I'll be selling a number of different and varied clothes and accessories available for purchase, just contact me with an order and I will try to complete it and give you a pickup point. Please be warned that my label is not cheap, and will cost a little more than your average colony clothing store. The price really depends on the material at which you request the clothes to be made from, and please remember that I don't have every material at my disposal. Send me a PM or leave an order here for requests/orders. -Kian
*user: [email protected]*((Miri)) Hmm. Do you have anything fashionable that is both utilitarian, and blood doesn't stain?
I'm sure I could throw something together. If it's going to be "utilitarian", what kind of purpose do the clothes serve, and job you have or..? -Kian
*user: [email protected]* ((Miri)) Plenty of organized pocket space, and options in wearing configuration, depending on weather conditions. I'm a UDU Practitioner, which takes me a little bit everywhere in less than ideal conditions.
*user: [email protected]* ((Miri)) Thank you very much; simply contact me whenever the gown is ready. Have a wonderful night.
Considering my pro-active nature, I'm posting this order here, as I've already posted it elsewhere. You understand, I'm sure, best to be prepared. Copied word-for-word from the OTHER clothier's thread: "I am in the market for a trenchcoat, brown, of course. It is completely up to you what materials are used, although I'd prefer something durable. The underclothes should consist of a grey sweater and black cargo pants." Payment would be in voxels, as carrying around piles of singular pixels seems illogical, I hope this is to your liking. I will most likely be in New Chicago, but be sure to message me in any case. -Clarisse
*Hans* Um, I probably won't be around to pick it up, so if you could just hold this order for a bit that would be great. If you can, um, make me something fancy, preferably something that doesn't clash with blue and yellow. Also, it needs to have leg braces, preferably worked into the clothes to be concealed if you can. so yeah, just tell me how much it will cost and stuff.
<--- Could you make me large yellow purse, thinking rounded and maybe a polyester inside .Surprise me, just give me these few elements in the purse, and the rest if up to you. Also, does 8000 to 10000 pixels sound fine with you? -Adeline Miller(Mama)