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Septimus's Log

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Shinki, Aug 22, 2014.


What should I do with Mr. Septimus? Or What should I do in general?

  1. Kongou is overpowered, it's a battleship. Re-classify it as a cruiser so it's not as expensive.

    1 vote(s)
  2. Make him more British, he's not British enough.

    3 vote(s)
  3. Focus more on his Pirate-hunting.

    0 vote(s)
  4. Focus more on his Trading/Business.

    0 vote(s)
  5. Get Shoukaku on more. Septimus should take a break- for now.

    0 vote(s)
  6. Tea.

    3 vote(s)
  7. Crumpets.

    3 vote(s)
  8. All you dandies, prancin' aboot wit' yer heads full o' eyeballs! Wankers.

    1 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Shinki

    Shinki New Member

    Jul 19, 2014
    Likes Received:
    *Holo-projection activates*
    *Commence playing youtubeonrepeat.com/watch?v=regl4vTld5E *
    *Image of Lucius Septimus Magnus sitting behind his desk on the Kongou comes to view, he is sipping a cup of Earl Grey Tea, in his non-official attire*
    All right. I've decided to start a log. Hopefully I don't regret it, so I had Shoukaku do a bit of engineering on it.

    *distant incomprehensible yelling*
    Ugh... Speak of the bloody Devil... Anyway, the projection is rigged to wipe itself if it leaves the ship without my executive permission. So... well, it's a log, right? So we should begin, aye?
    *distant incomprehensible yelling, something about missing butter*
    Shou, just MAKE the god-damned bloody CRUMPETS already! *loud sigh* It's morning... just had a rather decent night battle. And no, it is not perverse in any manner. In fact, the only perverts in that battle were... How do I put it- "eliminated". Got a good portion of loot, tch... maybe it'll help pay for Moriya Tower this year. Perhaps there's a shortage of the bloody wankers this year, I need them to... er... "boost" my budget. Maintenance for Kongou is tedious, as always.
    *Shoukaku steps on screen, giving Septimus a cup of tea and a couple crumpets- and also a hefty amount of paperwork*
    You should get started on this, it's for the Tower.

    Yes, yes, I do know that. Anyway, it's all fun and games until someone goes broke, and we should really get on some planet. Perhaps New Chicago?
    I'll update this log as things get interesting. Hopefully.
    Ah, this will do just fine.
    *Septimus sips his cup of tea, then realizes that there's a ton of paperwork*
    Just. Fine. *groan*
    *Holo-projection shuts off*
    #1 Shinki, Aug 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2014
  2. Diddums

    Diddums That Loveable Lad

    Mar 2, 2014
    Likes Received:
  3. Shinki

    Shinki New Member

    Jul 19, 2014
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    ((Right, right. Dammit I was drunk when I wrote this or something. Anyway, next entry.))

    *Holo-projector switches on*
    *Septimus appears on the bridge, looks rather disheveled*
    Right, right. I forgot to add a log of the spoils of wa- Erhm. I meant material benefits. And, some of the amounts are classified, so I'm afraid I'll have to keep it that way.
    From the destroyed Pirate/Miniknog ships in the last Sortie:

    • 50,000 tons of scrap metal. Note to self: Sell this, Kongou has enough extensions. Last time, we freaking added a hangar for smaller ships.
    • [CLASSIFIED] Pixels. Found in Miniknog coffers and the cargo hold of an Avian pirate ship.
    • Various ammunition types, and weapons. These have been sold already to... a guy in a hood. Really shady, no? I don't care, it's bloody good business. To hell with edgy, shady people.
    • 20x Trident-class anti-ship torpedoes.
    • 6 Prisoners of Wa- Oops, I meant captives. Two of them committed "honorable" suicide, bringing the total number to 4. Have been [CLASSIFIED] by said shady hooded person. I know, doing that is bad, but then again, what would we do with the poor sods? *Sigh* The florans really should stop eating KFC and Ape. *slapped* I know, Shou, it's a bad joke.
    • Various Kluexian relics and Miniknog files. The files have been allocated to the ship archives, the relics have been sold to a small settlement of unknown Avians. I honestly don't care, but they did offer food. And pixels.
    • 2x damaged solar panels. Have been replaced accordingly.
    • Lots of electricity, but we just parked Kongou next to a sun, let the solar panels do the work.
    • Ammunition: 4x 460mm HE shells. 1x MAC shell. Fortunately, no small arms ammunition was used.
    • Damaged Hangar armor. Has been replaced with temporary scrap metal.
    • Time. Lots of it. I guess this can go here as well.
    Overall, successful sortie. That brings Kongou's successful sorties to 35. Total: 2 ships defeated in this sortie.

