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The issues of Antares

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sen, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. Sen

    Sen Guest

    The server has been in quite the bit of strife recently; players leaving, everyone arguing, hornet nests stirred, lots of delicious and glorious drama. To the point, this thread is dedicated to the discussion on the opinions of what problem exist and what could be done to solve them.

    While people have pointed fingers at many things: ERP, godmoders, cliques, etc, I believe these are only symptoms of these three core issues:

    1). Lack of moderator action
    As a recently departed player put it, "the moderators have no teeth". They are unable to commit to corrective action due to lack of tools provided to them by Kazyyk and because every action they do commit to has a strong likelihood of being chastised and nitpicked by Kazyyk. Moderators rarely commit to action except in the most dire of cases; and even then, they have to fight Kazyyk a lot to actually commit. I've seen enough from leaked staff logs and speaking with disgruntled staff and ex-staff to come to this observation.

    This leads to stuff like blatant public sexual discussion and constant OOC spam in global to go unpunished, as we've all observed, as well as issues like godmoding going unchallenged.

    What has to happen is Kazyyk needs to realize that he has terrible management skills and actually empower his staff, instead of second guessing for every slight they make. He's recently turned over a new leaf regarding this, and Kazyyk's not a bad person or deliberately negligent. I'm not trying to make a snipe at him, I'm just examining the issue clinically (and perhaps cynically).

    2). Lack of ultimate authority
    Starbound is soft sci-fi. Starbound is beta. There are lots of holes in lore, lots of strange quirks, blah blah blah nobody can agree on what is canon and what is not. This also extends to what is reasonable and what is not for NPC behavior, especially when it comes to canon factions. Furthermore, all IC events are run by players, causing players who disagree about what is and is not acceptable in the event to stick to their own cliques and bubble communities. Additionally this also extends to consequences; since nobody but players determine consequences, the only consequence that can be forced on a player is to exclude them from your faction or clique, accelerating the rate that divisions between cliques grow.

    This issue magnifies the clique effect where major factions hate each other and refuse to include each other in roleplay in the belief that the other faction are wrong and all terrible roleplayers.

    What is needed is an ultimate authority, a team of game masters (DMs for you NWN players) whose word on lore and NPC actions are final, and who get final control over NPC actions. If two factions cannot agree on a point of lore or an IC point, a game master steps in and gets the final word. Furthermore, GMs get power to control NPCs, forcing faction intermingling by running events and enforcing consequences for certain roleplay. This may lead to abuse by staff members, but a single corrupt staff member is far easier to resolve than a group of 20 and 20 players who hate each other.

    3). Lack of conflict resolution for combat RP (PvP)
    Precedence has shown us that every PvP fight turns into OOC whining. A planned event with predetermined outcomes turned to OOC whining just as I was writing up this post. Using moderators to resolve this has proven almost completely ineffective. Roll-based systems are too slow and clunky, and lead to OOC whining anyway because nobody can agree on what system to use, the rules of the system and what each roll actually means. In-game mechanical PvP currently is not viable, because everyone cheats and bring 1 billion DPS guns made in StarCheat to the fight.

    This leads to combat RP being awful and unresolvable. This is a root for a whole lot of issues:
    - why factions refuse to interact with each other; they don't want to deal with what they perceive as the other faction's bullshit
    - why factions invent things up like anti-orbital guns and warships and magic scanners and planet killers; to try and stop combat RP arguing by making one side logically win by a landslide
    - why players who randomly attack other players on populated worlds get away with it; nobody wants to deal with their bullshit

    Originally, back in the simple days when it was Sen splash-killing idiots with a rocket launcher on Steel Valley, I was of the opinion that server-side characters was a bad thing, because it would prevent freedom of artistic expression (building tools and materials, fancy guns and colorful clothes). While I still believe that freedom of artistic expression is absolutely paramount and a core requirement of any RP server (unless you like everything made of wooden boxes), I am also now of the belief that server-side characters are required and that mechanical PvP must be the default form of PvP resolution.

