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Aishiteru's Planning Notes

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Doc, Aug 8, 2014.

  1. Doc

    Doc Video Game Extraordinaire

    Dec 17, 2013
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    ((PAGE 1))​

    Scribbles and drawings, along with the occasional blurry photograph of someone, are littered throughout the old notepad. Two of the photos have large "X"s drawn over them in red marker, with small sticky-notes next to any photos not crossed out. It seems to be some sort of hierarchy of a small organization that Aishiteru has been tracking over the week, with lines and arrows connecting notes and pictures. Several of the notes read as follows:

    "Bobby": *A blurry photo of an Italian-American looking human male with slicked-back chocolate brown hair, wearing sunglasses and a cheap leather jacket over a t-shirt with clean-cut jeans*

    "RINGLEADER?? (circled several times)" "keep alive need info" "ego" "carries revolver - for show never uses" "low threat - interrogate"

    "B-Dup": *Another blurry photo, this time of a bald black man with a dark-colored hoodie and jeans, most of the colors on his clothes obscured by the low lighting of the photo. The photo has a red X through it.* "low in chain" "expendable" "told Bobby was giving orders" "old apartments HQ?" (HQ is circled) "carries uzi - take for use later"

    *The rest of the photos have no notes asides from scribbles, simply noting their possible involvement in the organization, with no proper leads yet. Some of them have more notes, but are mostly dead leads, hunches, and Aishiteru reaching for possible connections.*

    #1 Doc, Aug 8, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2014
  2. Doc

    Doc Video Game Extraordinaire

    Dec 17, 2013
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    ((PAGE 2))
    On this page is a crude drawing of the abandoned apartments in the Western end of New Chicago. It shows a rough interior based on what seems to be long-distance recon, the whole interior only seen in glimpses through windows. There are "G"s drawn on certain spots with short lines, drawing out patrols. The third floor is circled, with "LEADER" written next to it, "Bobby" written in a smaller size below. Several arrows are drawn between entryways, with one of the bottom entrances circled and marked with "easiest." Several sticky notes are dotted across the page to list ideas and musings on the functions of the building and possible storage areas within for drugs and money. Some of them read as follows:

    Second floor, back room: "guard post" "possible drug lab/storage?" "guards have cover" "CAREFUL" (This is circled a few times on the note)

    Third floor, main room: "office?" "business done here" "just a desk - not much cover"

    Third floor, back room: "hidden - building has copy/paste layout; storage?" "investigate" (Circled a few times)

    The rest of the notes are just elaboration on the patrol routes of the guards, and their weapons if Aishiteru spotted them. The bottom 1/4th of the page is empty, most likely leaving room for more recon notes.

    #2 Doc, Aug 9, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2014
  3. Doc

    Doc Video Game Extraordinaire

    Dec 17, 2013
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    The previously empty space on the bottom of the second page is now filled in with various musings on how to avoid police capture, and how to cover his tracks. Most of the musings are in relation to jammer technology, or signal scramblers, though a choice few ideas involve the damaging or destruction of cameras, and most ideas involving those are covered with scribbles or X'd out. A few of the scrambler and jammer ideas are circled, with notes like "affordable" and "easy to use" written next to them.
  4. Doc

    Doc Video Game Extraordinaire

    Dec 17, 2013
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    ((PAGE 3))​

    This page is barely filled, mostly with scribbles about an Avian who attacked Aishi, with scrawls about how the bird's entire figure was covered with a robe, mask, and armor, so that no defining details could be seen at all. There are slight musings as to who it may be, but mostly they are all dead-ends or nigh-impossible ideas. The only notable writing on this page is "AVOID" circled a few times. Other notable scripts are "kill?" and "criminal?" written with underlines. From the musings it is easy to gather Aishi is confused by this attack, and is weighing options and possibilities to determine a plan of action. Asides from this, 3/4 of the page is still blank, left for more notes.
  5. Doc

    Doc Video Game Extraordinaire

    Dec 17, 2013
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    The first two pages are crossed out with large, page-wide "X"s, with "DONE" written at the bottom of each page. This is obviously how Aishi marks out criminals and organizations he's taken down.