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The Toxicity Issue

Discussion in 'Announcements and Information' started by Rezima, Aug 28, 2014.

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  1. invictus69

    invictus69 New Member

    Jul 2, 2014
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    It is our every right to point out any and all problems/bad behaviors/troubles any mods might cause in the future for any reasons. Whether we do so in private or publicly is ultimately up for the reporter to decide. I'm sure you didn't mean to say this, because it kind of implies that we as the community have no say in who should be removed from moderating.
    Or not exactly removed but punished for their behavior as well.
  2. Animator

    Animator New Member

    May 9, 2014
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    We literally are speaking to you now in a PM the moment we told you to do so, so this is basically a blatant lie. In said PM, we gave you an opportunity to validate those claims; which you haven't. That's a second lie. The fact that you're wanting to back up your claims but failing to, and instead would much rather sit and accuse only means you're bluffing. You are very bad at it.
    We represent the team. She spoke for us in that post, but as I said prior, you have all our attention in said PM. You are specifically targeting her; someone who has specifically ceased to speak with you for very private reasons. This isn't an issue with the moderators anymore, this is an issue with you and here specifically. Quit masking your personal problems with people as discontent with the entirety of the staff, especially when it's as transparent as it is right now.
    It is definitely a responsibility of the users to make sure the mods are kept in check. However, that's not what you're doing. That's what you *think* you are doing, while specifically targeting someone you have a personal vendetta with. Ergo, she has no need to respond to you. She has the right not to respond to you, not as a moderator, but as a person. There is literally no amount of egging on that you can do that can change otherwise.

    So let me tell you what you are going to do. You are going to quit this train of thought here in the forum, and instead carry whatever shred of sincerity you have with these claims over to the PM that we are actively participating in. All you're doing here is derailing the entirety of this topic by coaxing a personal problem with someone while masking it as a vendetta with the staff. Failure to do so will result in further reprimand. This is final.
  3. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    I think you're both taking this far too personally. I think everyone is. Now, I don't want to even get into the self-entitled baby yammering, so I'll make my point on Invictus. Raising complaints about moderators is different than moderating moderators. Ultimately, it is Kaz's duty to moderate the moderators, as you have to file your report to him for anything to be done. Rez was not saying you don't have the right to have an opinion, and report moderators for misbehavior. She was saying that no single player has the authority to decide what moderators do is bad or good and then hold the entitlement that their judgement will be perfectly received and acted upon according to their wishes. And they don't. That's why they're moderators and we're players.

    Again. Such things are Kaz's decision. You can always raise your complaints. No one has ever said you couldn't.
  4. invictus69

    invictus69 New Member

    Jul 2, 2014
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    Sorry its just that given the context of her post that line wasn't really needed, I was pointing out how someone could take it as a "You have no say in how we do our jobs" kind of thing.
  5. The Grand Mugwump

    Dec 29, 2013
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    Felonious' clarification is correct.
  6. TAP123

    TAP123 New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    Well I'm surprised Animator. For someone who told me that "you're dead to me" and that I should never converse with you again, you're actually giving me orders and trying to convince me to do otherwise. I'm honestly surprised. How's it going? You still hate me? Sorry if I can't stop myself from calling out personal bias here, but when it's a challenge as much as this I can't hold back. If only you actually responded to the moderator PM too, I'd understand. But no, only 3 moderators decided to converse with me while the rest of you sit back and judge me. Hasn't the thought ever crossed your head that I'd stop being problematic if you people stopped judging me? Is that too much to ask?

    And lead by example, this place wouldn't be so toxic if bias wasn't so hostile.
  7. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    Moderators have been forced to step down in the past. Most who witnessed such happen have long since left and only a handful remain. It took a legitimate reason, and calm discussion. There were many players supporting each point as well as prior evidence.

    The community has the power to see that a Mod steps down. IF THERE IS A LEGITIMATE REASON. In addition, the discussion was in a mass PM and successfully managed to be courteous. Bashing, bitching, whining, was kept to an absolute minimum because in all honesty,when you reach that point your credibility is entirely in question.

    Who moderates the mods? Kaz and the Community. Emphasis on the community.

