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Glitch Strength Limitations

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tazerok, Aug 6, 2014.

  1. Tazerok

    Tazerok New Member

    Jul 19, 2014
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    Since everyone seems to be talking about power gaming and such, I figured this would be a good time to bring this particular issue up. So a while ago I witnessed a fight that involved a Glitch in full plate armor who could effectively wield a shield and 100 pound sword in combat. When asked how he could use the sword, he replied with "I'm a robot". I asked if he was a modified Glitch and he restated the "I'm a robot" excuse. His opponent actually agreed with him. While I understand that robots might be stronger than humans, being able to effectively utilize a 100 pound sword in combat with a single hand is a bit unbelievable. Just how physically strong are Glitch?
  2. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    Glitch have been made to simulate life. As such I imagine they would have any number of limitations to their strength and processing. I've seen them being played as basically immortal. Wherever you hit them, it seems unimportant. Hell, a few have been decapitated and have just gotten repairs. However, this is dumb. Really really really really really really really dumb.

    Glitch should be limited by any number of factors like organic beings. They're not just supah robots, machines are actually rather needy. IE:

    • Food is fuel, necessary for continued operation.
    • Sleep is recharging time.
    • Their hardware needs proper ventilation, or they overheat. They need air.
    • They have internal coolant, or they overheat. Water/drink.
    • They have hardware that is vital to their continued operation. Thus they can't survive being Flocking stabbed clean through the chest and hoisted up into the air or decapitated.
    • ETC. ETC. ETC.
    As for literal, physical strength? I imagine that they'd be limited to a few things, but I couldn't give you exact numbers.
  3. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
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    Well unless the Glitch have hydraulic pumps for joints and bones then no matter what they're made of they won't be able to lift very heavy stuff with one hand. Two handed? Maybe.

    There has to be a weight:force ratio. Not to mention that the overexertion of force can simply break things, bend them or really overheat them causing problems with their electronics.

    Even if they did have hydraulic joints you have to be aware that you would need extra weight to support them so as to not fall forward or backwards. Like a balance or a construction crane.. And I assume that Glitches don't exactly weight 300 pounds or more since that would strain the hypothetical hydraulic joints whenever they moved to the point where it would simply burst or pop out because they would HAVE to be small in order to fit inside the body and work accordingly.

    So that means it's illogical to DO illogical things. Like swinging around a 100 pound sword one handed plus shouldering a greatshield or whatever. You lose balance instantly and wreck yourself.

    Nope, impossibru, magical sciences don't allow you to swing around 100 pound swords with one hand like they're nothing.
    #3 Shag, Aug 7, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 7, 2014
  4. Corvus

    Corvus New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    Just treat them the same as organic races, imo, maybe with skin that's a bit more tough.
  5. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Should likely have a moderator approved guide for stuff relating to Glitches relative soon. Not a mod myself, but I've been assisting with it. Much like the guide that was made for florans. It's looking very good so far.
  6. Finestein Goodlad

    Finestein Goodlad Wizard Mod

    Mar 27, 2014
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    I still wonder about glitches who acquired freedom from this hivemind thing and became self-aware. Can't they just modify themselves or BE modified? Gunderic, for instance, is a glitch that modified himself including his voice (which was installed incorrectly and made his voice sound silly I KNOW IT'S STUPID). He was a regular glitch before being freed from this hivemind mumbojumbo.
  7. DeltaV

    DeltaV New Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    Obviously there's a point to which it gets powergamey, but they are quite obviously large metal robot warriors, and logically would have the characteristics of large metal robot warriors.
  8. Finestein Goodlad

    Finestein Goodlad Wizard Mod

    Mar 27, 2014
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    Not all of them are warriors, however.
  9. LaserLlamas

    LaserLlamas Mother of the Pack

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Glitch anatomy has been something I've been wondering about as well. While they are made to simulate life, it does make me wonder if they do require nourishment and all that. Coolant I can understand so that it stops them form overheating, though instead of nourishment what is stopping them from plugging themselves into a battery and charging that way?

    Raoul being decapitated was something that's always been itching at my mind, though when I recall Altan and ANI's fight, resulting in ANI getting decapitated, I thought about it a bit. In a way the brain /could/ survive, but not long at all. My guess would be that without direct contact to the body that it's connected to the Glitch's brain would begin to decompose or fall apart, my guess is only lasting 10 minutes before the Glitch is dead. Actually scratch that. I'd say 5 minutes, maybe less. Probably less. It's pretty iffy as it is.

    As far as Glitch lifting heavy things or thing their weight, that's a big nono. "They're made of metal!" Yeah but they have joints that can only handle so much stress until they break, snap, or fall apart from the mass of the object they're lifting. Loura can barely lift a body up. She has to throw them onto her shoulder fireman style in order to actually move around with them. Even then she has to drag them most of the time. They simulate life. I can't recall the last time I remember a Human lifting up an engine like it was child's play. Glitch wouldn't be able to do that either.
  10. Destroyer713

    Destroyer713 New Member

    Mar 6, 2014
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    To be fair, a Glitch could theoretically wear external armor that is comprised of hydraulics and is made of high-density metal that would make it heavy enough to withstand the strain of lifting a heavy object, right? Or even armor that's loaded with extra processors, servos, etc. that would hook up directly to the Glitch's body to give them the extra strength, right?

    Plus, at least in the realm of fiction, it's not like wielding a broadsword one-handed is outright impossible.