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Things Have Been Rather Slow Lately

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by GuardianPotato, Sep 24, 2014.

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  1. DavidHeinrich

    DavidHeinrich Space Corps Judge

    Jul 19, 2014
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    I am not attempting damage control. I assure you that there is very little you could do to make me panic. I am telling you that this is off topic for this current thread, and informing you that, due to it being off topic, your posts will be deleted if you continue; there is no other reason. I have no interest in censoring you. If you'd like to talk about this issue, you may do so in a thread of your own making.

    I again encourage you to attempt to play on the server, and report any breach in official rules to me.

    If you insist on talking about this, create a new thread.
    #81 DavidHeinrich, Nov 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 15, 2014
  2. Sen

    Sen Guest

    It is not off-topic. Just because it is against the server rules, does not mean it is not happening, perhaps in a form that is borderline or in forms that possesses characteristics that makes it unenforceable or unreportable.
  3. Roflmaozors

    Roflmaozors New Member

    Feb 22, 2014
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    I think I see more posts from Gramps than Felix but idk, I don't have 20/20 vision so I might need my glasses. I'm seeing it here as Felix answered a question, named Gramps but then Gramps had the cumpulsion to jump in and defend his reputation. Take your own advice sir, it's just a game. Nobody cares. You successfully veered a topic from "Slow Server" to "I can ERP if I want to ERP thread"

    Anyways, the reason why things have been slow is because of arguments over little things like this. (And real life things/bored of Starbound.)
  4. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    if nobody cared then why the hell are people nagging about it? I'm not defending my reputation, I'm pointing out useless bullshit an nitpicking problems like this are futile. If the mods had seen i erpd in the server i, or anyone else that had, would have been banned, simple. thats it. yet everyone seems to jump on the bandwagon when they don't like something specific about me. As Sen said, if you dont like it, either adapt or ignore it. In this case it isn't harming anyone or breaking any rules. end of story.
  5. Roflmaozors

    Roflmaozors New Member

    Feb 22, 2014
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    It's funny cuz you're the only one carrying the argument on now.

    (P.S.) pls expand vocabulary from the word "futile" you overuse it.
  6. Kai

    Kai hey im kai and this is jackass

    Jan 28, 2014
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    lmao this thread
    as an actual lesbian who used to play in this server, i just want to add to the derail that yeah, there's a shitload of fetish lesbian characters played by gross cishet men which was also one of the many reasons i'm on hiatus from playing in the server. :')

    for my reasoning for not being here though, irl stuff and such. also yeah. gross people in the server. sorry.
  7. Felix

    Felix New Member

    Mar 15, 2014
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    There is no need to create a new thread. If I wanted to do that, I would have. This thread was started addressing concerns on the low population of the server. I stated my reasons as to why I did not return and my conjecture as to what is driving the population away. It is on topic with the first post.

    Follow Kaz's example. He completely got what I was talking about.

    You are looping around, back-pedaling, and once again displaying symptoms of what precisely is wrong with the moderator team. Suddenly it's "okay" to make a thread of my own without you ever mentioning it before now in your previous posts; you simply told me to "stop" with no further explanation.

    You don't read what is presented to you: I have stated multiple times that proactive moderation is necessary. Yes, players should come to you and report these types of things; I also stated that moderators need to nip it in the bud and not wait for reports. They are obviously not doing this and taking the less active route. You just keep stating over and over "I will do something when it is reported to me" without reading what I am saying. You are not getting it since you keep repeating this canned response.

    This is why people do not want to play here. This is why things are slowing down. What I am saying is on topic with the spirit of the creation of the thread and addressing those concerns.
  8. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
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    I've actually kind of got to agree with Felix on this one lads.

    I mean, we've chartered up around two reasons why the server traffic is low. One is because school's kicking back in, and Felix came in and told everyone why she didn't stay as a new player, which is of course relevant to this thread, I mean, perhaps other new players are also put off? And let me tell you, as a reviewer (maybe ex? I've been out of the loop for a long bloody while when it comes to reviewing) there is quite a lot of traffic coming in. We do try to let the premium in, and I see no reason why they might not be put off by issues raised in Felix's intro post.

    I kind of empathise with the moderators, I mean, they understand this for what it is, a release. But they are certain boundaries of course. And one reason why these boundaries aren't perfectly enforced, is because the moderators don't want to piss on people when they're just, again, trying to have fun and earn a reprieve. However, we've established that this sort of slack enforcement can lead to the detriment of RP for players such as Sen or Felix. I for one remember Edvyn going, which I was really quite sad about, considering he really didn't seem that bad. I don't know, I guess I talked to him outside of the server and perhaps even somewhat considered him a friend, so maybe I'm biased.

    I don't know, I'm not the most active guy on the server, between a shit heap of a laptop and stuff that needs to get done, I really can't afford to be staying up till 4 am continually, which is around the peak time I believe. Also, I can't put myself into people's heads, or speak on behalf of the moderators considering I'm not one, most of what I said is theoretical I suppose.

