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Floran regeneration(it has to do with florans so come check it out)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Spinach Pirate, Aug 26, 2014.

  1. Spinach Pirate

    Spinach Pirate The Adorable Spinach

    Feb 1, 2014
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    So, Flora may or may not lose an eye soon, and I want to know if you guys think florans should be able to regenerate their eyes or if that is to complex for a floran to do and Flora will just have to have a fake eye or eye-patch? I am not asking this because OH NO I CANT HAVE FLORA LOSE A BODY PART, but because I want to properly RP Flora losing an eye, so if florans would be able to grow one back, then she would grow one back, if not, then she wouldn't.
  2. skipi

    skipi New Member

    Jun 17, 2014
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    Florans should not even regenerate limbs.
  3. Dekerrex

    Dekerrex New Member

    Jul 29, 2014
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    I'm fairly certain a Floran could regenerate certain body parts, like many plants, although plants grow slowly and require lots of energy, meaning there is a halfway mark. An eye-patch will be needed during the long regen time.
  4. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    Plants can often regenerate because of how their metabolism operates. Among other things. Trees grow branches rather haphazardly, yet Florans have very distinctly humanoid shapes, as defined by their genetic code. If a plant regrows, it won't regrow the same. It's harder to regenerate something that is complex (like a nervous system) and specific (like organs and limbs that MUST be regenerated exactly the same). Nervous systems (or their equivalent), complex muscle groups (or their equivalent), BONES (or their equivalent/counterpart) would all be MUCH harder to regenerate. Especially to regenerate without unwanted mutations.

    Then there is the matter of metabolism. Florans have higher metabolisms than plants. In terms of metabolisms, trees are snails, and Florans are professional racing vehicles. This is the reason it's very unlikely they have sap (such a thick fluid wouldn't transfer nutrients and carbon-dioxide fast enough). It's the reason they would require nutrition from other sources than photosynthesis (particularly meat protein). This means that regeneration, if (very unlikely) even possible, would require a considerable time, and investment of energy. This means they'd likely need to eat more and not partake in ANY physical taxation, or they'd risk stunting the regrowth.

    Honestly, I have to side with Skipi. An organism as complex and as highly metabolic as a Floran is unlikely to have advanced regenerative abilities. Particularly if they have an advanced nervous system (or equivalent). It's the reason widespread regeneration is unheard of in vertebrates, and it's common in invertebrates. It's the reason we can't just grab a biologically immortal creature (they exist) and replicate the process directly over into humans. Regeneration is hard for an organism to do. The more complex it is, the harder it becomes.

    If we must have Floran regeneration (I'm not sure where it's referenced canonically, I'd actually like a link to the codex entry or observation phrase), then it's unlikely to work on organs like eyes or vital internal organs. And if it does, it's likely to work poorly and require an immense energy/time investment.
  5. Spinach Pirate

    Spinach Pirate The Adorable Spinach

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Thanks for the infos, i will not have flora regenerate her eye
  6. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    eyepatch club~
  7. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    It's worth note that regeneration does happen in "higher life forms". However, biological regeneration at any stage is largely unexplored by the scientific community. We know there are some organisms (single-celled and basic invertebrate animals) that are biologically immortal. Meaning their cells replicate so well, they could, theoretically, age forever (or far longer than is likely for an organism of their stature). We just don't know how exactly they regenerate, and how we could replicate that. (Not for lack of trying. There are groups out there studying biologically immortal animals to try and replicate the effects in Humans and move us past that whole 'death' thing.)

    Some lizards can regenerate as well, however they can only regenerate limited portions of their body, and the regenerated portion is never as strong as the original (nor is it any longer filled with nerves.) That is to say, they regenerate weaker and at a great cost to themselves, losing lizard social status even. Sometimes the limb or (more often) tail will not regenerate properly, becoming odd growths. Sometimes they'll over-generate, causing the lizard to sprout two or more copies. And then, some species can only regenerate once in their entire life.

