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Changing client-side font -- Steam user needing some assistance.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Felix, Aug 9, 2014.

  1. Felix

    Felix New Member

    Mar 15, 2014
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    Using Google Fu I've come to find out you actually can change the in-game font.

    Tricky part is, I think because I have the Steam version I'm unable to find and replace hobo.ttf in the aforementioned link because it's packed differently. That's my best educated guess. To be honest? The in-game font is nearly unreadable for me, and isn't very easy on the eyes. I'll deal with it for now until I find another solution. I'm grateful for the bigger chat size and fade mod I found as well.

    I did want to check & see if anyone else has managed to resolve this issue and is using Steam or has found a work-around mod?

    ETA: Any one figure out how to make the background of the chat window solid, as well? Currently it's a killer.
    #1 Felix, Aug 9, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2014
  2. November

    November Previously Sermane
    Staff Member

    Jan 31, 2014
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  3. Sen

    Sen Guest

    What font are you trying to change it to?
  4. OmegaMatt

    OmegaMatt Last But Not Least

    Jan 4, 2014
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    Steam is not the issue, the newer versions of Starbound have all the assets packed into one big file rather than keeping a collection thousands of loose files. The solution is pretty simple, drop the font you want into one of your mod directories, the same folder as a .modinfo file (not guaranteed to work for all mods due to some things I'm not going to get into, but works for my EZ2READ and Sen's ILikeCheating modules as well as most other mods), and then rename it hobo.tff. Be warned that some fonts will clip, such as cutting of the stems of g p q and y, so I recommend using the font shared in the thread you linked to here.

    My EZ2READ mod also makes the chat pane a solid color. You can grab it on the thread Sermane linked to.
  5. Felix

    Felix New Member

    Mar 15, 2014
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    Appreciate that! Thanks a bunch. You nudged me in the right direction.

    More than likely going to use the font that was provided towards the end of the thread that I linked.

    Figured it was something to do with the packaging, even if it wasn't Steam doing it. Thanks for the advice and thanks for confirming it. I managed to take your coding and apply it, as well as made the chat pane bigger. Did that through code and dropping the pane image files into photoshop to make them larger. While I was at it, I took a page from the mod that made the chat window larger and increased the fade time.

    I'll try your font method later tonight when I get off of work and see how that goes. It's gone from being a major pain in the ass and eyes to a mild inconvenience.

    Again, appreciate the replies. I didn't want to touch anything without some advice. If there is anything I'm good at, it's breaking things.