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Savas' audio logs

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Weavle105, Aug 6, 2014.

  1. Weavle105

    Weavle105 Back in Black.

    Jan 17, 2014
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    ((These audio recordings can only be found on his ship, in a secret compartment in the wall by the bed. These are also based on HIS PERSPECTIVE, meaning that not everything is how said to be in these, there may be something he doesn't know that would totally change his thoughts on a situation.))​

    *A sigh is heard as the recording starts* ... So... My life... How do I describe how it's been so far? Well, I wanna say entirely shit, but it's not been that bad... Well, a good portion of it has, but still... *There's a noticeable pause, at least ten seconds long* I don't... Feel, like a normal Floran... I'm not obsessive over "ssstabing", *the fashion in which he pronounced that was obviously mocking* and I'm not even that great of a hunter... I'm decent, I suppose, but I'm better at gathering edible Plants and Fungi... Heh... I guess that's kinda funny now that I think about it... Besides, I'd take my Revolver any day over a bow... I'd probably take /any/ gun over a bow, probably even a crossbow. But yeah, not quite a normal Floran... I've noted that I'm... Uhhh... How do I put this... Not as stupidly single-minded as other Florans. *He takes a moment to think* ... I can't help but wonder how many people think my duster coat's just some failed attempt at being bad-ass or something... It's actually because Taranis has a bit of a breeze. And don't get me fucking started on that god-damn wind chill Wolves den has... The weather's also why I keep around this hat. My eyes are kinda sensitive to the light, it'd seem. It helps with the sun on most planets, then for the night, it keeps my head decently warm. So... For most of my life so far, I've lived on Eden. It's a decent little jungle planet, not much to do though... Most of my other siblings are content with only being some disposable guard... *One way or another it's clear he holds a negative opinion about that* Not me though. No fucken way... So my parents are SharpTooth, and Storm. What a pairing, am I right? *He says sarcastically* I swear, the difference between those two is like day and night... One's some hostile, murderous Tribe leader covered in scars, and the other's the incarnation of sweet. I will never understand how they got together... *Sigh* ... I'm getting hungry, I need to cut this one short... I'll get to my opinions and experiences next time... *There's a rustling heard as he moves to shut off the recording device*
    #1 Weavle105, Aug 6, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 20, 2014
  2. Weavle105

    Weavle105 Back in Black.

    Jan 17, 2014
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    So... Opinions, and, experiences... *He sighs deeply* Well, let me start off with the people in my life... Or, who /were/ in my life... There's Mo-, Sharp, the uncaring, bullshitting "father", Storm, the comatose mother, Petal-Spike, my much too innocent little sister, and FireLeaf, who's apparently my big sister. Sharp's a bitch, she's lied about loving and caring for me until making it clear she didn't give a shit by doing nothing to stop me from killing myself. She's also stubborn as fuck, and would never let me drink despite being a clear alcoholic herself. As for Storm, well, I, don't really know much about her... She's just, kinda, a really sweet teacher to me... I mean, she /did/ help me out once when I got boarded after shooting some bitch I hate, but we'll get to that later... As for Petal-Spike? She takes after Storm... One of the sweetest beings to ever exist, but also extremely naive... *He sighs* She's honestly one of the only reasons why I was reluctant to leave... I didn't want to leave her alone... *He sighs again* Oh well... She's got people to look after her, she's not really alone... So, onto FireLeaf... She, well, she just kinda appeared while Storm and Sharp were sick, claiming she was my big sister... Beyond that, all I really know about her is that her other parent and her first brother are dead, and that she really likes fire... Franz, well... Long story short, I thought we were friends until he pretty much sold me out to Sharp... *He sighs again* And then, there's Cecily... Ever had a spot that's /underneath/ your skin, that's itches like a BITCH? Cecily is that to me, but to the Nth degree. Enough so that I'd be willing to damage my life -or body, for the sake of the metaphor,- JUST to get rid of her... I really hate her /that/ much... I'll continue later, my attention span's rapidly waning... At least I don't have to write all this... *He grumbles to himself, a rustling being heard as he moves to shut off the recording device*