I modded a mod and shared it in another forum, thought I would make it's own thread. This makes your chat window quite large, so hopefully you don't miss anything!
Nice! It will surely come in handy when PEOPLE DON'T SHUT UP AT NEW CHICAGO AND I'M TRYING TO HAVE A PLEASANT CONVERSATION. Also, sick ship. Ray Beluga approves.
Myoku reported for spamming. I'll nab this when it's here, not sure I'll use it. The large chat window gets in the way when building when alot of chat happens. Thanks for the addition however.
Greetings! I updated the Mod with 65% transparency chat backgrounds. Due to how much lighting some places use, I have found the darker background makes it easier to see what I am typing and read other's text. The Image files have also been assigned the RGB Workspace color profile which lowered the size of the entire Mod. Updated v1.1 Link Here! It's client side and simple to install - just unzip to your Mods folder!
Ooh, one of these. I love these; seen a few in my time. Perhaps I could add this to our approved mod list in the FAQ, if it's safe and been refined enough. Smart job on the transparency fix, I always hate when that's neglected. Two questions! Have you modified the settings to make the chatbox last for a longer amount of time before disappearing, and have you modified them to increase the chatlog size before it starts clearing itself? The former is an aesthetic choice that can work out well, whereas the latter is just really, really useful. (Though be careful moving ANY setting too far from the default.)
Hey! The visible time was actually increased from 5 to 30, and the history limit from 64 to 1000. The history limit has had no visible effect on FPS lag, Ping lag or memory usage, so it is safe to increase that to just about Whatever (but not beyond 65535).
Faaantastic, that sounds interesting. 30 might be a tad on the long side, but I'm interested in seeing how it'd work at that setting. Hmm. I might give this a download sometime soon. You know, when I'm not slacking off in a class about fonts and programs that cost several hundred dollars more than they should. Have you considered making a slightly smaller version of the chatbox in the future, as an alternative version? Personally, I tend to make a custom mod for myself that's a bit of a mid-way between "wow dayng that is tiny" and "GODZIRRA GODZIRRA GODZIRRA" (though a lot of people really like the latter, so hey), and I know others can prefer a middle-ground as well. Just curious, and perhaps making a suggestion. Love this, by the way. Like, just already.
I wouldn't mind doing that! I'm interested to know about how small you would want it to be, whether it be 50%, 33% or 65% the current size. Also! I would like to start possibly changing the colors of each the text and background, so I might upload some samples of that later.
Hmm. I'll have to wait until I'm at home to recall what sizes really worked well, but I believe 10-12 lines is around where I ended up settling on. It provides a fantastic option in the middle of the extremes that both allows for functional building/game-playing, and functional RP. I'll get back to you when I get home and show you an example of what I'm talking about, through a screenshot of what I'm using on my home PC. Changing the colors of text and background is... I think it's fine to do, but be careful. Just from a design standpoint, it tends to be tricky to get colours that work well. (Although I'd be interested in seeing how it would look to change planetary chat from green to, say, white or something. Hrm. Not considered this until now. I'm curious what colour combinations would work out, and if they'd enhance readability at all!) Regardless, while this is just me speaking for myself instead of on behalf of the staff, I'm pretty sure that's totally fine to do. We only get on people for changing the colours of their names ingame, and that's mostly for historical reasons. (And, you know, the fact that it causes some typical glitches.) Game modifications are another story. ...Godspeed.
Oh sure, I understand! Since this is strictly client-side stuff, the people they interact with shouldn't be able to tell a difference either way (unless they are some hackers or some such!). Player names affect everyone, though, so that is understandable! One color combination I thought of would be black text against a 65% transparent purple-ish background. That combination has been good to me in Terminal scenarios, so I might try it out for a chat window! While I have some time, I'll make a 12-line chat window version of this mod for ya.
...I'm actually curious how coloured transparent chatboxes would work ingame. Sounds neat, though. Other cold colours like blue or even green might work, too. (Warm colours, though, not so much. That'd get annoying quickly. :...:') I encourage you to experiment with it, yeah. Also, 12-line would be personally appreciated. : ) Would do well for your mod, too. Options are great for downloads. You may want to consider putting this mod on the official mod database sometime, once you've got the experimental stuff done. People have need of them, especially since RP servers are the most popular servers on Starbound. And most of the ones already up there are kind of old, or even outdated. (As I discovered todaaaay. ._.)
I might do that later once it has sat here for a while and drawn a bit of attention to PSBRP from Google (if any, that is - heres to hoping people use Google to find mods!).