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Mattulip's Logs

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Coolguy, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. Coolguy

    Coolguy Coolest mod around

    Jan 27, 2014
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    Log.21: subject: Please don't let them be back.
    I'm strapped to the bed by a human doctor. Said something about not wanting me to reopen the shrapnel wounds. I bet he's just making sure I'm tied down for the doctors. They'll want to finish the job, make me even more empty than I am now. He said he locked the door, but they can get to me, all alone up here and defenceless. Please don't let them be here. Please please please.

    Saved 11/14/14
    #21 Coolguy, Nov 14, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 15, 2014
  2. Coolguy

    Coolguy Coolest mod around

    Jan 27, 2014
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    Log.22: Subject: I'm burnt.
    There I was, holding back the Florans with a few dumbass recruits, when one of them pulled out a cannon, and lit me on fire. I burned. Everything except my head is wrapped up in bandages. I can't even feel anything anymore, and I can't do anything without some part of me feeling like its burning. I haven't looked at myself yet, and I'm kind of afraid to see what I see in the reflection.

    Saved 11/15/14
  3. Coolguy

    Coolguy Coolest mod around

    Jan 27, 2014
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    Log.23: Subject: We're out.
    Oppertunity/Port last was overtaken by the blackleafs. We just managed to make it out in time, and Felith almost died. Luckily there was someone there who managed to use some of my parts to fix Feliths life support. Had the byproduct of having both of us literally tied together. Wired the life supports together. I'm typing this behind his back. Stuck like this until Loura (or whatever she's called now) fixes us up, then we're out of the sector. No more RA, no more protecting civilians, no more people shooting at us for simply being part of the military. Just me and Felith. Might return to the sector sometime, never know, but for now, it's a well deserved vacation of sorts.

    Saved 11/16/14
  4. Eleven

    Eleven Mädchen in Uniform

    Dec 20, 2013
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    (( confirmed honeymoon:oops:))
  5. Coolguy

    Coolguy Coolest mod around

    Jan 27, 2014
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    Log.24: Subject: They found us.
    Turns out that the bounty was still on. Great fun having a bunch of soldiers pointing guns at you for once being part of them! Luckily, civilians are good shields, made my escape quite easy. Don't know what Felith was up to, but we met up on the ship, luckily. We fled the colony, only to see they figured out where the house was, and burned it to the ground. You sign up for the United Systems for 8 MONTHS, they burn your house down. I really hate burning. Anyway, long story short, we're back in Antares, as it's the only place that we know of that's USCM free (I think). My burns aren't healed, and Felith is depressed like usual. Everything is just great.

    Saved 12/19/14
  6. Coolguy

    Coolguy Coolest mod around

    Jan 27, 2014
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    Log.25: Subject: What are the odds?
    Some Floran walked into the bar on Asani today, with my old Armada armor. Had the sergeant rank on it and everything. Chased him down, and after a bit of talking with security that involved me accidentally shooting the Floran and damaging the armor, I got it back, as well as an assault rifle from Blaze. Pretty good day, actually. That other Floran is probably crying that he lost the armor. I gotta wear it around him sometime, just to rub it in his face. Should recolor it though, It's a blueberry.
    Also got a flower from someone, looks almost exactly like my old one.

    Saved 12/23/14
  7. Coolguy

    Coolguy Coolest mod around

    Jan 27, 2014
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    Log.26: Subject: He's dead.
    Felith's dead. Died while sleeping. Buried the brain at the remains of the house, and going to use the robot-husk-thing to get the 25 K bounty. Probably will get Mkoll to do it, offer 5 K. I didn't like what Felith was turning into before, lazing around the ship all day and talking about how horrible his life is, but now he turned into a corpse, and I'll be turning that into money. Even after death, Felith helps me.

    saved 12/29/14
    #27 Coolguy, Dec 29, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2014
  8. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
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    ((*Felith set corpse to auto-destruct*))
  9. Coolguy

    Coolguy Coolest mod around

    Jan 27, 2014
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    ((*God damnit Felith stop being so useless*))
  10. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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  11. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
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    ((Wanna point out somethin'. 12/19/14?))
  12. Coolguy

    Coolguy Coolest mod around

    Jan 27, 2014
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    ((Son of a bitch, one digit off))
  13. Coolguy

    Coolguy Coolest mod around

    Jan 27, 2014
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    Log.27: Subject: Fuck.
    USCM is nowhere to be found here, meaning I can't cash in the bounty, meaning I'm left with 6.375 pixels, and however much this gold bar is worth. The husk is just sitting there, it's weird. Could probably see if either of the two groups want to give it a brain or computer brain, have it work, move around again. Might not be Felith, but close enough.

