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[New Currency] Jules

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by Ariexe, Aug 22, 2014.


Do you think Jules is good or bad?

  1. Good Idea. I don't see myself using it very much

  2. Good Idea, I can see myself using this alot!

  3. Bad Idea. I don't like it, but I can see how this could be implimented

  4. Bad Idea. Terrible idea and it will never work

  5. I really don't care

    0 vote(s)
  1. Ariexe

    Ariexe New Member

    Apr 20, 2014
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    [​IMG] <--- This is a Jule

    Myself and a few others are working on a new Colony, and with a new Colony we are trying to establish a new Economy, namely with the introduction of Jules
    ((Note: this was copy and pasted from my proposal to the mods. too much to rewrite))

    How Jules will work
    To start with, Jules will only be used, and distributed or earned In Asani(new colony i'm opening soon). From this we let the boat float, and we see if it sinks or not. If it doesn't, we try and implement it into other colonies.
    Now, you might question how we avoid people from pulling endless amounts out of their ass? Simple, the currency itself will be an in game object, in which can be stackable up to 1,000. 1,000 Jules is 100,000 pixels. having an in game items makes the stack limit, and if you require more than 100,000 pixels, you have to sacrifice inventory space. This prevents people from having billions of Jules at a time.
    When it comes to purchasing, to start the people who are running shops will have to require the actual Jule item handed over close to, or in amount to the clerk, before any items are sold to so people won't have to keep track, and won't pull the "I have money in my account let me just pay it via my PDA"

    How we will prevent greifing of Jule use
    Now, for those who dupe Jules, not only will the limited pocket space try and stop them, but we plan to try and keep a mental note on how many Jules should be in the server. to start, We're going to be distributing 10 stacks, probably only cutting threw 2 or 3. To start the currency, were offering a free pixel to Jule exchange without proof of pixels, but after awhile you'll have to prove the pixels are not ripped from your behind, in excuse for free money. Anyone caught abusing the Jule system, or duping Jules will go on a personal list of players banned to use Jules, and all clerks and players will have access to the updated list, knowing, that player is up to no good. We will also try and confiscate the Jules.

    This Jule concept is a steep attempt to bring a stronger market, and establish an economy. Its also an attempt to keep people out of the bar scene, and make they're life interesting. Our new colony will also have a job board, where ill post or other players can post jobs, rewarding Jules. To start, ill be posting simple jobs like "go farm all the rice!" and I have to watch you do it, or even "Mine some Satorite!" and you do it... all in character. The hero is far too common, and sometimes, even the hero has to get down and dirty.

    This is my attempt to try and make a stable economy in the server. At first Jules will only be used at Asani when it opens. you can exchange pixels for Jules (with proof of earned pixels) and you can start using them right away to trade or buy. Things like drinks and hotel rooms will not require Jules. This is only to be used for more expensive purchases.

    Please post any questions, suggestions, or overall comments. Remember rule Zero. It's okay to not like things. but don't be a D**k about it. I wana keep this constructive.
  2. Iridium616

    Iridium616 New Member

    Feb 2, 2014
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    Sounds great as an idea, but it will not work. There's too many ways this can get out of hand.
  3. Ariexe

    Ariexe New Member

    Apr 20, 2014
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    Elaborate. The one thing I want to do with this is limit the use of it at first so we can stabilize it, and prevent it from getting out of hand. an example is restricting it to an Asani only currency. It will be optional, but things like houses and powerfull gear will only cost Jules
  4. Kirby teh Pink

    Kirby teh Pink Puts the Coo in Cool

    Feb 4, 2014
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    It's been proven time and time again, people don't care for monies in SB.
  5. The Grand Mugwump

    Dec 29, 2013
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    Honestly, I'd advise just using it on your own colony as an optional currency and seeing if it sticks. It's -very unlikely- you'll win over the entire community out of the gate and especially not with OOC reasons.
  6. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    A 100-1 Pixel-Jule exchange rate? If pixels are already somewhere similar to 1 USD, then that's... that's a lot off money for small objects. It makes it impossible to trade for anything cheaper than 100 pixels. Or... inbetween. It's not a flexible currency, is the point. Not very liquid.

