Greetings lawmen, bounty hunters, and prospective guns. I present to you today the opportunity to make a sizeable profit as well as make the sector a safer, more hospitable place to the decent people that live here. I do so by offering a bounty for the head of one Stab-Dancer, pirate, thief, murderer, and racist. This Stab fellow is known to dress in purple tribal armor and is usually wearing a purple warmask or some sort of ridiculous pirate outfit. The bounty for the criminal in question is 25k to be paid to the account of whoever first provides valid proof of death. Good hunting. -Not_Viiiker
Pathetic, a group of terrorisstss angry that floran alerted the authoritiess to the pressence of an Outcasst, known terrorissts. Ssso they hide behind digital wallss, make falsse accussationss after they embarassingly have to flee New Chicago. What a coincidence that thiss bounty appearsss jusst hourss after floran turned one of the terrorisstss in to police. Anyone here can assk Badsstar, head of New Chicago Ssecurity whether floran helped identify a member of the Outcasstss to him. Floran will reward any humane and lawful capture and arrest of the Outcasstsss with 50,000 pixelss per persson. The New Chicago ssecurity sseem the mosst competant. If floran findss out you helped with the capture of thesse terrorissts, floran will reward and conssider friend for life. Stab-Dancer
||ID: not_viker|| to counter-act the bounty by the stupid savage, i will offer 100,000 for its ugly head. thank you, good day, make sure its a stupid ugly florans. make sure dead.
to counter-counter-act the bounty by the idiot outcasts, i will offer 150,000 for each member brought to NC. Thank you, good day. -Not_Viiker
Yeah! Look for two men Named Julius and Badstar, they'll comp you! ones got a facial thingie and the other is green and stupid looking. i'm sure you'll find them. -Not_Viiker
Even for bounties, that seems like too much money. I wouldn't trust anything over the original 25,000 pixels as anything but counterfeit. Ape's sake, I never made 100k in a year working independent. I'm not sure anyone does. If you do, you're wasting your money. If you don't, you're just trying to turn away people by mucking the water with lies. I'd be inclined to follow the original bounty. -socialenginneer