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The Ironclad Enclave - Interest Check. Sort of.

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by DirtyGoblin, Aug 9, 2014.

  1. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    The Ironclad Enclave thrives in the slick underbelly of society. The group of gangsters and thugs emerged from a since forgotten USCM Penal Colony. One of many. With freedom, and nowhere to go, came a need for dominance. Old gang rivalries came to the fore. They fought, killed, allied, and merged. In the end though, only one was left standing. The Ironclad Enclave. The Enclave members are identified by their body-art. A combination of tattoos, piercings and prosthetics. You're metal, proves your devotion, your loyalty to the gang. And loyalty comes with respect. At the top of the gang sits the Iron Triad. They make the decisions, they choose the path. Beneath them sit the Old-Iron, Lieutenants and bosses of the gang. They've long since paid their dues. Their past affiliations replaced by the skin they've inked and the metal they've taken up. They make sure the Triad's will is carried out to the letter. Below these are the Ironclad and Halfclad, the former, being respected members, the later, those who have earned their Tats and their first bit of metal. At the bottom, sits the Pig-Iron, newbloods awaiting their proving.

    The gang is known for it's willingness to take any route available, to get what it wants. In that regard, it shares common ground with nearly any other criminal organization roaming the stars. It's performance has always had a focus on the shady, backdoor dealings. Violence is often kept at a minimum, or quiet. Not out of any aversion to bloodshed, but out of a need to stay low-key and under the radar amidst large police-forces. When violence is taken, symbolism, and extremism is promoted, and pushed for. Any killing, any beating, needs to send a message. It needs to show that while it may not be their first choice, they will exact it with extreme prejudice to get the point across. Drugs, larceny, burglary, identity theft, counterfeit opps, and even forays into slavery are considered common practice for the gang, and their worth or importance are always measured in "Cash" or "Power" first.

    Members of the gang rise up in the "ranks" through the acquisition of ink and "iron". Ink serves as a commemoration of status and deeds. Stylized tattoos in either black and white, or multi-colored hues that employ micro-text to give detailed accounts of their history with the gang. From the day they were initiated into the Enclave, to the day they die. Great accomplishments or jobs are often rewarded with "iron." On an average or small scale, "iron" constitutes any piercing consisting of some sort of metal be it lowly copper, or valued impervium. The placement of these piercings often speaks of a members talents or fortes. The value of the metal plays a role as well. The wearing of rusted metal is considered a mark of shame, or failure. Great accomplishments, can sometimes be rewarded with prosthetics, or even on a rare occasion, a metal plate fused into the gang member's flesh. The most valued of these plates being chest or gut-plates. When this happens, the member often ascends up a rank, and should the plate cover any former tattoos, the imagery and micro text is ttransferred and engraved into the metal. To lose a limb in service to the gang, is seen as a sign of Loyalty, and Respect for the Enclave. Often, it is rewarded with a prosthetic. Even if that prosthetic is nothing more than an old iron hook, it is still seen as a great sign of respect by others.

    Initiation into the gang is very ritualistic and kept a loose secret from outsider. The gang gathers, and a member of the Iron Triad ritually slits the wrists of the new member. The blood is drained out until the point of danger, and the new member is brought before a forge. The blood is heated in an iron bowl until the point of boiling, and mixed with black ink. Then, the Old Iron chooses the placement of the initiates first ink, from the Ironclad Enclave, marking the start of his life as a lowly Pig-Iron.

    Other rituals will vary depending on the Old-Irons' discretion, but ritualism is common, and looked on with a sort of reverent spirituality. It's not uncommon to see old human deities and mythologies mixed and brought up in these rituals, as the All-Human gang often draws on the remnants of their now lost cultures. It is this reverence, and the years of isolation that have lead to the gangs fairly xenophobic, or at least Elitist stance regarding the alien races. They are not human. They are not us. We look out for the Gang first. We look out for our own kind.

    Currently, this is just a lil pet RP project between Myself, M-Bot, Aiko, Tangadion, and Leschinsky. A collusion of varying ideas. We will rock our own little home colony with it's own backstory. One of our focuses on said colony, is to make sure it's not an Edgelord Hive, there will be gangbangers of course, and scumbags. But like any populated area, it has to have a regular joes. They might be dirt poor, but they're not some radical bastard. As we complete our ideas for the colony itself more info will be posted.

    Interactivity is big thing. I very much want to see interaction with the other small gangs floating around, and one of my goals is to make sure we don't grow to big. I know it sounds optimistic but, the gang itself will stop taking on new members if it hits a certain number of members.

    Relevant PVP bits: Violence as a less than desirable resolution, for the gang was influenced in part by OOC reasons. Largescale pvp is a bitch. Smallscale pvp is a bitch. I'm going for REACTIVE when it comes to violence, due in part so that when there are instances of pvp, it can be carefully done in a friendly manner with little badblood ooc. Long story short, it's about being selective oocly, who we engage in pvp with. Players with a record of godmodding or causing OOC issues will probably be quietly nudged to the side, rather than have people assaulted with a storm of angry ooc argu-texts.

    Relevant OOC Leader Bits: OOCly the gang will always have three players leading it. This is in part, to limit the issues that occur when a leader goes afk unexpectedly, or loses motivation. Most big decisions will be a vote, 2/3 majority winning every time. This coupled with the small size should make things manageable for the small group oocly.

    If you're interested and don't mind being open about it, feel free to post here until we come up with some manner of OOC app process or recruiting thing. Said recruiting will not be super formal if IC, it's more a way to work out a way oocly, to come up with either a backstory to explain being a part, or to come up with the RP event/initiation to join the gang. This is also so we can you know.. Be selective oocly. Folk with a badrep for powergaming, or being dicks about PVP or Consent will likely be denied. We want people to be chill ooc. Rage es no bueno.

    If you want a dudebro to join and want it done secret like oocly. PM myself, M-Bot, or Aiko
  2. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    I have checked my interest
  3. M-Bot

    M-Bot #swellest

    Apr 4, 2014
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    <obligatory hail ironclad>
  4. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    Colony stuff soon once Aiko and Co are rdy to post screenies.

    Its kinda like.. Mars as far as planets go. One side is like... Gangland. The otherside is more liveable. like average joes and working folk.
  5. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    The Gulch

    The Gulch was once a small, prosperous, hub for localized trade, with it’s economy centralizing around it’s bazaar. As goods were regularly imported and exported, large, multilayered docking platforms stand proud within the colonies center, built into the canyon itself.

    Around the year 2300, the planet was struck by a large meteor, the magnitude of which triggered heavy volcanic activity and coated the atmosphere in thick sheets of ash, dust and dirt. With no solar light able to pierce the smog and poisonous volcanic gases filling the air, the Gulch was rendered uninhabitable.

    Now, in the year 2414, the air has returned to a breathable state. The ashe and dust in the air has weakened and settled. The ruins of a once fruitful community now lay buried, silent and vacant. Ready to be salvaged. A small community of salvagers and miners had formed atop these vacant ruins. Many are opportunists, others, follow the path of the prospectors selling the goods and essentials they need when digging and salvaging.

    With this renewed economy, comes of course, the downsides. Drugs, prostitution, and all other manner of vice.


  6. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    As far as themes go, we're looking at Industrial Western
    The planet has near constant dust storms, and shifts between red to red. :) Novakid theme is the background music.
  7. Sen

    Sen Guest

  8. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    Can you make a graffiti one that says WaNkEr?
  9. Gorbachev

    Gorbachev New Member

    Feb 9, 2014
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    Can I join this club?
  10. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    WTB sign which reads "Sen is a poop head". Thanks.