amount, if buyout is unavailable, a interested party may buyout the item at 200% of the bid value.

    What will you be purchasing?

    Melee weaponry includes. - Two large Eyeswords, six Staves, one Tesla Staff, four Hammers, two Axes and two Jailer prods.
    Ranged Weaponry includes. - Three plasma rifles, two plasma S.rifles, a Stinger, a Brain Extractor and a plasma Pistol
    Explosive weaponry includes - One electricity based grenade, three standard bombs and two Molotov.
    Bonus Get! (If you buyout.) - One beautifully cut Diamond and five Gold Bars!

    Good luck and happy bidding.

    You have exactly 259200 seconds (3 days) at the posting of this message before the bidding closes.

    -A friend.


    Mar 16, 2014
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    Brain extractor...?
  3. Baron

    Baron New Member

    Sep 27, 2014
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    Does what it says on the tin.

    -Anonymous user. (Baron Zerrax)