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[FACTION!] The Miniknog...

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by TAP123, Aug 6, 2014.

  1. TAP123

    TAP123 New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    I have an idea for a Miniknog faction on the server. This faction would be one that is open for everyone to participate in, and after discussing it with a few people, I'm working currently with about three other people on getting this started.

    However, this idea is one I'd like to share with all of you. I'm hoping that this faction could be promoted for it's story direction, and can bring some new roleplay to the table. Currently my idea is this (be mindful there is a lot of writing below).

    The initial plan is to utilize the Miniknog's antagonistic qualities and make an actual force to be reckoned with on the server.

    So far, from what has been seen, normally apex roles are played with several forms, such as the apex scientist (mad or sane), Miniknog spies, apex rebels, and any other individual role under the sun. The Miniknog in lore isn't present in the sector at all, and we only see abandoned facilities and occupied small time towns that npcs frequent. The idea of bringing the official Miniknog force in has been talked about before, and although I agree we could use Miniknog influence, my idea doesn't include this.

    Instead, what I have planned is that this Miniknog faction consists of a fleet, one that had been sent out years ago after the great rebellion to hunt down rebels and reclaim abandoned colonies and labs. Initially following Miniknog command's orders, the leader of the fleet, the fleet admiral, loses contact with 'Big Ape' and instead of regaining contact or returning back to their home planet, this admiral ordered the fleet to settle down and form a colony, from which the admiral oversees, feeding his orders through as if they came from Miniknog command. This faction starts off with the admiral having died, and a new fleet admiral, having been elected by a council of ship captains, discovers the truth about the falsified commands, and decides to mobilize and militarize the fleet once again (whether or not they actually receive commands from Big Ape again are left to be a mystery).

    This is when this faction moves into Antares, continuing whatever operations they follow through with. With this background it makes it possible for this 'Miniknog' lost fleet to function without breaking canon.

    Getting this fleet active will be a task to tackle, and I plan on doing this by allowing anyone freedom to join in the ranks with an apex character they can create, any rank, any role that best suits the story, from a ship captain to a minor character. HOWEVER, it would take a lot of coordination, and my primary concern with this faction is that when people create characters, that they'll make characters who quickly doubt the fleet's ways and rebel, or attempt to dismantle the fleet's operations because of how antagonistic it could be.

    A solution to this concern of mine is that people who wish to join the ranks and spend some time roleplaying in this faction, with main, side, or minor characters, I'll set up a bootcamp that people will be required to roleplay through with a minor character. This can be thought of as both IC training, and OOC training to roleplay the part as an apex.

    This would give roleplay for the fleet an early start. As planned, when people are in bootcamp, their characters will undergo a rigorous (and possibly humorous) brainwashing routine until they are prepared to function as part of a group. During training, people who start out initially with individuallized characters will fit a mold, any characters who show negative characteristics for the group will possibly be punished, either by being taken to "thought reassignment" or, if they are too hostile to resist the training, killed in the process. Anytime this occurs, if a player works their character to be too out of line, they would receive consequences in the roleplay and would be encouraged to try a different approach to playing an apex role in the fleet. IF anyone has a problem with this filtering process, and raise concern that their character isn't having enough freedom or that their roleplay are being restricted, then they don't have to play a role in the fleet.

    That being said.... another thought which comes to mind, what if a character wants to rebel?

    This by all means I want to keep open to possibility. If played out right, people can possibly form a resistance movement, have spies in the ranks, try to counter fleet operations, all possibilities allowed as long as it's worked for. I'm just expecting people to join and suddenly and swiftly drop the fleet or plan out it's downfall from the very start, before it even takes off.

    There you have it. Expect fleet operations to start out simple and mundane, increasing to more involved and hostile proportions.