    Building materials, tools and non-combat orientated objects must be easily available so that creating beautiful structures is not hindered. Any sort of combat-orientated item should be restricted and require infrastructure, time, resources and labor to create. Players should not be able to cheat (GMs should be allowed to spawn resources in when it makes IC sense, though). Players should be able to import custom appearances for weapons, armor and clothes without importing custom mechanical attributes - I have a few ideas on how this could be automated by using a web submission form. Additionally, a staff of modders whose role is to keep the server up-to-date by verify mod submissions (including player-created mods) are balanced and not cheaty would be very important.

    Mechanical PvP becomes the default form of PvP conflict resolution - players can still mutually agree to use a different form of conflict resolution like post-by-post or rolling, but mechanical PvP must always be accepted if parties cannot reach consensus.
    This means PvP is:
    - unbiased by human opinion
    - more correctly reflects logical events (lets face it, most PvP on the server currently is in the realm of complete fiction to the tune of absorbing 500 bullets to the face without a scratch)
    - in real-time, meaning half the server can't join in the 3 hour OOC fight that IC'ly takes 60 seconds
    - fast-paced and action packed, like it should be
    and hopefully fun!

    And if combat RP is fun, the resolution unbiased, factions will be more eager to commit to combat RP and more willing to accept the outcome.
    #1 Sen, Aug 5, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2014
  2. Arcticil

    Arcticil Toxic Top Soldier

    Apr 17, 2014
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    The lore part is actually a good idea. I actually participated in a minecraft role-play a long time ago in the theme of TES on the continent of Akavir ((real continent, check yer lore)), and basically they only had a bit of lore so they assigned loremasters to use common sense and what they had to create it for certain things and fill in spots to help keep the server cohesive and fluid, etc. So yeah, loremasters is a great idea, assuming you meant that.
  3. Sen

    Sen Guest

    My proposed solution is a little more involved than that, but perhaps fully blown game master roles is not required if you fix the issue with combat RP.

    Edit: to clarify, a "game master" would have the duty of a "loremaster", plus additional duties such as running in-game GM events. Players can still run events too, it's just that a GM has more authority and "power" to their event. For example, if say, the Billy Badasses goes to a major player city and kills a whole bunch of civilians for contrived reasons, the GM might run an event where an NPC USCM patrol attack Billy HQ to enforce consequence.
    #3 Sen, Aug 5, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2014
  4. Aradin Stanguit

    Aradin Stanguit The Vigil's Jester

    Jan 16, 2014
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    One issue I have with loonies is this. Your a colony, not a empire. You have 1 or 2 planets, oh boy. But. I don't think that means you can have a NPC army and fleet at your disposal. Looking at you Tanaris. I get it, you had six months of getting power, but what does that really mean? In six months you managed to assemble a army of free working soldiers builders cent, can afford to maintain a fleet that knows anything that happens in seconds notice. Honestly I have 0 beef with the guys at Tanaris, but I don't think anyone should have that kind of firepower. So overall this is just me ranting on about in all honesty, everyone in these colonies are basically refuges with next to no other places to go. I've been wanting this off my chest for a while and I think this is. Decent place to put it. Excuse spelling and grammar mistakes, I'm on.a iPad.
  5. Cole Ombre

    Cole Ombre Lurking Admin

    Feb 11, 2014
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    I think some sort of Game Master would be an excellent idea, but that person would have to be both known and respected by the ocmmunity, as well as active, logical, and able to withstand any heat from their words. The players would have to treat their actions as final though. I agree that there are a few problems with teh server, and Im going to add one I also think is up there, but has been dicussed time and time again with no outcome:

    Basically, the new players, and I know that alot of you new players know what you are doing and do it logically. We have had, and Ive noticed an increase in, players who come in thinking theyre the coolest most badass person in the universe. I can remember when people were a little humble with their characters. For each advantage, they would have a disadvantage. Doesnt seem that way anymore.

    Also, thought just cxame to mind:
    So, If we were to incporporate GM in some way, they would need to know each character. While this isnt really easy, if possible, it could be made a little easier if each character had some sort of bio page, detailing their skills. This could help give GM's, or Arbiters in a sense, a feeling as to who can do what with what.

