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Orphs Voice Diaries

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Steamy, Sep 13, 2014.

  1. Steamy

    Steamy Pro spam bot

    Feb 2, 2014
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    *The voice diaries on are are on a voice recorder on Orphs always unlocked locker so it is very accessible*

    "They're all out to get me after the ruined revenge plan Skull face and Dustclaw didn't eat the spit sandwhich Matt found out I gave him veggie patties so now i'm on cleaning duty it sucks because they had it coming Dustclaw always bullies me and Matt and skull face ruined my ship.I have to keep my guard up I don't know when skull face or Matt are gonna shank me.I gotta get off planet it's so boring here but I don't have a working ship and no one will give me a ride since everyone hates me for some reason."

    ((OOC note Feel free to comment OOCly or Icly By recording some things on Orphs voice recorder by taking it))
  2. Steamy

    Steamy Pro spam bot

    Feb 2, 2014
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    "Today I just got my hands on 100 frozen hotdogs I haven't had one for so long I can't wait to dig in if anyone else takes one I will kill them and their ghost.Also Crosswell let me take out one of the stones I feel like i'm finally getting some deserved respect in the R.A"
  3. Steamy

    Steamy Pro spam bot

    Feb 2, 2014
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    *Orph sounds excited*

    "I can't believe I got 7 pieces of gold ore for 600 pixels and a sack,The higher ups are gonna be so happy,and I might be a well deserved promotion"
  4. Steamy

    Steamy Pro spam bot

    Feb 2, 2014
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    *Sounds excited*

  5. Steamy

    Steamy Pro spam bot

    Feb 2, 2014
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    *Sounds confused*
    "My PDA isn't working what is going on?"
  6. Steamy

    Steamy Pro spam bot

    Feb 2, 2014
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    *Sounds excited*

    "TOMORROW'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!I can't wait ,I talked to Crosswell about it he acted like he didn't have much prepared,but I know he's planning a surprise party.Today I went to that fancy new bar and the bartender said I was an important guy,finally some one recognizes how important I am he also sold me A bottle of fancy avian wine for 150 pixels he said I should get it because I am important,I love that bar."
  7. Steamy

    Steamy Pro spam bot

    Feb 2, 2014
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    *Orph sounds like he is recalling an old memory/telling a story*
    I had the dream about the mission again,the one where I killed the guy.I don't know why I keep thinkin about it,when I have the dream I remember it vividly,the gun noises Fenrir yelling and I just let out a shot in a random direction and it hit one of the cultists.Time stopped for a moment and I felt like a different person,I didn't know how to feel I felt so sad I ended a life sure it may have been a crazy guy,but still a guy though at the same time I felt a rush just by pulling a trigger I ended something that had gone on for years all the moments I killed a man in seconds.If the event rises where i'll have to kill someone again i'm not sure if i'll rise to the podium and if I do will it be for that rush again.I know for sure the R.A does the right thing and the man I killed was a bad guy,but does that mean i'm not a murderer?"
  8. Steamy

    Steamy Pro spam bot

    Feb 2, 2014
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    *sounds very confused*
    "The weirdest thing happened at that new bar place I was drinking some umbrella drink then I passed out,I woke up later had some more umbrella drink then I threw up,even later I was having some umbrella drink and I passed out again.I left the place,but I took some tasty umbrella drink for the I love umbrella drink."
  9. Steamy

    Steamy Pro spam bot

    Feb 2, 2014
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    *sounds sad*
    "Yesterday I was buying some more umbrella drink with my pixel card then all of a sudden my pixel card was denied and I was told I had to leave,after all the time I spent there they tell me to leave when I run out of money."
    *Orphs tone changes to one of indifference*
    "So then I went back to the ship and ask Joshua for a loan he said no and said I have a drinking problem,even though it's just umbrella drink,but he said he would give me 200 pixels if I found his friends Marlowe and brought him to the ship."
    *Orph now sounds like he's bragging*
    "So of course I find this Marlowe guy being the Armadas best man and I take him on my ship to get to the poseidon on the way there I let him now i'm the armada's best man he didn't believe me,because he was obviously jealous.So we make it to the ship Joshua gives me the money,then I ask Joshua if i'm the armada's best man and he says "right" of course that means yes so now that Marlowe guys
    knows who's the best man.I am so skilled Tarl Hollow himself gave me direct orders once he told me to "go dig a hole" and that is what I did I dug a hole and I dug it better than anyone else could."
  10. Steamy

    Steamy Pro spam bot

    Feb 2, 2014
    Likes Received:
    *Sounds indifferent*
    "Today I had to give some Tetanus refugees a ride to the ship and a tour.I think i'm great at giving tours I showed them the ship told them some great fun facts and in the end we had a little quiz,who wouldn't want a tour like that?"
  11. Steamy

    Steamy Pro spam bot

    Feb 2, 2014
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    *Orph sounds angry*

    "During the opportunity mission we were told kill all bandits,and I was following those orders killing those bandits immediately,we got to a bandit who dropped his gun and I shot him,but Matt didn't let me get the second killing shot.He took out a sword and hit me with the handle.That gave the dying bandit enough time to unpinned a grenade,me and Matt barley got out in time. The grenade caused damage,and we were told to avoid as much damage as possible to the city.Long story short I'm filing a repot against Matt so he will no longer be my superior.
  12. Steamy

    Steamy Pro spam bot

    Feb 2, 2014
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    *Orph is mostly excited*
    "Alot of things happened lately so i'm gonna do a quick recap,I got to flog Felith,I saved the life of Felith so he owes me one,I think me and Joshua ran into a spy,we got into a fight with a mad gunman,I got clipped in the foot by the mad gunman,A floran tried to eat me I shot the floran arrested him he got flogged and deported,I should probably get a promotion so i'm no longer a private,and that's it."