1. These forums are archived and available in read-only format. No new accounts may be created and content may not be added or edited. This archive is dedicated to hoshiwara.t who tragically passed away in April of 2015. She will be forever missed.

Galtment Cooper's Foundation(GCF)(Intergalactic Charity)

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Lord Boran, Aug 13, 2014.

  1. Lord Boran

    Lord Boran New Member

    Jul 30, 2014
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    Here at "Coopers Foundation" in we want to help as many people in need of food, homes, and an education. Our state of the art facility uses nothing but the best technologies to ensure maximum efficiency in collecting and distributing donations. When visiting or donating you may notice that this is a place of peace. There is no room for violence, racial conflicts, and cold-heartedness.
    View attachment 2209

    While here your probably wondering how to get around, here we use our dual component Skyrail systems. Our Skyrail systems are powered by our eco-friendly green bio-waste generators, the Skyrails themselves are laced with hardened impervium,and they also have a max speed of 50 Kph.
    View attachment 2200
    You may also be wondering where our Skyrail systems lead to. The lead to many various location such as our shipping area,our mall, our school, and free housing.
    Shipping Area-
    View attachment 2202
    Shipment Drones-
    View attachment 2201
    These drones are very special because of they sleek eco-friendly design. Why are they eco-friendly you ask, because they use mesh-fiberglass solar sails that absorb radiation from nearby stars, and when that power is used no Co2 is produced, but instead warm air is.
    Donation Station- View attachment 2206
    Our donation station offers state of the art technology which takes apart an item's molecules and then forms them back to the desired or categorized items when they are ready to be shipped off.
    View attachment 2205
    Our mall offers various shopping areas, but the main attraction is our food court.The shops available are "Grindellia's Furniture Shop","Flower-Bleeder's Statue Shop", and Yuki's Boutique". 75% of the funds are put to use by buying supplies to drop off in third-world planets.
    School- View attachment 2204 Our schools offer lessons to all ages. Our lessons include Math, Social Studies, Language Arts, and everyone's favorite Art!

    I hop that your hearts are kind enough and big enough that you are willing to donate clothes,food, building materials,books, and pixels to our charity to use and flourish among the stars.
    -Galtment Cooper
    *Note that on the opening day of this charity, you will all get a chance to meet the charity's founder Galtment Cooper(Yours truly) at the west side of the donation station.*

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  2. Lord Boran

    Lord Boran New Member

    Jul 30, 2014
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    *side-note*Our charity's main source of pixels is our skill to export crystallized ore and Quarts alloys to build the well know Crystal Furniture.
    View attachment 2218
    This mine is highly radioactive and we highly recommend not visiting due to the radioactive crystals which offer a whopping dose of 1300 Rads. If you wish to take this field of work, a Radioactive suit will be provided.

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  3. OdinOnlineAlive

    OdinOnlineAlive New Member

    May 24, 2014
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    Bloody Altruists. Go read atlas shrugged.

    -M. Vercotti.
  4. Lord Boran

    Lord Boran New Member

    Jul 30, 2014
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    *another side-note* You all may soon apply for jobs as soon as we can finish business plans.
  5. VaporDispersion

    VaporDispersion Superflappy Dogefish

    Jul 31, 2014
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    Hah, I actually read that book. Utter tripe. Bluepilled as bluepilled goes.

    Learn, study, work, work, work, work, die.

    Repeat after me: You are free.

    Up yours, Ancap.