    Probably missed some stuff, but its 2:20 int he morning, and im half asleep already (for some reason. its not THAT late...early..whatever...)
  6. WrongEndoftheRainbow

    WrongEndoftheRainbow Leprechaun Not Found

    Jun 11, 2014
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    I always figured the factions had more then you could visit. With the planet wiping problem and the amount of players, having a realistic amount of planets built on would be an OOC logistics nightmare to keep them all up following wipes and various other OOC-based problems. It's just not fun to handle keeping more then a few planets up and RP-able. In the end, we're all here to have fun, so why beat your head in for 'muh mershunz'?
  7. Sen

    Sen Guest

    The issue isn't so much with non-combat RP or indirectly-related combat RP.
    - Virtually nobody complains about cities popping out of nowhere with no clear resource base.
    - While someone magicking up a fleet of warships is bad and does draw complaints, staff can take time to resolve them, it's not an issue that has to be done right here right now this very minute.

    When it comes to combat RP, spending 20 minutes to discuss whether Billy's armor can deflect Badass's bullet turns what should be fast-paced conflict into a grueling OOC discussion that's fun for nobody. Conflicts that should last minutes get drawn out hours. This is not my opinion, this is an observation, and I think anyone who has been involved in PvP where two parties did not see eye to eye agree with me.

    Isn't a lack of immersion the source of many complaints? Characters should not be able to change race at will, characters should not be immortal, characters should not dodge bullets, characters should not teleport through walls, characters should not have fleets of warships as a personal army, characters should not facetank walls of bullets.

    Removing the ability to break immersion removes the desire to complain about immersion.
  8. skipi

    skipi New Member

    Jun 17, 2014
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    Rant on combat RP
    Would be perfectly fine if factions and individuals weren't always trying so hard to win. Honestly, I don't care about my character being beaten by someone clearly superior, but why is it that near everyone has some form of power armour, high-tech weapon, or the super ability to dodge every hit?
    #8 skipi, Aug 5, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2014
  9. Sen

    Sen Guest

    The problem is, how do you stop people from wanting to try so hard at winning?

    I can't think of a good solution, and I doubt there is one. Peer pressure is probably the best answer, but it's not a very reliable one. Easier to fix the symptoms than the cause in this case, I believe.
  10. Aradin Stanguit

    Aradin Stanguit The Vigil's Jester

    Jan 16, 2014
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    Also, it's less of a fact of immersion and more in the case of having a super city faction in a few months (I still luv you john bb)
  11. Aradin Stanguit

    Aradin Stanguit The Vigil's Jester

    Jan 16, 2014
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    You'd think races other than glitch would get tired and blistered from having power armor on all day.
  12. Cole Ombre

    Cole Ombre Lurking Admin

    Feb 11, 2014
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    I do, but if I ever voiced a complaint like that people would just turn away and talk to someone else. On a similar topic of resources, a big problem is character money. Some poeple never seem to run out. I myself keep track of how much monye I have IC in voxels in a secure safe. At least, I do for Jace, since he owns a shop. Hes currently got roughly between 650-700,000 pixels, all legitly gotten form weapon deals. I had one customer once "tip" me an extra 1,000,000 pixels, and when I whispered her, expecting it to be an OOC mistake, she replied "nah, my families just super rich. a millions like nothing". But I digress.

    The best and fastest way for people to realize they shouldnt always win is to suck it up, and tell yourself "ya know what, that guy is better than me, and Im just going to have to accept that.
    These are the guys I have the most respect for
  13. Edvyn

    Edvyn Permanently Banned

    Mar 14, 2014
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    the solution lies in helping people realize that RP should be about telling stories and not about unhealthy escapism/power fantasies

    I know for a goddamn fact that a lot of people have trouble separating the thoughts/feelings of their character from their own thoughts/feelings, and the whole playing-to-win thing is a direct result of this kind of behaviour

    characters should not be the player's precious children or delusion-spawned alter egos, they should be tools with which they tell stories through collaboration with other players
  14. Sen

    Sen Guest

    There's also still the issue of characters that want to be the biggest badasses -in character-. They might be nice guys OOC and whatnot, but all it takes is 1 bad apple to abuse their trust and they'll find themselves wanting the "justify every attack you make" approach, leading us back to grueling combat RP.