    If you are interested in joining this group, aiding in developing it, or just would like to roleplay a little in it or with it, please message me or comment below. Same with any critique or commentary.
  2. Finestein Goodlad

    Finestein Goodlad Wizard Mod

    Mar 27, 2014
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    I actually had a miniknog character, but it didn't last long because yeah. I am willing to hop up on the Miniknog train.
  3. TAP123

    TAP123 New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    Feel free to message me or add me on steam (currently DAYZTAP), for communication. So far I'm constructing a location for the faction that's a work in progress, but have much more on the table as far as planning goes.
  4. Epsilon

    Epsilon The official AI of Chorus

    May 28, 2014
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    I would also like to be part of this.
  5. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    No. I do not like this thing, and i'll try to not be a duck about it. (Quack) But i feel that Lore factions should remain out of Antares, for the same reason people aren't supposed to play Hiraki Corale or Greenfinger. You start off with a faction with a quite roomy history, but incomplete and still subjective to change, we don't know what more lore about them may be added in the Nova kid lorebooks or maybe additional lore books. I for one think it is highly likely that the Apex, after the events of the Incarcerus notes tried to upgrade their fighters by using Floran DNA, and that ended up in a massive failure, causing an outbreak of mutated/genetically altered Apex, with Floran aspects: The Agaran, and they do exactly what they were created to do: fight the Floran. This is why we always find them in Apex buildings and why they bully the Florans. *Steps down from his soapbox*
  6. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    Wrong. You're still "breaking" canon, albeit not as much. Don't be a second Second Holy Fleet of Avos... (Sorry for the negativity but i'm personally just quite opposed to the idea)
    Edit: Then again if this were to actually follow through I wouldn't have a problem with it... The lore explanation is... Decent enough, would create a reason to make an Apex etc, because i don't actually see that much Apex around. ... It would have been perfect if it was, instead of Miniknog, a big survivor colony for Apex rebels instead, who, because of their past, created a militaristic state themselves, to defend from outside threats like Big Ape or any other opposition.
  7. Finestein Goodlad

    Finestein Goodlad Wizard Mod

    Mar 27, 2014
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    You do realise that the reason why you cannot roleplay them is because they are lore characters, which are not just some irrelevant npcs whose name appeared once and got killed off right after or never were mentioned after. They hold their own importance and yaddayadda. It's a topic I won't bother touching right now.
    I doubt you'll realise what you've done (since you've made two posts and still haven't realised), but you've compared two lore figures who hold certain importance to a faction that holds certain control over most of the sectors and got gorillion members. I doubt TAP is planning to roleplay some big leader who holds major influence, even back at the apex homeworld. As for them not having much lore, then you can use the same complaint for other races. Plenty of races are lacking lore aswell. So does that mean that we should stop roleplaying them aswell because it's like playing Greenfinger or Thornwing? Let's play just humans, then.

    tl;dr are you high?
  8. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    First off i'm NOT high...
    Secondly: fudge off? I expressed my opinion and i stated that i think using the Miniknog as origins for a factions is just a bad idea, just like how i disliked the second holy fleet of avos. It's a personal opinion, and you don't have to listen to me if you disagree, lol.
  9. Finestein Goodlad

    Finestein Goodlad Wizard Mod

    Mar 27, 2014
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    It was my opinion about your opinion, then.
  10. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    Condescending in tone and you were implying i was under the influence of a mind altering substance...
    Jokes aside the tone bugged me, so gives me a valid reason to feel offended by that "opinion".
  11. Finestein Goodlad

    Finestein Goodlad Wizard Mod

    Mar 27, 2014
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    There is no tone. You're reading text.
    Just say drugs, instead of trying to sound educated or whatever.
  12. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    Fin, text can hold an offensive or disrespectful tone, depending on the wording you use. Yours is condescending.
    I'm not trying to sound educated... It's just what came up first, i'm weird like that, okay?
  13. TAP123

    TAP123 New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    To alleviate some pressure, and to answer you edit about how
    This right here is a possibility because of the setup where the fleet is a 'lost' one and has not been taking orders directly from 'Big Ape'. However to stay the course FOR NOW plans are to follow whatever protocol that's already been given, and let the story, developed through roleplay, change how the fleet acts and works...

