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Tips on avoiding florans.

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Iridium616, Aug 29, 2014.

  1. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    Floran likess you. iss good persson. not racisst like otherss.

  2. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    "Another thing Florans tend to be known for: Luring with false attitudes."

  3. Lord Boran

    Lord Boran New Member

    Jul 30, 2014
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    That right there is a racial prejudice...

    Why thank you for that compliment.
  4. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    "It's not racial prejudice if it's something that is honestly part of their nature as a race."

  5. Lord Boran

    Lord Boran New Member

    Jul 30, 2014
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    No, it is not part of their race, but some have that trait of deception and do use it to harm or mistreat others.
  6. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Florans are really nice! I dont know what youre talking about!

  7. Lord Boran

    Lord Boran New Member

    Jul 30, 2014
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    ((Just wondering, are you talking to me or Aedan))
  8. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    ((anyone who doesnt like Florans lol))
  9. Biscuit

    Biscuit New Member

    Feb 10, 2014
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    -Quickclaw signed in as Quick423-

    And some of us you'll find might be more than just tolerable. You can't generalize at all, even if it's based on hard fact and evidence. You never know who someone is until you meet them.
  10. VaporDispersion

    VaporDispersion Superflappy Dogefish

    Jul 31, 2014
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    So i sssee this thread like omigoshsss and like y wuld some1 avoid me just 4 bein floran, doesssnot compute, I wuv evry1, like PLUR, get it, Peace Lovesss Unity Ressspect! *eatss waffle holds up glowsticksss* Like, u racissts ssshould rather givesss me vodka iss ok, will pay you in Molly, like omigoshsss. Alssso likess fishiess, cuz dey make like cool fasshun, like, real fan, get it, like coolsss. Floran fashun is like, bawwring *snooze, drool* like wth not cool at all lol but florans who party are like okay, so LBF k sweetsss?

  11. mexicanclownbaby

    mexicanclownbaby New Member

    Aug 15, 2014
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    This whole shit about the damn beans sprouting up everywhere? Let me tell ya assholes something, during my time in the run down blown up galactic butthole we call New Chicago, I have met some straight up scary fucking leaf monsters. Plants running around looking like something out of a cheap B list horror movie. Seriously like, what the fuck? But in that nice shit sunday of a species I did meet some pretty cool fuckers, and let me tell ya, I still ended up shitting my pants. Sprouts ain't all bad, just the ones with the fingers in their pockets and that hungry as shit gleam in their eye.
  12. DeltaV

    DeltaV New Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    ((Spoiler for /very/ long text. If you've got fifteen minutes to kill, give it a read)).

    Here are some posts accumulated from this thread, as well as the thread created entirely in retaliation asking about ways to kill Hylotl. For every one Floran on this thread who seems to have some grasp of both a keyboard and basic social skills, there is at least one other that responds to an honest request with threats, conspiracy to commit murder, confession to previous murders or a "Don't insult me if you don't want me to attack you" stance on the subject, on a moderated forum - and hardly anyone calls them out on it! I am not trying to be racist here, as people seem to describe it despite Florans being not a race but an entire species - a species that has, in the past, found it perfectly acceptable to commit genocide on an entire sapient species and their homeworld despite no provocation whatsoever.

    The Floran culture is one that glorifies violence - violence against nature, violence against animals, violence against peers and violence against others. This is not necessarily their fault - the Floran species is one that is still in development - a Neanderthal to the modern human, to use an analogy. But do you know what happened to the Neanderthal? They could not adapt to their surroundings and so they died out, and the more social, intelligent predecessors to the human race lived on to become the humans one might see today. This issue has been further expanded upon by the reverse-engineering of the spaceship by the Floran species. If they had been left to develop alone for a few more millennia, perhaps we would be having an entirely different discussion today. But, like a wild beast escaping from a zoo, the primitive Floran species has escaped from the confines of their planet and spread out across the world. The difference is that if you saw a wild beast walking among you, a ticking time bomb waiting for someone to look at it funny so that it could gore them, you would have the beast shot.

    But they are sentient, you say! They have intelligence! To which I answer that this makes all their species' flaws even more contrasted. There are genuinely smart, social, kind Florans in this sector and in this galaxy. But ask yourself: Would this have happened without outside interference, in the current Floran culture? No. They would have slowly developed and built a modern civilization, but instead we opened unwittingly the cage doors, released the Floran species into the world and let them roam free amongst the stars. The ones that have adapted are the oddity, the beast that has become domesticated. But a beast does not domesticate itself.