    *Holo-projector turns off*
    #3 Shinki, Aug 23, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2014
  4. Shinki

    Shinki New Member

    Jul 19, 2014
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    *Holo-projection activates*
    *Commence playing youtubeonrepeat.com/watch?v=regl4vTld5E *
    *Image of Lucius Septimus Magnus standing on the bridge, overlooking the planet of New Chicago*

    So... stuff just happened.
    We're shippin' BOOZE this time! Hopefully there won't be any combat. For our wallets' sake.
    Some sods over on New Chicago started a brewery, and apparently using a battlecruiser is quite safe. Pirates, as always, love a good shipment of booze... But when there's a bloody capital ship shipping it (No pun intended) I'd think most of them would think otherwise.
    *Septimus strokes his chin in thought*
    Right, right. The first shipment was a success, but there's always going to be those hooligans that think they can take on a capital ship head on and win. I think they were called... Edgelords, or something like that? Nah, I think we'll be fine.

    *distant shouting*
    Fine, fine! I know dinner's ready! Nnngh... I'll be back. Maybe.

    *Holo-projection turns off*
  5. Shinki

    Shinki New Member

    Jul 19, 2014
    Likes Received:
    *Holo-projection activates*
    *Commence playing youtubeonrepeat.com/watch?v=regl4vTld5E *
    *Image of Lucius Septimus Magnus behind his desk, his head in his hands, he turns off the music quickly*

    I'm scared now.
    I'm so... very... scared.
    Our ship... ran into a pirate today. We were doing a booze run for the New Chicago distillery, the one next to the Code Blue nightclub. I had realized something. I've been so paranoid, that I have never even written down who I am. If we were to die here aboard our ship, what would we be remembered for? Shoukaku for her laugh? Me, for my self-confidence?
    No. So... I will put it here to tell you... whoever reads this, if I live no longer, or contract dreadful amneisia, of who I am.

    My name, is Lucius Septimus Magnus. Seventh son of Gnaeus Cornelius, who was in turn the seventh son of Marcus Wright.
    I am the heir of a long-standing merchanting company, and I received the company at my father's death at age 22, due to the appearance of the Tentacle Monster on earth. Said company is Moriya. Before, during the Martian wars, my father sold munitions to the government and made plenty of money. I was different. I was no businessman. I was a man of action. At age 18, I signed up for the Royal Navy as a Commissioned Officer, and earned my rank of Sub-Lieutenant (S/Lt). It was a rough war, my childhood friend Charles Nicholson perished.
    The tentacles came out of nowhere. I was stationed alongside my friend and military superior James Evanston aboard the HMS Kongou when the tentacles came, they broke the back of Earth's populace with ease. Raiders and Pirates boarded the ship, slaying all the human crew except me, for I hid in a broom closet. The robotic seamen aboard the ship soon ousted the pirates, and I came out of hiding to a bloodbath. I've hated pirates ever since, and God bless the 12 other men aboard, including Rear Admiral Evanston, who lost their lives. The robots recognized me as the next in their pre-programmed superior, as they were designed to do by human hands, and I was the last man alive for a while.
    I picked up Shoukaku from a dying merchant ship, the Imperial Sun, her parents had been good friends of mine. The ship had been raided by pirates, yet again, but I managed to weave through the wreckage in my spacesuit and find the survivor with some surviving crewmen amongst her dead family in the last pocket of air. Procuring another Royal Navy spacesuit from inside the Kongou, I picked her up from the wreckage and gave every dead man an honourable burial, from rear admiral to merchant seaman. It was the least I could do, the apocalypse had happened and life, as we knew it, was over. I don't know if my parents were still alive at this point, but after seeing the ravaged planet, I could only assume the worst.
    I managed to wire into the ship's system all the credits that my father had stored in his swiss bank, sell the scrap metal from the destroyed ships and stations around me, and go towards the nearest human-friendly beacon. The data after that... well, I'm afraid even I am not authorized to tell myself. Out in the open. Heh.
    Well, somehow, a few years later, Shoukaku is the only person left with me aboard the HMS Kongou, now the MMN Kongou. I still have my hate for pirates, the ones who killed my family, my brothers in arms, Shoukaku's family, and slew the lives of thousands of other humans in their greed. Their greed is what brought the Human race to ruin. I had made a promise when I stepped away from the smouldering hulk of the MV Imperial Sun. I came to Antares for a classified purpose, but I will not leave until I have left my mark. There is only Black and White when it comes to judging other humans, there is no grey. And I will make sure that those who fall in the Black zone, those whose sins had doomed the Human Race, those... Pirates, shall be met with justice. I will do things the English way- Just as we had done so in the past, when our empire stretched out o'er the world so far that the sun never set upon it, I shall treat pirates with the only punishment they deserve- A short drop and a sudden stop.

    Heh. Well, that's me, I suppose. I guess re-assessing my own past made me feel better, like I have something to live for. Now Shoukaku's going to be mad at me, for I'll be late for tea.

    *He grins and turns off the Holo-projector*
    #5 Shinki, Sep 2, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 3, 2014