    Also rebels are too mainstream >.<
  14. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    Meh, no i was being too close-minded, i'm actually gonna miss the second holy fleet now... Good luck with your faction.
  15. Khuzor

    Khuzor New Member

    May 27, 2014
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    MiniKnog since first beta and rocking hard here.

    Professor Khuzor Tryg ready to offer his genetic know-how to the Glorious endeavors of civilizing these nomadic tribal locals.
  16. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    Personally, I support the idea for this reason especially. Everyone around is a rebel without anyone to fight, anything to fear. There's no enemy, no gray color bad guy. And while I believe the Miniknog would likely be blown out of the water faster than the Holy Fleet ever was, I wish you all the luck, because we need a few more people willing to play perceived antagonists.

    Unless it turns into a powergame fight. THEN there's an issue. But we could use a little less sitting around in bars talking about fighting, and a bit more fighting. At least for the military types, my new policy is civilian only.

    Addendum: On the idea of lore factions being an issue, I don't think they are. I think what becomes an issue is when a Lore-based faction begins trying to change lore to suit their faction, rather than following established lore. In addition, if a lore-based faction starts trying to represent the entirety of itself (I.E. the USAF representing the entire USCM, or the Holy Fleet representing the entirety of Avos), it becomes an issue as well.
    #16 Felonious, Aug 6, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2014
  17. JimHarrison

    JimHarrison Grouchy Player

    Apr 18, 2014
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    Fleets are gimmicky, and (in my past experiences) have been used as an excuse to hold more power over people without having to work at it. The Order seems a lot closer to a 'legit' fleet, since they've done all of their progression ICly. From what I know, at least.

    Erm, and also - to be frank, why this thing about being lost from the Miniknog? The cool thing about them was the intense bureaucracy involved, along with the 1984/Cyberpunk dystopian feel. Plus, given that the vast majority of Apex characters on the server have in their backstories that they have escaped the Miniknog, what makes you think you could attract new folks, even though all of their furry pals have been feeding them horror stories about y'all?

    Food for thought, or whatever.
  18. TAP123

    TAP123 New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    What I'm hoping to gather here is to attract people oocly who'd be interested in playing roles and raising this faction to be what I imagine it to be. The fleet itself does not plan on accepting individuals specifically into the ranks (like with the USCM where individuals could join up and go through a recruitment process). Rather, I'd like to get a sense of the fleet already existing, and they don't need to have overbearing power from the get go, but over time their operations and military status grow. Also individuals could work with this faction, for example other races could be enlisted as unofficial spies and scouts.

    A friend of mine has expressed interest in forming a human division before (so their human character could participate in it) and I had to make the differentiation that this faction is not the kind of faction for that. Rather than bend the faction to accept people with previous characters, I'm looking for people to join up, create characters that are in the circle of the faction, whether they be citizens or militants in the fleet, or scientists, and we develop the fleet together.

    Also, I'd love to work with how this faction reacts to individually established apex characters in the server, it would bring about some interesting roleplay. If anyone would like to discuss specifics with their character interacting with this faction, feel free to contact me!
  19. Kirby teh Pink

    Kirby teh Pink Puts the Coo in Cool

    Feb 4, 2014
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    There was actually plans for an Apex fleet loooong ago, it was really close to becoming a thing, too. They had a base, and their own ships.

    Kinda fell apart at the last second, though.
  20. Weavle105

    Weavle105 Back in Black.

    Jan 17, 2014
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    That's a good Ape! *Continues putting up Big Ape posters*
    It seems to me that people seem to have forgotten a big thing about Miniknog; Their goal isn't particularly evil, meaning that they aren't evil out of necessity, at least from what I remember, just the fashion they go about achieving it. It's very possible that we could turn this into a more neutral (and even maybe good if we wanted) faction, who're just antagonists when they need to be. Other wise, they could probably market themselves more as scientists rather than some psycho-ass group of monkeys who demand you worship some unidentified Apex.