    Furthermore, let us touch on the destruction of the Hylotl homeworld, a subject so rarely touched upon in discussions such as these. The Floran species, disliking the peacefulness and developed culture of the Hylotl, banded together to launch a synchronized destruction of our homes and our culture and the genocide of billions of Hylotl. To put this into the context of another race, I will once again compare them to the human race, as it is a subject with which I have invested quite a bit of time into learning recently. Several hundred years ago - five hundred, perhaps? A bit less? - there was a human leader who sought to destroy a particular race of humans, whom he blamed for his nation's economic issues. One all was said and done, several million were dead, and the remaining members of this race sought to disassociate themselves from the nation that had turned on them. Who was the racist here? The man and his political party, who systematically murdered millions? Or the survivors who wanted nothing to do with the ones who had brought death to their families and neighbors? The difference is that the genocide of the Hylotl was a hundred times larger in scale, that the Floran species refuses to acknowledge their error, and that no blame has ever been placed upon them by anyone but the Hylotl. And when a Hylotl asks an honest question about avoiding Florans - these Florans being the same species that brought death to most of the asker's species - they are called racist and threatened.

    The only solution here is for the leaders of the factions and colonies of this sector to sit down and have a serious discussion on the benefits versus the issues that are brought by allowing the Floran species to associate themselves with their colonies. When Liberty Mills banned Florans from the planet, it seemed that despite the outcry crime saw a dramatic drop. When the local United Systems branch allowed Florans into their ranks, their error was grievous enough to lead to their destruction. Would you raise a family in this sector? Would you have children, and let them play in your yard, knowing that your neighbor is a sapient plant that might view your child as a potential snack, and rip him limb from limb should he wander too close? This sector is known for being lawless, but to progress as a community that must change, and the only way to bring about this change is to separate the civilized species - and even the 'domesticated' Florans - from the rest of the Floran species. In short, they must adapt to their surroundings, their surroundings being civilized society, or they will die off. Such is life.

    Regardless, Starnet is not the place for detailed examinations of society and the role Florans play in it - it is the place for cat photos, so I will end this here. Thank you for your consideration - it gives me joy to see that at the very least there are some on this thread who seem to share my views.

    - Dysphot Waveguard
  13. mexicanclownbaby

    mexicanclownbaby New Member

    Aug 15, 2014
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    Yeah, this is to the fucker above me who made me scroll down three pages while I was taking a shit. You write enough there, pal? I don't think you got your fucking point across. Good job on at least killing one elderly lady who tried to read that shit.
  14. DeltaV

    DeltaV New Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    Just because you cannot pay attention to something for more than thirty seconds at a time does not mean I should remove all the nuance from an important matter.

    - Dysphot Waveguard
  15. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    This motherfucker right here.
    He gets it.
    - Germany
  16. Biscuit

    Biscuit New Member

    Feb 10, 2014
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    -Quickclaw signed in as Quick423.-

    Did you not read anything I said? You can't judge all of us as if we're all cut out from the same branch. I wasn't involved at all with the wars on your planet. Neither were many other Florans. You have to judge individual people for their own individual actions. Otherwise, your judgment is irrelevant. Some of our kind aren't as terrible as all of you make us to be. Instead of looking at us as pests, perhaps look at us with the respect we deserve as we share the galaxy with you whether you like it or not. Our race is learning. Slowly. And it doesn't help to complain about our ways. Just know that everything is getting better.
  17. Kumakin

    Kumakin New Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    i prty teribl.

    -Sunny D
  18. Kirby teh Pink

    Kirby teh Pink Puts the Coo in Cool

    Feb 4, 2014
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    I don't know which type of florans are worse, The regular kind, or the ones that try to act like they're not florans at all.

    Respect you DESERVE? Oh yes, I have the utmost respect for a species that holds hunting and "ssstabbing" as it's core principles. A real sign of intelligent life.
    Learning? The only thing you learn is how to more efficiently kill your prey, which seems to include anyone and anything a floran disagrees with at any given time.

    And I shudder to think what a floran's interpretation of "everything is getting better" is... More "meatss" to stab? - Skarti
  19. LaserLlamas

    LaserLlamas Mother of the Pack

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Nonchalant: Shame the Holy Fleet left sector. They'd be throwing a hissy fit right about now for all the support Florans are getting.

    -Margrave Raoul B217
  20. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    Floran iss not ssuprissed. jusst from way iss sspeaking iss can tell iss sskarti. and everyone knowss Sskarti iss an elitist. hiss wordss hold no weight.