    That said, this is wacky space stuff. So is it possible? Yes. Is it possible on the grounds that "they're plants"? Probably not. Florans are as closely related to a vine of ivy as we Humans are to earth lobsters. (Hint: Lobsters can regenerate, we can't.) Then again. If it's not canonically stated, I vote to drop the whole thing. It seems it's more an excuse to power game and dodge consequence and character development than it is an actual trait to the race.
  8. The Grand Mugwump

    Dec 29, 2013
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    Short answer: Nope. No regrowing eyes please.

    Long answer: Basically what Fel said.
  9. Spinach Pirate

    Spinach Pirate The Adorable Spinach

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Yeah, thats what i was thinking, i just didnt want to not regenerate my eye if florans should
  10. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    It was good that you asked. I'm sure that there are those who would disagree with the opinion that you shouldn't... but that opens up what I want to say next...

    As this thread is titled "Floran Regeneration" I'd like to petition to strip Florans of their regeneration. Unless it is canonically stated somewhere in-game or by the devs that Florans have full-body regenerative capabilities (something I cannot find reference to no matter where I look). If you bring up the fact that "They're plants"... well, plants are an entire kingdom of organisms. Like Animals. However, because we're Humans, we have a hard time seeing past them as a kingdom and realizing that they are nearly as diverse as the animal kingdom. Just because an oak tree can regrow its branches does not mean a Floran can regenerate its lower torso, legs, and whatever-else is down there. (Seriously).

    Meet the Tardigrade and the Hydra(genus). Tartigrades, also adorably called Waterbears or more adorably called "Moss Piglets" can survive such heavy extremes that they make "Human Adaptability" laughable. These extremes include subzero temperatures, physical drought, extreme heat, space. The Hydra is a creature that has been found to have near-perfect cellular regeneration (no, they aren't those type of Hydra.) Both are classified as animals.
  11. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    From what i gathered from the lore floran can regen limbs. like arms and legs. not like eyes and other stuff...
  12. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    That's fine and dandy. But my question remains. Where does it say this? I've only ever heard the argument "Florans are plants, so they can regenerate." I've never seen links to any in-game sources or Dev sources that say it.
  13. Olivia

    Olivia New Member

    Aug 16, 2014
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    If you cut a plant's stem will it grow back? I feel like that is a good indicator for whether or not Florans can regenerate limbs.
  14. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    Why? Because an Earth worm is an animal. If it can regenerate, so too should all animals? Plants are a vast kingdom of species. They range as widely as animals do. Just because some (even most) can regenerate, doesn't mean all will. And if we're basing their regeneration off plants, their arms should come back pointing different directions, with extra hands and fingers coming off, perhaps a bit gnarled...

    Point being: READ ABOVE!
  15. Malachar

    Malachar Heir to Madness

    Feb 1, 2014
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    A more appropriate metaphor for stem cutting is cutting a floran in half. Just saying.

    As to Floran regeneration, it's basically been established and accepted as head-canon here in anatares, albeit it isn't even close to "wolverine" level.

    Floran loses an arm, and doest bleed out due to treating it, it'll take a week to regrow it.

    Some people have noted the concept of regenerating "wrong", but I'd like to point out with a Floran's innate ability to control plant life, whether it be through ESP or secret langauge of plants[my favorite theory], with lots of focus, they can dedicate their time to correct regeneration.

    On the concept of organs and such, it has always been my mentality that unless you take one they NEED, i.e. ripping out a floran's heart = dead.

    Then I'd have no issue with regenerating an eye.

    Unless of course fire was involved, like with my main Petaldancer who had her eyes ripped out and sockets burnt out with fire, leaving regeneration impossible, as I believe the burnt out areas would hinder the process.

