flora hasss got sick with the apeflu thing, ans isss not fun, make sssure to not get sssick, and if getsss sssick make sssure to not get other peoplesss sssick by putting sssick peoplesss body fluidsss inssside them
Is it really happening? All florans are getting sick and are going to die? Can't wait for it to finally happen. You're on Starnet, fecker. Look it up. -KERDESETHIASTRONG
If you're talking about burning their corpses, then I must agree. Need to take care of that shite before it spreads more, even if your viruses or whatever don't affect me. -KERDESETHIASTRONG
Apparently Varkun sounds like a Floran name.. Now I need to go meditate and burn myself. I suggest you burn yourself too! -Varkun
I /really/ hope that happens. Florans are going to take over the universe one day, and sickness's like this are mother-nature/science's way of saying "Fuck off!" - Tony
Dr. Ashford The current Ape Flu virus can infect humans, florans, and apex. We're not sure about Hylotl or Avians, however all we can recomend is keep your hands clean, and make sure no one coughs on your food.