    Saved 1/3/15
  14. Coolguy

    Coolguy Coolest mod around

    Jan 27, 2014
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    Log.28: Subject: Screw Antares.

    Banned from Asani due to people betraying me in the new company I'm in, a cop who wanted to save his own ass by trying to get me killed, and a damn racist Hylotl. I'm leaving for a bit, back to the house to put the rest of Felith with it. Can't get the bounty, meaning I may as well give it back to the person who it belonged to. I'll camp out there for a few days, that hit on the head did something, need time to think. Besides, about time I taught those pets how to hunt.

    Saved 1/5/15
  15. Coolguy

    Coolguy Coolest mod around

    Jan 27, 2014
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    Log.29: Subject: That was fast.
    Not even two hours back in the sector, and I landed an actual paying job, working as security (And possibly delivering things, could get some extra cash for doing both). Not official yet, as they haven't actually opened for business, but hey, better than that stupid job at haven. Got paid a gold brick and that's it. Got the job waiting for a security guard in Asani to show up to find out where Arcturus is. Still planning to kill him. Lost a foot, meaning no running, good.
    The burns haven't healed yet, maybe a glitch in the pack? I'm not sure, I can't find anything, and the only people who know how it works is Moth and Cole, and I haven't seen either of them for a while.

    Saved 1/21/15
  16. Coolguy

    Coolguy Coolest mod around

    Jan 27, 2014
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    Log.30: Subject: One year.
    I've been around Antares for a year now, and I'm where I was at a year ago, possibly worse. Only a few of the people that I've worked with are still alive, and even then no idea where they are. I've made a few enemies that want my head, and have a bounty, large one at that. Though I do have experience (And training). Here's to surviving another year.

    Saved 1/29/15
    #36 Coolguy, Jan 29, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2015
  17. Coolguy

    Coolguy Coolest mod around

    Jan 27, 2014
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    Log.31: Subject: Another bounty.

    Got another bounty today! Great fun, having people come to kill me. Shot out someones knee caps trying to get information on Eddie, and this blue haired guy put a bounty of 10 K on me. 10 K! Just give me to the USCM for more. I've lived with a 100K bounty on my head for ages now, still alive, this little bounty won't do a thing. Better safe than sorry though, stick with The group, don't be alone, stay out of sight.

    Saved 2/1/15
  18. Coolguy

    Coolguy Coolest mod around

    Jan 27, 2014
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    Log.32: Subject: I'M RICH!

    40 grand! just from grabbing some guns and giving them to some guy. I can afford stuff now, like maybe a new LMG. Damn, I really need to get another. This AK-87 is working out for now, but it just feels too light, and I tend to overcompensate for the recoil. Plus all the reloading, holding around 30 rounds per mag. I'll have to see if Mute sells them.

    Saved 2/5/15
    #38 Coolguy, Feb 5, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 1, 2015
  19. Coolguy

    Coolguy Coolest mod around

    Jan 27, 2014
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    Log.33: Subject: Guns.
    How long does it take to make a gun? I paid 10 K pixels for it, yet not a single word from Mute about it besides "It will take a while". I found a LMG from Cole's brother already, for 900 pixels. No idea if it's good or not though. Mute's LMG has to be better than the SAW was (best gun I ever held), or else I am getting my money back, one way or another.
    Speaking of money, got another security job. Hope it goes better than the ICIA job. That was a mess.

    Saved 2/20/15
    #39 Coolguy, Feb 20, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 1, 2015
  20. Coolguy

    Coolguy Coolest mod around

    Jan 27, 2014
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    Log.34: Subject: Life is great.
    You really love the little things, like lying down. I couldn't do it for seven years due to that pack, but the operation was a success. I no longer have to constantly carry batteries with me to keep it charged up. I feel lighter, and it's just plain weird. Balance is off too.
    Got Blinky back too, cat won't stop lying on me. I'm half expecting to wake up one day with him half way in my chest cavity. Scruffy and Ratty are collared and put on the planet, figured they would keep the wildlife away.
    Got a job, place to live, one step closer to being back to normal, got all my pets back. Life is finally good.

    Saved 3/01/15