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Final recording of a dead hylotl

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Ariexe, Aug 8, 2014.

  1. Ariexe

    Ariexe New Member

    Apr 20, 2014
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    *This audio recording can be found on Asa's PDA. no password protects it*

    Time: 6:29pm ESTHT
    Date: 8/8/2414
    location: [CLASSIFIED]

    *The recording starts, sounds of rain pelting against thin metal walls fills the first few minutes. it finally starts with a sigh*

    Its been... 11 years... Since I was exiled. Family murdered... Sisters.. Brothers, Mom... Dad. I was the last one left and for some reason fate kept me alive. I was suppose to be deported to a Hylotl colony on the other side of the universe, instead the vessels autopilot was positioned towards a black hole... Death has been chasing me ever since.. and I'ts time I stopped running.

    What I thought was my new family... Proved to be just that. Brothers and sisters.. standing up for one another. The Armoured Wolves. I thought I finally found home. *It goes silent for awhile, resuming with a glass sliding on a table, shortly followed by a shatter* I can barley hold anything, My arms are weak and my bones are broken. Every day I feel the pain grow stronger upon me, and every day I deal with the treachery of Destiny... Heh, what a funny word, Destiny. The hidden power believed to control what will happen in the future. Bull shit. if what the human books about Destiny prove anything, its that I'll die tonight. Die by either my own body collapsing on itself, or Die by the hands of a false father. I doubt he even ever had a family.

    *She pauses for a moment, the rain in the background slowing down to just tiny clicks ever few seconds*

    Mars... Mars Ryougen. Similar to me in away that man, our heritages collide with one another and yet, I still can't figure out who he is. He adopted a floran girl who gets him in a rage all the time, not by her doing, but apparently he doesn't like the girl to learn. Sure its all inappropriate but is it really necessary to kill a man? The second in command Mars has brought me nothing but pain and injury. He gains peoples trust... and once he has them he sends them to their death... you could say that's what happened to me, but there's no proof.

    Loura... Previously known as Raoul. I owe my life to this Glitch, and no, not because they saved me... or did they? *she pauses for a moment* N-Nevermind. I promised that when I was planning the heist on Taranis, she would have a challenge, once so fierce that it would be a worthy way to die... Never gave the piece of scrap that chance. And now apparently its my funeral.

    Vivian... My Sis-... Can she be my sister? I.. I like her alot... I've been rejected but t-the V-Viv and I are... Close. It keeps my mind strait and helps me focus and I guess you could say... She's another reason I'm dying. Not only physically, but mentally the girl has caused me to go against my word and... F-Finally fall i-.in Love... B-But... *She sighs, the recording pausing for another moment. from this point on her voice becomes slightly more depressed*

    Wavemaker... Took my... Vivian never told... but I wasn't rejected because I wasn't liked... Viv and Wave... She told me a few hours ago and honestly, It makes me more willing to let death step on the welcome mat. I still See Vivian as a sister.. more than ever.. but, it hurts.. too see two people you like push you so far away in a matter of words.

    I feel so empty... I feel like my life is no longer worth living. I should have died 11 years ago god dammit! A-And im going to look Death face to face.

    Nox... The Alpha.. The Father... The Leader. He... He's a mysterious man, that he is. Hidden behind that scarf thats wrapped around his face he sits in a throne and stares down an empty corridor half of his day. As far as I know this man see's no fear and wont take no for an answer. The thing I hate most about this guy is he doesn't understand family. Regardless of our mistakes. Regardless of who we are, family sticks together threw hell and back. To him.. we're pawns, set up to make the next move to make his graaaand castle and his image that. much. stronger... We're tricked to think what we do is for a family... Sure murder for money is frowned upon, but that's beside the point. we fight side by side and look to each other for help when we need it. when your princess is tied up in a castle is someone going to let her sit there and have some- deranged psychopaths deliver you her limbs one! by! one!?

    *it goes silent again for a few more minutes. muffled sniffles can be heard in the background as the rain quickly picks back up to cover them*

    Fate... Destiny.. What ever you want to call it is waiting for me to open that door... Walk into the gran hallway just to see death... sitting there on that throne. and regardless of my broken bones... my internal bleeding.. my failing heart... I'm going to face him... And die with my honor.

    *the rain continues on for a few seconds before the audio clip is cut off with a door opening, muffled foot steps and talking than is finally cut off by the click of the end recording button*
  2. Aradin Stanguit

    Aradin Stanguit The Vigil's Jester

    Jan 16, 2014
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    I'm taking it that she got killed by Nox))
  3. Ariexe

    Ariexe New Member

    Apr 20, 2014
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    ((not yet. but yea. she will))
  4. Aradin Stanguit

    Aradin Stanguit The Vigil's Jester

    Jan 16, 2014
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    There's always Malander :D))