cole is one of the worst fucking mary sues ive ever seen what a fucking cockbag IC and OOC almost as bad as that green edgelord faggot he always hangs out with fuck you asswipe
Your fashionista made my character feel self conscious about the way she dresses, shame on you But in all srsness, no complaints, keep up the gud werk.
Cole Harris back when the Dianthus Cartel was in its prime was kinda... he was iffy. Haven't RPed with you sense, kinda avoiding you since that. Sorry.
also can you pls explain to me why cole was such a bad character that you decided to wholly avoid me as an rper
I don't know if you've fixed Cole now, or not, but when I met him on Tony, he felt like a Billy Badass. Also his motives were kinda weird. I couldn't understand them ICly or OOCly.
I could never rp enough with him, but having him around meant there were high chances of trouble around, wether they were his fault applying his own justice or not. Miss him.
The character was fine to me, though your ooc personality sometimes bled into the character, from what I saw, when dealing with people you disliked vs people you liked despite where they stood in relation to your character. My experience with Dschunke was limited to being thrown off a roof, and seeing him in LM alot when the craze was to attack people for ???. So Can't say much about that, other then it's nice when people play combat characters without the intention of killing. Haven't rped with Rig-B, but from what I read of the forum posts and some of the IG screens, I liked him.
Cole was a tad mary sue in my opinion. being all badass and shit. I know your event for cole went south and the wolves used it against you, but Cole was... Cole was eh in my opinion RIG-B on the other hand By far my favorite character. Best character award. can we please have that for Rig-B. you funeral ruining was the best, and holding viikers hand during the wedding was the fucking best. Rig-B is exactly what this server needed in terms of a comic relief, and I want him to ruin asa's funeral if she gets one. I like how hes programmed to kill, but he's like Bender, he found away around his programming and just parties. Your fashion character. Again shes top dude. you really nail how to make a good character and ive been wanting her to remodel asa but ya know asa = ded
I want you to remodel poor Crowliss with his slave-rags... He's been wearing the same clothes since he was enslaved. Is that weird? Maybe.
Never talked with Jim. Rig-B makes me so happy and is just such a lovely, nice character who's presence is always a fucking blessing.