    Two: This won't is VERY unlikely to work. You can't stop people from counterfeiting, no matter what you do. Locking things down too hard makes it a chore to use, rather than an asset.

    Really, something like this shouldn't be necessary. If people just played realistically with money (ha!) then things would be fine. But, I can see the inspiration for this. It's hard to manage ANYTHING when everyone on the server is a gigabillionaire capable of buying/selling weapons for tens of thousands of dollars, building cities out of nothing, constructing secret bases and massive warships as if they're commodities, etc.
  7. Donovennn

    Donovennn New Member

    Apr 23, 2014
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    Personally, I'd use it. Uh, but the other people are right, the exchange rate should be lowered a lot. Or you could just add smaller units.

    EDIT: I get that not every person could use it, but I think it would be fine as an alternate currency. Like, companies could accept either, and the one you use is a personal choice.
    #7 Donovennn, Aug 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2014
  8. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Get rid of the exchange rate, people pull pixels out of their asses anyway and it'll do nothing but ruin the currency.
  9. Deadkool-aid

    Deadkool-aid New Member

    Jul 30, 2014
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    This will be difficult, but if it works itll be great
  10. M-Bot

    M-Bot #swellest

    Apr 4, 2014
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    Bolded portions are my issues with this.

    First off: like others have pointed out, the exchange rate is absolutely terrible, and immediately renders your currency worthless. You're trying to prevent people from pulling pixels out of their asses, but if they want to even get these Jules, chances are they'll have no choice but to do an ass-pull. And that doesn't even go into how overpriced things on your colony would be. Would a drink cost one Jule? Because if so, that person just paid one hundred pixels for a single drink. Bogging your currency down with exchange rates only adds to the problem with pixels. Separate it from the existing monetary unit entirely - create a functioning economy without relying on people proving their legitimate wealth beforehand.

    Second point: ILC mod > Christmas crafting table > craft X amount of voxels. How do you prove that wealth wasn't earned legitimately? Do you ask them to explicitly recount every single transaction they've ever made, and keep track of their wealth? Some people already do that, sure, but the majority do not. Creating gates to acquiring Jules will only turn people off the currency and have them return to flaunting their billions of pixels someplace else.

    Third point - having to watch people do their jobs: I understand where you're coming from and I agree, but what happens when you're offline? Does the entire earning process grind to a screeching halt? Because that's how you kill an economy.

    Fourth point: restricting a currency to a singular colony is a great way to have people completely ignore said currency. What if I'm in New Chicago, where they only accept pixels? Are my Jules are completely worthless there? Does Asani only accept Jules, and not pixels? Every place else accepts pixels. I have pixels and not Jules. Why would I go to Asani if they won't accept what apparently is the galactic standard of currency? I'll just get a drink someplace else. That's the logic many people will follow if you restrict Jules solely to Asani, and in the end it'll probably kill interest in this whole alternative currency thing.
  11. The Grand Mugwump

    Dec 29, 2013
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    That is a decision to be made on an individual IC basis, not in an OOC thread with OOC explanations. If enough people decide they like jules, then they like jules. If a colony leader decides to encourage jules in their colony so be it.

    I can see a colony only currency adding an extra layer to a colony. People can buy some things with pixels, but they need to contribute to the colony and acquire Jules if they want all the services available there.
  12. M-Bot

    M-Bot #swellest

    Apr 4, 2014
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    I was specifically arguing against eliminating pixels on the colony while the new currency was still in its infancy. I agree that it adds depth to a colony, but it doesn't help if a character has to go through an entire process to convert their existing pixels into Jules that would only be used on a singular colony. It might be better to have both payment options available at the onset, and then slowly phase out pixels in favor for Jules as characters gain more of the new currency through IC work. This is just my opinion based on limited economic understanding, though, and it's by no means a foolproof plan. Many things would have to be taken into account so Jules just don't become the next pixel.

