I am currently looking for a full-time or part-time job in order to pay rent. My Qualifications: I paint professionally, I am a violinist, I am a decent cook, I have a high cardiovascular endurance, and I am very limber and athletic. Job Types I Am Seeking: I am fully willing to perform an artistic-based job, such as painting murals, creating portraits or scenes, designing and implementing color palettes for clothing outfits, buildings, rooms, etc.; I would be willing to work as a musician, as well as learn to play other instruments besides violin; I would be willing to work as a cook or chef, as well as further my understanding in the culinary arts. Job Types I Will Consider: I would be content with working as a courier or delivery person; I can work as a planetary explorer, or as a scout of some sort; I could work as a bartender, busboy, waiter, grocery store clerk, or any desk jobs available; I could try working as a photographer, however I have no professional training and I cannot be sure as to the quality of my work. Job Types I Would Like to Avoid: I would prefer not to do anything too terribly physically demanding or requiring manual labor, as I am not too terribly strong. I would also prefer to avoid anything confrontational, because I am quite frightened by the prospect of violence. If no other jobs are available and it is completely necessary for me to take on a job where intense physical labor or confrontation is a possibility, I will consider doing so. If you are interested, please respond to this thread or PM me, and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you for your time.
a professional chef would be nice. Private message me if you're interested in cooking for a cripple <~ThatOneMute
A clothing designer! Oh how swell, would you be interested in becoming my personal designer.I'll pay quite handsomely for each outfit. -Adeline Miller(Mama)
I had actually secured a job with the first person to reply, but I may be able to work on outfits for you in my spare time. If you are still interested, please contact me privately. -Lilyus