    At the very, very least. When you think you have an issue with a mod or mods, make it very clear. State why. Make sure its nit a misinterpretation on your end. Speak to a fellow player to get an opinion less biased than your own. Even offer up reasonable solutions to the issue. But yea. Dont throw a ragefit. Those go nowhere and drag everyone involved into the mud, and whatever point you had, no matter how valid, will be lost in the fit.
  8. invictus69

    invictus69 New Member

    Jul 2, 2014
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    Stop trying to start shit you nutter!
  9. TAP123

    TAP123 New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    Question to bring up. What if Kaz has bias that the mods have, and you see a problem with that and try to report that? How would that work?
  10. TAP123

    TAP123 New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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  11. invictus69

    invictus69 New Member

    Jul 2, 2014
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    Have faith that Kazyyk does not.
  12. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    You are the greatest level of hostile bias I have seen in a long time. Hypocrisy is a good color on no one. You just ranted passive-aggressively intentionally trying to turn people in your favor and against a mod. 3 Mods spoke to you. Is that not enough or something? You want an audience with ALL the mods? Put an end to this god awful pity fest and MOVE ON. Please, for everyone else's sake.

    Kaz is unlikely to have that bias because he stays disconnected from the community at large. Even then, the rest of the moderation team would likely put in their input.

    For God's sake, there isn't a conspiracy against you.
  13. TAP123

    TAP123 New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    No. I already know for a fact that faith won't do me any good. I know I'm lucky I'm not banned, I'm not being persecuted. But there are other forms of bias that occur that's not public, that's hidden. It's almost as bad as hidden racism.
  14. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    Regarding mod bias or kaz bias intersecting. I can say from experience that such an occurrence is extremely rare. It helps in some ways that Kaz gets his enjoyment from trying to manage the server and promote it while maintaining a relatively good community. He doesn't play on it, at all.
  15. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    Oh. My. God. I'm done. I'm out!

    Godspeed the rest of you. I'm getting off this ride.
  16. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    I'll be frank regarding your thoughts on bias. To have bias against you, you need to be infamous in some way. During my time as a mod your name came up only once, and I may be thinking of someone else. Aside from that I do not belueve you were remembered enough to have earned the level of bias you claim. I homestly do not remember why you were banned. Bans are few and far between and often remembered. I think you may be misinterpreting the situation or overthinking something simple. Relax.
  17. Animator

    Animator New Member

    May 9, 2014
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    And out the door you go. I told you to quit it, only to bring up personal interaction that is not only completely irrelevant to your allegations, but also to target me after I told you to cease targeting a specific user. You were doing perfectly fine, faction and all, up until you pulled these stunts.

    I do not like you as a person, for so many reasons that have been made apparent in this thread that it's not even funny. But as a user, I made certain that you had the right to be here and to participate. You were even going a better direction than before; I kept an eye on your faction personally, the moderators vouched for it since it was being run competently, and I told you countless times that you would be fine so long as you didn't break the rules. There are others I don't like, but I don't care that I don't like them. They have just as much a right to be here, since they went through the process fair and square to be here. That is what we, the moderators, uphold. That is our basis of operation.

    For those who don't know the context, it is true that I stated this to Tap. However, the reason was because he said personal details of a conversation without telling me about it to other people; it had nothing to do with the nature of the conversation itself and everything to d about violating my privacy and having him talk about what we spoke about behind my back. As a moderator, I am always willing to listen to people about any criticisms involving the staff, and answer in kind. As a person? That is, personally, to me, a low blow. There's a reason you keep your job separate from your personal life; Tap personifies not only why, but also how bad it can be when you don't.
  18. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Honestly, I can't understand why you keep bringing it into public even after mods are speaking up. The restaurant analogy was poor, and there's not yet a single FACT to back your words.

    And I'm concerned. This situation is exactly the same one which happened in the only event held in Opportunity, where there were characters ICly whom didn't know where they were getting into.

    Animator has told the STAFF posture in the whole situation. You complained Aeryn didn't answer you, but it seems you aren't replying some moderators trying to clear it up, ignoring their messages the same way you say someone else is doing. There hasn't been real bias against anyone from the staff as far I've seen so far, and you aren't a exception.

    The only bias mentioned here is the one you want to imagine it's true, when it's not.

    Honestly. Stop. Sit down, take a tea, relax and begin thinking straight, without any ghost telling you staff is against you. You are going down the drain, losing every opportunity you could have, and ultimately it's not doing you any good.
  19. Hawke

    Hawke ACK!

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Now that everyone's had their "fun," really people, relax a bit.


    This thread's over.
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