    I don't think that a new thread should be created or this stuff be taken to private, I think discussing issues as to why people might be put off by the server and thus create low traffic, is definitely relevant.

  9. Ricardo

    Ricardo ERP Champ 2016

    Aug 25, 2014
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    On this note I'd have to I disagree. I saw 60+ people on the server yesterday and similarly high numbers of people in recent days. Things are picking up, I'd say.

    Horraaaaaay! :D
    #89 Ricardo, Nov 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 15, 2014
  10. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    *Slooooooowly reaches for the lock button, as the server being slow is obviously not an issue anymore*
  11. skipi

    skipi New Member

    Jun 17, 2014
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    doesn't matter
    real issues are being brought up now that are the reason many good roleplayers have been driven away from the community
    if you lock this thread you are stifling progress
  12. Felix

    Felix New Member

    Mar 15, 2014
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    You are experiencing a disconnect here. If you smacked someone on the ass in real life, yes, it would be unwelcome and creepy. Barring this being the "norm" in their culture; smacking someone on the ass In Character should be just as unwelcoming and creepy. Role-play isn't a realm where we toss out logic and appropriate reactions to situations just because we can -- this is a setting where there are humans with real human emotions that spring from earth and our cultures.

    To elaborate, let's look at the rules:
    1. Characters are expected to have believable flaws and strengths. No one likes a Mary Sue.

    You don't toss out societal norms because you CAN. If you do? Expect there to be In Character consequences. We all know what happens to people who flagrantly misbehave and act inappropriately in public. (This can be considered a severe personality flaw.) They get arrested, sent to a mental facility, or generally end up on their lonesome.
  13. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    I think this thread is completely on topic and should be allowed to continue so long as it doesn't devolve into flame.

    Egh. If that's true, I'm sorry. I really didn't have that intention. I won't make excuses there... Though I was completely unware my current set of characters were like that. I know my gross past characters were... gross. I thought I fixed that. So again, sorry.
  14. Kai

    Kai hey im kai and this is jackass

    Jan 28, 2014
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    did my comment got deleted lmao
  15. skipi

    skipi New Member

    Jun 17, 2014
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    yes, your post describing how you left the server because of creepy mesbians was deleted
  16. Kai

    Kai hey im kai and this is jackass

    Jan 28, 2014
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    A+ :')
    edit: any mod care 2 explain why my post was deleted? i think it was relevant to the topic at hand. :^/
  17. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    I'd say just repeat it. It was initially perceived as off topic and cleaned up with everything else, but I feel this is 100% relevant and a serious issue that should be freely addressed.
  18. Felix

    Felix New Member

    Mar 15, 2014
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    Hopefully you get an answer.

    As an afterthought, I would like to explain another aspect of the server that is frustrating. I honestly should not have to sit down and detail a report of this inappropriate behavior to the moderators night-after-night. It gets tired. It gets old. Included in their job is weeding out these types of people; they do not hide. They are painfully obvious and out in the open about this behavior.

    As an example: I am a great RPer. Sometimes my downfall is that I can be a bit of a windbag. I tend to attract a lot of attention because of the intricacies and weave of my style. On this server, I attracted an overwhelmingly high number of people where it just -- I can't put it in an elegant way. It's as if they've never met a woman before and this translates over in their behavior IC.

    I would literally have lesbian creeps fly up to her face, mouth-breathing in her face, invading my character's personal space with inappropriate touch and language. There would be times when they had the audacity to come back later and try to GUILT TRIP me OOC for my character responding accordingly and shoving them out of the way with a few choice words about her social space.

    While it's not problems with ERP every night on the dot, this is so beyond appropriate behavior, why was none of this addressed? It went on for months. I overhead other players complaining about these creepy dumbed down objectified lesbian female characters. They couldn't have been missed. I should NOT have to sit down every night and type out a long-winded report about this socially stunted behavior; nor should the moderators be repeatedly subjected to it.
  19. Kai

    Kai hey im kai and this is jackass

    Jan 28, 2014
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    well i basically said
    as an actual lesbian i was deeply unsettled and grossed out with the fetishized characters made by gross dudes in the server

    i also said it was one of the many reasons i left, including being busy with college
  20. Bunshuu

    Bunshuu New Member

    Feb 18, 2014
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    none of this was adressed bc the majority of ppl here are straight dudes that have some kind of
    twisted idea about how a girl -gasp- that might be gay -GASP- works, and then will scream ''you are not being nice to me !! mods!! this person called me out on some shit that they know firsthand because its their own damn identity!! close this thread bohohoo''

    i mean, like,
    and none of this speaks about other gross behaviors that can be seen on this community and lead 2 me leaving
    like this is minor but remember how everytime my mains (Leon and Santiago, both latino's) speaked even the LITTLEST bit of
    spanish i was whispered to... stop that?
    like not full blown typing everything on spanish here, just what they said, because, surprinsingly, we latinx dont want to speak
    english when we are more comfortable in spanish, yet all these ppl acted like my character not acting like a white person personally
    attacked them.

    idk but if i saw that as a new player that is learning english i would be kinda grossed out.

    just maybe.
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