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Dr. Ashfords audio logs

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Ariexe, Jul 31, 2014.

  1. Ariexe

    Ariexe New Member

    Apr 20, 2014
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    ((all of this information is stored on the servers on Ashfords ship. only access is by manually tapping into the server))


    Day 1 - Antares arrival

    * A deep boring sigh followed by a thick, deep accent starts the recording *
    I arrived to Antares, as appointed by the Minikong. It didn't take long to find someone pointing fingers to a castle in the middle of a blizzar' Called the Wolves Den. I arrived to find ever' one running about shotuin' "The ape flu! The ape flu!"

    As requested, I found a doctor workin' on the two subjects who apparently conduct the virus, both non Apex. Rumors abou' a modified version, the virus bein' surgically implanted via the neck. What ever it is I'ma get ma' hands on it to begin research right away. The quicker I document tha' thing, the faster I can begin on modifying it ma' self.

    Dr. Ashford. End recording.

    * Click *

    Day 2 - The Ape Flu outbreak

    The Virus is real. And its spreading. Just today two florans we're infected and quarantined at tha' Wolves Den. One of the Doctors there gave me some samples, and I stored them on ma' ship, using ma' resources the Minikong supplied me to get some slaves to build ma' facility. During that, I talked to a really pitiful human who apparently runs tha' local peacekeepin force. If Shi' goes south, they say they have ma' back regarding I provide them a cure when I get it... /When/ I get it.

    Tha' facility is still under construction, but the holding rooms are done, we moved two victims from tha' den to the beds where their hooked up to the grid and monitored. from ma' lab I can manually monitor each victim. The Little short Floran girl, apparently tha' daughter of a a human? This sector is weird. I'f I'ma get anyone's trust its his.

    Them Samples I got from the doctor back on tha' den turned to be garbage. She didn't /trust me/ since I was an apex. Thought I was minikong. That she's right but I'ma here to aid... for the time being...

    *the recording goes silent for a moment*

    A-Anyways. She moved to the facility to look after them sickins. She supplied me with real samples this time and I took a quick glance at them. It seams this modified version is affecting tha' florans stomach too. Uncontrolled vomiting, some acids coming up too. Tha thing isn't airborn, but a single sneeze or cough can get anyone infected, Including me. I'ma start wearing my mask around.

    For some reason Doctors all over are commin te' me. Like I'm the only real doctor around. A shame, really. I ain't no charity service. Only those I can use ill grab.

    Anyways, this be going on too long.

    Dr. Ashford. End Recording


    Day 3 - Research

    Toda' is another long da'. I barely slept las' night and now I 'ave to stay up again. This is like... Ma' 7th coffee.

    This mornin' two hylotls came in. Apparently they are non' immune. One has a crazy bionic ah' and a bionic leg. Probably anotha' one of em' Wolves. Tha' other is just a plain normal hylotl. I took blood samples of both. Compared to the other samples from both floran, and Human, it seams each infected is race spah'sific. Thus a Hylotl cah' not infect a human, or visa'tha'versa.

    Apparently, when i was away they caught the mastermind behind the infections. He won't talk ta' me no matter how hard I try. I moved him to a containment cell to prevent people from commin an' killin' him.

    Dr. Heartplucker was infected so that disproves the avian immunity. Oak has broke threw on tha' floran version wile I have managed to decrypt tha' human version. I'll be testing some thang's on tha' human tonight. Less hope this works... The quicker 'is done, the quicker I can send it back to tha' Minikong

    Dr. Ashford. End Recording

    #1 Ariexe, Jul 31, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2014
  2. Ariexe

    Ariexe New Member

    Apr 20, 2014
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  3. Ariexe

    Ariexe New Member

    Apr 20, 2014
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    Day 1 - Antares arrival

    * A deep boring sigh followed by a thick, deep accent starts the recording *
    I arrived to Antares, as appointed by the Minikong. It didn't take long to find someone pointing fingers to a castle in the middle of a blizzar' Called the Wolves Den. I arrived to find ever' one running about shotuin' "The ape flu! The ape flu!"

    As requested, I found a doctor workin' on the two subjects who apparently conduct the virus, both non Apex. Rumors abou' a modified version, the virus bein' surgically implanted via the neck. What ever it is I'ma get ma' hands on it to begin research right away. The quicker I document tha' thing, the faster I can begin on modifying it ma' self.

    Dr. Ashford. End recording.

    * Click *
  4. Ariexe

    Ariexe New Member

    Apr 20, 2014
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    Day 2 - The Ape Flu outbreak

    The Virus is real. And its spreading. Just today two florans we're infected and quarantined at tha' Wolves Den. One of the Doctors there gave me some samples, and I stored them on ma' ship, using ma' resources the Minikong supplied me to get some slaves to build ma' facility. During that, I talked to a really pitiful human who apparently runs tha' local peacekeepin force. If Shi' goes south, they say they have ma' back regarding I provide them a cure when I get it... /When/ I get it.

    Tha' facility is still under construction, but the holding rooms are done, we moved two victims from tha' den to the beds where they're hooked up to the grid and monitored. from ma' lab I can manually monitor each victim. The Little short Floran girl, apparently tha' daughter of a a human? This sector is weird. I'f I'ma get anyone's trust its his.

    Them Samples I got from the doctor back on tha' den turned to be garbage. She didn't /trust me/ since I was an apex. Thought I was minikong. That she's right but I'ma here to aid... for the time being...

    *the recording goes silent for a moment*

    A-Anyways. She moved to the facility to look after them sickins. She supplied me with real samples this time and I took a quick glance at them. It seams this modified version is affecting tha' florans stomach too. Uncontrolled vomiting, some acids coming up too. Tha thing isn't airborn, but a single sneeze or cough can get anyone infected, Including me. I'ma start wearing my mask around.

    For some reason Doctors all over are commin te' me. Like I'm the only real doctor around. A shame, really. I ain't no charity service. Only those I can use ill grab.

    Anyways, this be going on too long.

    Dr. Ashford. End Recording

  5. Ariexe

    Ariexe New Member

    Apr 20, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Day 3 - Research

    Toda' is another long da'. I barely slept las' night and now I 'ave to stay up again. This is like... Ma' 7th coffee.

    This mornin' two hylotls came in. Apparently they are non' immune. One has a crazy bionic ah' and a bionic leg. Probably anotha' one of em' Wolves. Tha' other is just a plain normal hylotl. I took blood samples of both. Compared to the other samples from both floran, and Human, it seams each infected is race spah'sific. Thus a Hylotl cah' not infect a human, or visa'tha'versa.

    Apparently, when i was away they caught the mastermind behind the infections. He won't talk ta' me no matter how hard I try. I moved him to a containment cell to prevent people from commin an' killin' him.

    Dr. Heartplucker was infected so that disproves the avian immunity. Oak has broke threw on tha' floran version wile I have managed to decrypt tha' human version. I'll be testing some thang's on tha' human tonight. Less hope this works... The quicker 'is done, the quicker I can send it back to tha' Minikong

    Dr. Ashford. End Recording
