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Galtment Cooper's Logs(Currently going apeshit)

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Lord Boran, Aug 3, 2014.

  1. Lord Boran

    Lord Boran New Member

    Jul 30, 2014
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    *cough cough*
    Hello, my name is Galtment Cooper, this is log number one.
    I just arrived on the new planetary system "Alpha Pi PsA 153 V" Today I will activate the drones to start building "Galtment Cooper's Intergalactic Charity Center". This will be a long process but when the structure is complete, i'm sure the donations and love will all come flying in!
  2. Lord Boran

    Lord Boran New Member

    Jul 30, 2014
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    Log Two
    *construction noises in the background*
    It has been a few weeks now, and wow the drones are really going at it, the first building is almost complete.
    Okay first building is done, that will be the help center.
    Okay now time to pick a location and program the drones to build the two main office buildings,donation station, and donation pickup.
    These should be complete in the next month or two.
  3. Lord Boran

    Lord Boran New Member

    Jul 30, 2014
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    Log 3
    So, it's been a few weeks now. Sorry for not really updating you guys about the construction process.I had a near death experience with one of the drones.Get this, I'm checking out the buildings when a drone turned rouge and tried to slice me up with his plasma saws!Luckily I had the kill switch with me.Sooo I pressed that, and now the drones are...What's the word...Fried.So I have to order New ones to build because none of the old ones work anymore*smacking noise*Stupid...This will set the project at least few months back,dang faulty programing!*mutters angrily then stops*I'm forgetting something...*shuts off*
    #3 Lord Boran, Aug 4, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2014
  4. Lord Boran

    Lord Boran New Member

    Jul 30, 2014
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    *later that day*
    *accidentally hits record button without knowing it*
    Hey Betty, I said decaf not caffeinated!
    I'll be right back sir, sorry for the mistake.
    Yeah yeah...*mutters quietly*Stupid intern.
    *a few minutes later betty comes in and hands me my coffee*
    Here you go sir.
    Thank you, much better.
    *does paperwork*
    So much money spent on these drones!At this rate there won't even be a donation building!I oughta fire tha*stops*hmm didn't know this was on.*shuts off*
  5. Lord Boran

    Lord Boran New Member

    Jul 30, 2014
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    Log 4

    Bad news- A few programmers got fired

    Good News-New programmers were hired to make a code for the drones so secure, they're guaranteed to never turn rouge.Pretty much all of the buildings are done now! We just need to get some furniture, finish the donation station, donation pickup, and the skyrail system throughout the planet(this was quite the mess).Betty finally figured out how to use the coffee machine, so no more Caffeinated stuff!*shuts off*
  6. Lord Boran

    Lord Boran New Member

    Jul 30, 2014
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    Log 5
    The furniture has just arrived, and I have to say. the designers did their job well.I wish all of you could see this right now!All the buildings and structures are complete! The skyrail system is still a bit of a jumble, but the drones are hard at work.
    A Glitch man named...um *snap**snap**snap*...Blackjack! Yeah that was it, Blackjack. He flew through the ranks at light speed, at first he was just working in the lobby, handling appointments this and that,then before you knew it. He was already second in command! He had many great ideas, and the charity had a very large budget left over from employee donations.His idea was to add entertainment centers for the donators, so practically we're using the drone to build a city with the charity in the middle, sort of like a hub.His ideas are fantastic!*shuts off*

    Later that day
    Ok, so we got some people to talk to Blackjack. We found out he is a gun lover, whiskey fanatic, and a straight forward guy.*sounds of moving furniture and construction can be heard*Were adding a minibar stocked so full of whiskey, even cobwebs wont be able to form in the corners!Lastly were leaving two antique revolvers that were coated in a thin gold film creating the illusion of two solid gold revolvers. The gold was my idea.*log end*
  7. Lord Boran

    Lord Boran New Member

    Jul 30, 2014
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  8. Lord Boran

    Lord Boran New Member

    Jul 30, 2014
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    Log 7
    A new name has been chosen, and that name is "Cooper's Foundation" It is informative but simple. All of the buildings on the planet are finished and we exported our first batch of crystallized ores and Quartz alloys. Yesterday, I had some tea with two interesting characters. One was a Floran named Sprocket and the other was a Hylotl named Yukari. Yukari seemed to be very fond of sweets like very fond of sweets, when she was about to leave I gave her a big bag full of pastries and she hugged me so tight I swear I heard a snap. Then there's Sprocket, she seems to be very well educated for a Floran and does not display the usual lack of manners that other Floran's have during meal times. They said that they both worked for the New Chicago security team and both seem very professional at their work. During this tea time Yukari sneaks off to explore and winds up in the control panels of the ship and presses random buttons, one of those buttons destabilized the Gyroscope and the ship started to turn. Luckily I was able to stop the flip in time and there were no casualties. Other than that incident they both seemed very polite and well mannered. I would like to have them for guests again. Back to the buildings, all of them are done right, but there may be more additions such as free housing, a soup kitchen, and more entertainment and recreational centers. The grand opening ceremony will be available to all who decide to come.*log end*
  9. Lord Boran

    Lord Boran New Member

    Jul 30, 2014
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    Log 8 3:20pm GC(Galactic Time)
    *Sounds of gunfire, explosions, and screaming is audible in the background*
    Everything is going to shit!
    While we were preparing for the grand opening ceremony some pirates flew down and decided to attack!
    This may be my last log... Well be together soon Anna.
    *sounds of gunfire and gravel crunching beneath feet are heard as Galtment brings the recorder with him*
    Ahhhhh!Die you filthy shits!
    They're falling back!Forward!
    5:56 pm GC(Galactic Time)
    What the fuck is th...
    *the sound of rock grinding against the metal, and the impact of asteroids is heard in the background as the log abruptly ends*
    #9 Lord Boran, Sep 2, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 14, 2014
  10. Lord Boran

    Lord Boran New Member

    Jul 30, 2014
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    Log 9 7:43AM GC
    The battle is done...*Cough*
    Many people dead the few that survived left to get help...
    *Laughs hysterically*300,000,000 pixels for the planet, 15,000,000 pixels for those drones, 5,000,000 pixels for all those materials, and a whopping total of 320,000,000 pixels all gone!*Laughs crazily and a sound of whooshing is heard then suddenly the sound of glass breaking momentarily as the log ends*