Ok so I have come across some people playing Hylotls with Japanese names, like a 4 or 5 i think, and some German scientist aliens. Why are you like that? Its like a civilized un-hisssing Floran, its weird. Also, Florans, please hisss and act weird, otherwise its weird. YES I KNOW FLORA DOES NOT LIKE TO STAB BUT AT LEAST SHE HISSSESSS AND IS DUMB OK
Well, Hylotl having Japanese names makes some sense. The Hylotl culture is based off of the Japanese. Heck, Avian names are often modeled on Ancient Egyption, Nahuatl, or Earth birds. The Avian and Apex with German accents... well... hard to justify, I suppose. The fact of the matter is, it's hard to roleplay something we don't have experience with. Though, there is probably a logical point where this becomes laughable, it takes considerable effort to play a true alien. As a result there are a lot of Humans wearing fishfrogsuits/leaves/feathersuits.
To be fair, the Hylotl borrow some things from Japanese culture. The pursuit of beauty, the style of some of their clothing, the way they act towards other species, etc. Apex have a wide range of scientists, and their 'Big Ape' concept is similar (not the same, by any means) to that of Hitler's time. As far as Floran speaking clearly, I am not sure. Due to their savage nature and how their bodies are designed, it is suppose to unintentionally cause slurring, even if they try not to.
I think it would be easier to equate the Miniknog controlled population of the Apex to Soviet Russia. A truly communist state, heavily enforced through totalitarian means. (Knowing the amount of animu on the internet, I'm going to get crucified for this). Hylotl are, again, based on Japanese culture, however a highly romanticized version of it. They lack the violent parts, the warlording, the corruption, the Shogunate style government of honor through warfare. Japanese culture (like most feudal cultures) was brutal. And it was as full of corruption, pillaging, murder, assassination, fiefdoms battling internally for control and fighting for power as any Western nation. Hylotl lack this in that they are Aestheticists and Pantheists, believing that nature in all its forms is as close to divinity as you can reach, and that beauty and culture should be fostered over warfare and perhaps even trade. So... they're like the good parts of Japanese culture with the bad parts cut out. Those that do train as martial experts (something I imagine is rare, in contrast to the fact that every Hylotl ever is a ninja or samurai) would be more like martial artists training to master their body and turn violence on itself by making it something beautiful. TL/DR: Hylotl have an excuse for Japanese names, at least.
The Hylotl having Japanese names makes perfect sense, since the Hylotl are heavily based off of Japanese culture, and the Apex/Miniknog have always reminded me of a pseudo-fascist regime of sorts, like a mix between Hitler's Nazi Germany and Stalin's USSR.
As far as Florans talking normal, Lily (My own Floran) does, but there's a story behind it and it actually makes sense. Now - Florans being civilized... Eeeeeeeeeeh not a big fan. Lily was never meant to become like that, buuut first day playing her some Hylotl took her, strapped her to a table, and toyed with her brain. So that happened. It pains me to see all of these Floran talking like normal people, not hissing, slurring, anything of the sort. It's disappointing.
Big Ape and the Minikog are actually based almost entirely on the book 1984, which features an incredibly left-wing political party headed by the mysterious "Big Brother". The one thing that bothers me, way more than feathersuit avians or ninja hylotl, is the Floran without a lisp. Isn't it biological or something? If I remember my lore correctly, it's not just something they can suppress or learn away - they're literally forced to do it. /me goes to look
Correct. It is biological. The lisp isn't something that can just be suppressed by sheer will or goes away over time, a Floran is stuck with it for life. (Unless you get your brain toyed with, but have fun with those odds of it turning good)
I probably should have clarified this earlier, but Hans, my really civilized Floran, actually has a slight lisp. it's just not not pronounced enough to actually add another s. He just sounds really fabulous.
Because brain and voicebox are the same thing, right? Aaaanyway. playing an alien isn't thaaat hard. you just have to identify the core principals of a race, then approach anything vaguely human like an inexperienced child and try to relate them back to said race's core principals. Well, that's how I handle it.
Don't ask me. Ask the person who did it to her. Literally had her for two hours and she got her brain toyed with. Apparently they fixed the voice problem as well so -shrug-
Random quotation time! This is kinda silly; I'm not even a big fan of Human's having a strong cultural bias, much less aliens who've had very recent contact with humanity. (This is mostly based off the assumption of a United Earth where globalization has driven humanity to a new dawn of prosperity, until Greenfinger ruined it) Actually, it seems the Hyotl are closer to a Korean style, though without much lore it's mostly speculation. I'm a culture nerd don't judge me. It's alot closer to George Orwell's 1984, which was a fictional communist regime that controlled the British Isles under the guise of the propaganda-piece great leader, Big Brother. This seems like nitpicking but I'm sorry, they even have thought reassignment.
We don't KNOW that it was Greenfinger. It's just hinted. Then the opposite is also hinted, with him saying "I truly must pay a visit to Earth and see this thing for myself."
I'm sorry, but saying "It's not my fault, other people did it to my character" Isn't really an excuse. If you truly mean what you wrote here, you'd either have voided it, or at least called them out on it, not just idly play along. Lily is, from my experience, one of the least floran florans on the server, so putting people down about not playing their race is pretty hypocritical.
-Facepalm- Oi vais. Right I'll explain. I have a strong policy with my characters - I don't care what happens to them. They could die and I could care less. Lily is one of said least floran of florans due to her reprogramming. Side effects because of this are immense head pains that never cease due to things having to be messed around with her brain. The person who did it left a week later so I had to fill in the blank, deciding the downside would be the constant pain and generally feeling out of place when around others, especially other Floran. Why am I disappointed to see other Floran not lisp? Because they don't have a reason too. It can't be suppressed. Other Florans have no reason to not have a lisp, since it's not something that can be taught. It's biological. "The part of the brain that controls speech is found in the left hemisphere and is divided into Broca and Wernicke’s areas. Broca’s area is responsible for the processing, production and comprehension of speech, and if speculation is correct, also in the interpretation and expression of body language. While the processing and formation of speech uses the supramarginal gyrus, angular gyrus, and primary auditory cortex parts of the brain, it is not yet clear how many of these parts are responsible for the interpretation of movements." If the Broca's area of the brain is responsible for production of speech (And if I'm wrong here then I got nothing), would that not tamper with Lily's capability of speech? Perhaps part of these headpains is the immense strain on the brain trying to correct her speech. Just like how some people can change the volume of their voice or how comedians can change the way their voice sounds, is it not possible that with this strain, her voice is forced into this monotone form without a lisp? Even when there is emotion in her voice, the pains only get worse in her head, enough to make her faint even. If not that, then I got nothing.