    What this situation does do is open up economic roleplay that has barely been done before, and I'm all for that - trade deals that would allow the jule to spread to other colonies, etc. It would help connect colonies that have up to now been completely cut off from each other, with little to no interaction between colonial governments and regulatory bodies.
  13. Ariexe

    Ariexe New Member

    Apr 20, 2014
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    Jules to start out will be Exclusive to Asani. originally the exchange rate was 10 pixels per Jule, But we figured to buy a house (which realistically would be somewhere around 100,000) would require an entire inventory filled with Jules. This is space consuming and well.. Time consuming. This is why I stated /expensive purchases/. Asani will still accept pixels, but things like high grade Armour, Houses, and maybe even Vivians spaceships? Applying them to those fields, Jules work. Things like drinks and food will remain pixels. If we do lower it to a 10 pixel exchange, than we would allow drinks to be purchased with Jules, but it makes transactions more time consuming and annoying for both parties selling and buying.

    We can't stop people from making there own shit, and by proof i'd prefer to see a txt document of recorded funds. Some people do record there funds, and those people will fit into the new economy favorably, but those who do not will have a harder time. At the end of the day its all about trust. and breach of that trust gets your name on the Jule ban list.

    At the end of the day I WILL be implementing Jules to Asani, using them for our "kickass" looking guns and to rent houses. ((something like 20 Jules a irl week))

    Another thing I should note, looking at the track record of the US dollar, it slowly becomes more and more worthless. Sure you can say a pixel = 1 US dollar, but in reality i've seen people roleplay the min wage around 120 pixels. In Antares the pixel value is dirt. and in reality compared to the US dollar its like yen. 1 cent = 1 yen, or in this case 1 pixel. Were 400 years into the future and would you not consider inflation?

    EDIT: At the end of the day, people seam to find this interesting, and are willing to try it. I will keep it in Asani and offer good for Jules, even Vise versa. If a colony wants to use Jules, thats up to them, and should consult me before using them for advice. But there are two ways this can go. It can float... or it can sink.
  14. Deadkool-aid

    Deadkool-aid New Member

    Jul 30, 2014
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    Don't have an exchange rate for pixels, that'll inflate your currency before it's started
    People are still gonna pull money out of their asses
    Don't offer Jules for pixels, like I said inflation
    You will be offline a lot of the time, and watching people do stuff takes lots of time
    Solutions in order of problems presented
    Can't really stop everyone
    To get money into circulation give it to shopkeeps and business owners, try to negotiate with those offering goods and services is that it's beneficial to the costumer to use Jules (e.g. When buying with Jules at a bar every fifth drink is free or buying weapons you get 25 percent off.
    Not really needed
  15. Ariexe

    Ariexe New Member

    Apr 20, 2014
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    The pixel to Jule exchange was an option I was considering to allow the currency to enter the market easier. but you have a valid point. without a pixel to jule exchange, there would be no set rate. That being said drinks could be 1 jule, or 20 pixels, wile a more fancy drink could be 7 jules, or 40 pixels. More or less I was willing to give out jules for people who RP at the colony. Kind of cheap, but its a good way to get traffic XD

    EDIT: as for people who literally roleplay farmers, they would have a payroll. same with bartenders and contracted markets
  16. Donovennn

    Donovennn New Member

    Apr 23, 2014
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    About the exchange rate, um, why not just add different levels of currency.
    Like, a 100 jule thing? you could just recolor it. and then people could make change and stuff.
  17. Deadkool-aid

    Deadkool-aid New Member

    Jul 30, 2014
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    I really like that idea
  18. Deadkool-aid

    Deadkool-aid New Member

    Jul 30, 2014
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  19. Ariexe

    Ariexe New Member

    Apr 20, 2014
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    Maybe.. We wanted to keep the idea simple at first. maybe overtime. Something like that confuses people and makes the system more complex
  20. Donovennn

    Donovennn New Member

    Apr 23, 2014
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    Well, it may be a little complex, but I think that can be fixed.
    Ex: just recolor the things and name them what they are.
    i.e. green jules are 5, red 20, gold 100, ect. (obviously values may need to be changed, but the idea remains the same.)
    I don't think it will be that difficult for people to learn the system.