    I do think it should be severely limited in time and what exactly can be regenerated though.
    Things like decapitation, or dismemberment in the torso area [cut in half] are fatal no matter what you are.
    Even something like a limb will require treatment to stop the "sap-bleeding" before they lose too much.
  16. Olivia

    Olivia New Member

    Aug 16, 2014
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    I'm not talking about cutting a floran in half, I was talking about a plant. If I wanted to talk about a floran I would have.
  17. Malachar

    Malachar Heir to Madness

    Feb 1, 2014
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    You equated cutting a stem to a floran losing a limb.
    That is inaccurate, a more appropriate example would be cutting a leaf off.

    Since the Steam is the part holding the entire plant together, the corresponding part on a floran would likely be the torso.
  18. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    Unless the meaning is a branch stemming from the main body.

    You must understand, as well, that when you cut off a tree's limb, it doesn't grow back the same (if at all. Many trees have big scars where they've had limbs removed, not new limbs. Many plants are this way. This is because they don't always grow back.) In many cases, it's not really regenerating what a plant is doing. It's simply growing. If you cut off a limb, that's a new place for a new limb, not a regeneration of the same limb. Florans don't have this. They don't keep growing. They reach their maturity and then they stop most of their physical growth (like we do). A plant can mend a cut, or damage (often with a scar), but so can Humans and animals.

    I think the issue that is the reason people have misconstrued things to the point of giving Florans the magnificent ability to regenerate complex organs and limbs is because they lack a general understanding of botanical biology. Heck, most of us do. Highschools rarely go into it, and unless you're in biology classes in college, you're unlikely to really go over plants. Even then, it's usually skimming unless your degree is geared toward botany or subjects that are integrated with plants as much as animals.

    I have, so far heard a number of outlandish stories.
    • Florans regenerating after losing half of their body.
    • Florans regenerating complex organs.
    • Florans regenerating limbs with no mutations or defects.
    • Florans regenerating within a day of their injury with little to no effort.
    Whether or not they could be able to regenerate is no longer the question. It's: Is Floran regeneration good for the server and for the characters that inhabit it?

    The answer has blatantly and continuously been shown to be "No". Florans abuse the ability of regeneration, again, to shrug off consequences of their actions and retaliation. It's a tool to hide behind and abuse, rather than a way to develop their character. Above all, it's obstructive to non-Florans who lack the ability, and thus make dire trades to effectively do nothing to Florans. Because within a day or two, the Floran will have mystically regenerated.

    My argument remains! Florans should not be able to regenerate.
  19. Malachar

    Malachar Heir to Madness

    Feb 1, 2014
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    All very good points in that it is often abused. The only point I might disagree with is florans being able to prevent defects due to their natural control over plants, though this would require being able to focus throughout the process at the key times.

    In the end, we will likely need to wait for a mod group decision as it would be overturning something long accepted [if abused at times, yes, I won't deny that]

    A point a will make is people [not you, just people in general] often seem to flip-flop between whether to regard Florans like plants depending on the situation.

    Sometimes some say, "they're plants, so plant laws apply", other times they say "They're plant humanoids, so plant laws matter little".

    Be nice to get a mod approved comprehensive list of things races can and cannot do. Since people often have different headcanons and many want to force theirs, and it just gets crazy if conflicting canons collide in combat RP.

    Edit: Last point I'd like to make. the issue isn't the regen itself, it's the abuse of it. If you see someone abusing such concepts, turn them in. [At least talk to them first and see if they're willing to negotiate though]
    #19 Malachar, Aug 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 27, 2014
  20. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    The issue with something like regeneration is that it exists for one reason. To make Florans stronger than they already are. As long as it's there it's going to be abused. As long as it's the route of least resistance people will take it.

    As for a "control of plants"; such a thing is vague. For all we know, the ability, at most, allows them to passively control how something grows, not whether it grows. It could be, and has been vaguely defined to be, something passive and not immediate. More, a plant they're controlling would still require time and CONSIDERABLE energy. It's no excuse to hand wave the biological investment. And that's if it's possible in the first place.