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So it's a thing. Opinions on Vivian?

Discussion in 'Character Discussion' started by TheAngryMelon, Aug 9, 2014.

  1. TheAngryMelon

    TheAngryMelon The most furious fruit

    Jun 6, 2014
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    I've worried for a while if Vivian had some things people might've had a problem with.
    So, thoughts? Nitpicks? Huge-problems-I've-overlooked-and-need-to-fix?
  2. TAP123

    TAP123 New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    I got to be honest, not liking the trend going on, kind of because of this, can't really help critique your character since I know nothing about them. Don't think we've met before. So what's Vivian all about?
  3. TheAngryMelon

    TheAngryMelon The most furious fruit

    Jun 6, 2014
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    That's a damn good point.
    I'll put up a summary as soon as I have time.
  4. TAP123

    TAP123 New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    Yeah. Feels like a lot of people expect the community to know about their characters. Not saying that's necessarily a bad thing, but for individuals like me who don't get much interaction in the rp server it get's a little weird or confusing.
  5. November

    November Previously Sermane
    Staff Member

    Jan 31, 2014
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    I bloody love Vivian. The first time I popped into the Den, and saw this weirdo putting a period after every sodding word I thought they were a loony snowflake. Holding judgement and actually learning about her a bit, I saw how great the character actually is.

    There is a deliberateness (I think that's a word?) when she speaks, as each word is spoken by itself. What (I imagine) her voice lacks in emotional conveyance, studying the choice of words eliminated that boundary. If you are doing this intentionally, you are beautiful, I love you, and never change. If accidental, well you are excellent at recreating a fairly complex level of psychology.

    Either way, good shit. Only character I have seen where the "no voice" thing was truly done well (opinion).
  6. invictus69

    invictus69 New Member

    Jul 2, 2014
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    Vivian has a huge princess peach feel to her. She's been kidnapped a total of... what, 4 times now? Thats my only complaint.
  7. TAP123

    TAP123 New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    OOOOH I REMEMBER. I remember Vivian from the slaver roleplay where we had captured her for a little. Interesting character to read. What are they doing in the roleplay currently?
  8. Fiery Wither Rose

    Fiery Wither Rose TheOneMute

    Jun 14, 2014
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    8 times
  9. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Vivian, from the little I have rped with her or seen around, has that 'good' aura to help everyone she can unless it's proven it a 'bad' guy, and for someone who has been already kidnapped eight times (in 2-3 months, that's 2-3 kidnappings/month!), doesn't make any sense, not to mention all the traumas she should be suffering from those experiences (the only kidnap I have a little knowledge of is Astaroth's one, where she was tortured). And she didn't have any combat training, as far as I know. Imagine any administrative desk worker how could feel after being kidnapped and tortured once.

    Her ship company seems more an excuse to have large amounts of $$ without any explanation, since I have never seen her taking care of her business, implying other people take care of it 24/7/365... it's ridiculous. It's not even stated how successful/unsuccessful it is. Not even talking about it, just tavern rp when she's not kidnapped/involved in a fight (Another thing I don't know. Is her cash the reason she has been kidnapped so often? If not, it's dissapointing).

    Her 'alignment' also throws me off. Signature says she's lawful good. Since when lawful characters bribe someone to meet their ends or join a shady mercenary group which only works for money? Either your sig needs an update, or she's far from lawful. There's a number of PC which suffer from this. I apologize if it's just a signature update.

    I was there when she tried to bribe LMH head doctor, bringing 70k pixels which were stored on your ship (which is... strange, at least) and brought it in around 5 minutes. The only possibility to do that is: 1) Having a bag/case with that amount ready at all times near ship's beam pad and: 2)Running like crazy through a city. This is just something minor, but sometimes it's good to stop 15 secs thinking how much time something should take.

    To summarize:

    1) Either begin acting as a lawful character or change signature. Her best approach in her current position is neutral good. Again, apologies if it just needs update, she has enough reasons to act more on her own without worrying about laws.

    2) If she really has a company... act more as a CEO. Pure tavern/combat/getting kidnapped rp it's not realistic when you own a business dedicated to build ships.

    3) It's impossible being kidnapped (+torture sometimes) eight times in a short amount of time and getting over them without sequels. Aggravated by the torturing, she should be at least edgy around sharp objects, which the Wolves are proud of carrying around, being a source of constant fear to Vivian (depending how many times she has been tortured), and she began as a simple civilian.

    4) It's more an OOC bias of me against baywatch done by loners, but from her experience, Vivian couldn't continue doing that without as an overseer from her ship rather than doing it personally, or at least going in with a team large enough to ensure her safety.

    With that all said, Vivian is not a bad character, she just needs reorientation. My two cents: why she's doesn't simply provide funds to the Wolves (which should be enough for them to keep her in roster), and use her company as a source of events? (If her business provides a steady income, it's logic they defend it against any threat).
  10. Ariexe

    Ariexe New Member

    Apr 20, 2014
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    Seeing how I skype with vivian almost everyday this may be a tad bias, but ill try to be as critical as I can.

    What keycross said I have to eniterly agree, Sure vivian runs a ship business but I've never seen, heard, or figured out mention of price. She joined the wolves to be closer to viiker, who in which I'd like to kill for capturing vivian (but ya know. im dead) but instead just moved her ship business there... which she still didn't do. she built this giant hangar for ships, and yet she still works off planet, only a fraction of a time. if its a "when im offline im icly building ships" it makes abit more sense, but wouldn't you think by the 8 times + the time when ashford is going to kidnap you you would retire and go into hiding for your own safety? might not be as fun but the wolves is seriously not a place for vivian. the only reason I could see her staying is the money she would make from running the ship dock there, and for asa, (not being selfish but ya know sisters for lyfe)

    Im not going to go too into it because its sort of private, but vivian comes off as this cute innocent girl who has no interest in a relationship, when all she does is talk about free love with asa. you explained this over skype and said she was going to snap out of it (now im not being selfish here at all I promis) but from what ive seen shes made no progression to growing up. if anything, it got worse.

