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Judge all of my characters

Discussion in 'Character Discussion' started by Doctor Frohman, Aug 9, 2014.

  1. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    I'm genuinely interested in how I RPed my characters, like Clarice and Tony, but in a non-biased view, so...
    Judge away.

    Character List:
    Abelschrimen "Germany" Amphenheimer
    Mange (Megan Kara)
    Clarice Kara (Clara, 674, Unity)
    Galen C. Jarius
    Tonn Jarius (Tony)
    Konrad Kara
    Dr. Frohman
    Land-Dancer (USCM Event)
  2. TAP123

    TAP123 New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    I know nothing about a few of these characters. Can't really give critique in this instance. Also part of personal opinion I really hate this attention/rate character trend thing going on.

    There's a lot to go through... I only recognize Crowliss, their role on Tetanus Fields seems solid.
  3. Malachar

    Malachar Heir to Madness

    Feb 1, 2014
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    I've always enjoyed my RP with Crowliss and Clarice, pretty well thought out characters. Haven't had the chance to directly interact with the others.

    Clarice in particular always had a bit of a depth about her I liked. Especially as she progressed. One of my favorite moments was her final talk with Petal at Union.
  4. Finestein Goodlad

    Finestein Goodlad Wizard Mod

    Mar 27, 2014
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    I'll just give some sort of a general opinion on how you roleplay, actually. Seeing how you ask about everyone. I believe (might wrong BY THE WAY) that you sometimes don't flesh out your characters. I mean look at how big the list is, you just don't really get time or attention to each of your characters. I mean you might have all the ideas in your head for a while (I mean you did come up with all that story for Clarice and everything but in a goodbye to Antares letter) but you never get a chance to show that in RP itself. I might be wrong, thou. But you do have a potential and you can come up with interesting things from time to time. But what bothers me really is that your characters don't FEEL complete. Atleast for me.
  5. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    The story for Clarice in the goodbye letter was basically just a written down version of it.
    I have all my characters backstories in my head, but yeah, I don't really flesh out my characters that much, unless someone IC asks "So, Tonn, where ya from?"
    I'll be sitting in the shower, or in my bed, thinking up of backstories on which characters I play.
    Plus, most of this chars are based off of previous RP. Every Kara character has their own, fleshed out story and emotions, just not written down. The others I have yet to find out myself. (Except for Abelschrimen.)
    Oh, and some of these chars are dead, btw.
    As for not getting a chance to show that in RP itself, most of my characters (Clarice, Konrad, Tonn) tend to not be that open about their past. Only people who are close to them, or outright ask, will be told.
    Some of them aren't really complete, no, but I'd have to change the way I play my characters to fix this problem.