    I feel this was the case with the Holy Fleet; there were a number of players who played 'badasses' in the Fleet who were willing to die, but weren't willing to die to someone they felt was 'cheating'.

    Edit: I'm just not sure if asking people not to want to be badass is actionable.
  15. WrongEndoftheRainbow

    WrongEndoftheRainbow Leprechaun Not Found

    Jun 11, 2014
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    I'm perfectly fine with people complaining about race changes and generally unrealistic stuff. A staple part of RP is realism. I just always considered faction expansion as a more IC thing only over loads of OOC places you can actually visit, because it's no fun to handle the logistics of keeping loads of places in an RP-able condition, due to OOC-based issues such as planet wipes.

    In my opinion, RP is storytelling, and we're all the writers, except we get the excitement and fun of making the story and not knowing what comes next. The unpredictability of telling what'll happen next and the entire concept of a whole universe separate from our own to play in just begs for creative stories free from play 2 win competitions.

    I never got the whole 'You cheated' thing, unless it's blatant like Billy McBadass with impervium magic armor. Why not just take the loss and use it to further the story and get others involved, meaning more fun for everyone? It's certainly an issue that needs to be touched on.
  16. Edvyn

    Edvyn Permanently Banned

    Mar 14, 2014
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    I think combat RP is best done with people who already know each other, and can agree on an outcome before the fight's finished

    if you (you meaning you the player) don't like a player/character, it would be very unwise to engage in IC conflict with them

    when you're RPing out a fight against someone you genuinely dislike, you're making it a competition, you won't let this other person win because you view them negatively - they're beneath you, and if they beat you that means you're beneath them

    that prompts the question: why the hell are you playing with people you don't like?
    if the answer is "to beat them", you're not RPing for the right reasons
    go play dota or something
  17. Sen

    Sen Guest

    And that's the very problem we have! No faction wants to engage in conflict with the other faction currently, because they don't like each other, because they can't agree on the outcome of a fight beforehand. We have a stagnant server with everyone stuck in their own little clique, lots of toxic shittalking between factions and in internal faction chats, and no way to reestablish relations because the moment a conflict breaks out, all bets are off and the factions quickly don't see eye to eye, each believing that the way they're doing things is the more "correct" way to roleplay.
  18. Edvyn

    Edvyn Permanently Banned

    Mar 14, 2014
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    I think I got it


    sbrp jerry springer and all the faction leaders get to sort out their issues in loud ghetto speak
  19. WrongEndoftheRainbow

    WrongEndoftheRainbow Leprechaun Not Found

    Jun 11, 2014
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    This. SO MUCH THIS. The faction leaders and even the faction goons and cannon fodder could really use some get-together to work out their problems. By hating each other OOCly they've only prevented fun and interesting RP.
  20. Cole Ombre

    Cole Ombre Lurking Admin

    Feb 11, 2014
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    Ive said it before and I'll say it again. I would LOVE performing some kind of something with another faction. The only problem is exactly that. All the factions/faction leaders hate each other OOCly, and by doing that they teach their underligns to hate the factions as well, until each side hates the other intensely, and no one knows why. Granted I was this way with the RA for a bit, and while a few of my hatreds were justified, alot of it was because the other guys I would hang around with also hated them.

    In reply to the statemeant about not fighting if you dont like them, heres my thoughts: Current militaristic factions that could be fought:
    Thougths on them OOCly:
    Wolves - I think its a great faction, I lvoe the way its set up, and, at least from my POV, Im on good terms with their leaders/lower leader, so I would gladly lose some battles of those.
    Fleet - Honestly, I dont know much aout them, and from my limited knowledge, while I would still accept defeat, it would seem they would need to outnumber us immensle, as they dont quite have the gadget capability that some factions do...