    Im not going to give you a verdict or suggestions because too be completely honest with you, I have no non bias issues with vivian (non bias because vivian reminds me alot of my ex). sure its not fitting how she joined the wolves, but overall shes a great character. just very princess peach.

    If you want to keep the princess peach act up... I suggest looking into the... thing where people like being kidnapped.. its a real thing, and there is a service for it im dead serious. by now either Vivian should be traumatized to go outside, or sitting in an empty feild screaming for someone to tie her to a chair and kidnap her
  11. Finestein Goodlad

    Finestein Goodlad Wizard Mod

    Mar 27, 2014
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    I'll keep short as always. Vivian is not a hopelessly bad character, but her being with the wolves already throws me off. She really feels like a human, instead of an alien race (but then again apex are pretty dull if to strip them off this whole Miniknog thing). After my several encounters with Vivian, she quickly because a somewhat boring character. Plus, you seem to pull this whole "I wanna be the hero" act from time to time for Vivian and go headfirst to deal with the trouble. I believe (UH OPINIONS) that it might not fit the character much. Also me seeing you emoting how Vivian 'unfolded' a gun. And it was a giant gun. As Keycross did mention, this lawful good thing seems to be a wrong choice aswell. She always did strike me more like a neutral character that can be passive at times. But hey. Your character.
    I might be wrong about this or that and it might be due to my little experience with you.
  12. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Building ships when offline? THEN WHEN DOES SHE SLEEP =O. (And I doubt she builds entire ships alone at all! If she's the owner, she will help with precise parts, mostly. Ya know, I'm da boss!)

    Princess peach act... couldn't be more accurate, since Peach hasn't shown any trauma either from getting constantly kidnapped lol.
  13. Ariexe

    Ariexe New Member

    Apr 20, 2014
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    yea shes defiantly not lawful good
  14. Ariexe

    Ariexe New Member

    Apr 20, 2014
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    There was a game theory episode about this, and it was because she was into it, bowser was hired by her to kidnap her, and mario didn't do shit because he liked being the hero. AND YEA GOOD POINT SHE NEVER SLEEPS The amount of times shes passed out on me during erp
  15. Finestein Goodlad

    Finestein Goodlad Wizard Mod

    Mar 27, 2014
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    We should know how bad sleeping schedule and whole bad sleep issue can affect health. Atleast I do. So if she indeed gets bad sleep on almost daily basis, it could be neat if she showed consequences. Not just falling asleep randomly.
  16. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    She doesn't have -any- trauma from kidnaps -and- torture being a civvie. You think sleep will stop her, shon?!
  17. Finestein Goodlad

    Finestein Goodlad Wizard Mod

    Mar 27, 2014
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    I am a naive man.
  18. Ariexe

    Ariexe New Member

    Apr 20, 2014
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    No I mean oocly... We'll be rping and all of a sudden she doesn't respond and die from hunger. I call her on skype like 5 times before giving up only to find out the next day IRL she passed out from not sleeping. SHE LITERALLY DOES NOT SLEEP
  19. Finestein Goodlad

    Finestein Goodlad Wizard Mod

    Mar 27, 2014
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    R.I.P. Monkeyface
  20. TheAngryMelon

    TheAngryMelon The most furious fruit

    Jun 6, 2014
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    Ah! Yes! Criticism!
    This is exactly what I was looking for, lemme try and address the stuff that has been said.

    While I do agree Vivian has been kidnapped enough times to warrant putting on a pink dress, she hasn't been taken that much.
    I've only counted three at this point, which were:
    - Kidnapped by Darkseid
    - Kidnapped by Darkseid AGAIN, light electroshock torture
    - Viiker holding her hostage
    I am actually curious to know what you thought the other five were, though.

    That's mostly laziness on my part. Her business is somewhat successful, and when nearly every character I actually sell a ship to gives Vivian something akin to 400,000 pixels and up by purely in RP (That is, without actually giving me the pixels ingame), well...
    Pixels start to lose their value. I have yet to actually have a customer say "Shoot, that's too expensive" and leave.
    Still, I haven't been spending nearly enough IC time in the shipyard as I should be.
    As for why she's been kidnapped so often, Darkseid told me OOCly that it was because "She looked vulnerable", while Viiker snatched her up with his own personal vendetta.

    Again, laziness. When I first brought her over from AoM, her disposition and nature were nothing short of Lawful Good. However, with all the stuff that's happened her alignment has actually changed. I've just kept forgetting to actually update my signature. At this point, she's looking an awful lot like Chaotic Neutral.

    Yeah, that's me going "I-want-to-roleplay-all-the-time-and-do-all-the-things". As such, I throw the notion of sleeping out the window and stay up getting involved in stuff.
    Which as many of you've seen and pointed out, means Vivian is apparently impervious to fatigue and has an unbreakable will.
    Granted, I think this issue might be fixed once I actually get a stable job IRL. I've had far too much free time lately, most of which has been spent on this server.

    Probably one of the biggest problems I have seems to be the desire to get into interesting roleplay without considering how my character would actually act. Because, let's face it. Conflict and big events are fun. Being involved in them is fun.
    Sitting around asking what those rowdy kids are doing in the other room isn't.

    In short, you guys are right. I've had a nagging little feeling for the past month that Vivian had flaws I wasn't seeing, and it's nice to see areas that I can improve in.
    I've been trying to roleplay her as an innocent kid that's been forced to mature over time, although I think I'm starting to lean too far into "Bonnie Badass" territory.

    Changes will be made!