If your one of the people who have been affected by the "Hot Exotic Alien Booty" pop-up well this is where you come to for help.I hand out a maximum amount of 1500 pixels,none of the money is counterfit.You must meet the following qualifications as shown below. -Must be over 18 years of age -Must have no type of police record -MUST HAVE PROOF If you meet all of the qualifications, you are eligible for financial aid. Keep in mind, money is limited in supply. If you do not receive your money immediately there may be something wrong with the transaction, or you did not meet the qualifications above.Have a nice day. -Adeline Miller(Mama)
This is a charity to help those who have recently lost money due to the malicious pop-up used to steal 3000 pixels from those who click on it.
Floran accidentally opened it on 10 different devicesss, will need lotss of moniess to pay for it all. Venus
Only 1500 per person.I have just finished wiring the 1500 pixels to your account.Good day. -Adeline Miller(Mama)
Haha very funny... Your IP address has been banned on this website due to the suspicion of false victim claims.
((Eh, fine but lets just say that your IP has been banned on the website due to suspicion of false victimization.Sound good?Applies to all others who have been scamming)))
[Logged in using a Public Library PC] Hey, I lost all of my bank funds and my Datapad's locked up. I've opened up a new bank account and what-not, but that hack really hit me hard. Took what little I had left. I know you probably have other things to do, so don't let me get in the way. - Sc@v3ng3r (( Dirt-Feet ))
Do you have a picture of the hacked device?Send back when you have the time.I need physical/digital evidence and then you will get your money.
[From a Library PC] He hacked my Datapad, I don't have a camera or anything... My time on this computer is up, I have to go. If you want to meet in-person, message me over private comms via radio. I modified it to leave a voice-mail. (( Starnet Conversation )) - Sc@v3ng3r (( Dirt-Feet ))