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Anyone interested in an Apex faction?

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by DeltaV, Jul 31, 2014.

  1. DeltaV

    DeltaV New Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    As the title says, I'm interested in seeing what the support would be for a faction composed solely of Apex. The primary purpose of the faction would be:

    A. To provide shelter and safety to Apex who have escaped the Miniknog
    B. To aid in the further rescue of Apex from Miniknog-controlled areas (likely NPC work, since it's)
    C. To directly oppose any Miniknog operations in Antares

    The secondary, less immediate goal would be the overall improvement of technology and of the quality of life in the Galaxy.

    The biggest issue is that it would be hard safety-wise to set up a public hub owned by the faction, because in doing so you would basically paint a target saying "Miniknog: Escaped rebels here!". You'd also need strict background checks and such to make sure your'e not letting in any spies.

    I'm thinking that the faction would also be rather opposed to warfare: as long as the other factions don't mess with them, they won't mess with the other factions.

    One last idea that I had, since this is just a dumping ground for ideas at the moment, is that Apex characters would join the faction, and then would be able to request

    The types of roles that I can see being needed within the faction:

    • Politics people (get the publicity out, arrange agreements with other factions, run administration)
    • Soldiers (Protect the members of the faction)
    • Researchers (Fairly self-explanatory)
    • Engineers (Design the base, build defenses, etc.)

    Anybody interested? I'm on the fence about whether I would be able to run it, because while I do have an Apex character he's not exactly the type of person to be running a faction.
  2. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Psssh, who plays Apex?
  3. CadeDaBeast

    CadeDaBeast New Member

    Mar 12, 2014
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    This has been attempted more times than I can count. Even I tried it out. If you really want it, it'll take a lot of work. But if it works, I'm in.
  4. Ariexe

    Ariexe New Member

    Apr 20, 2014
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    Im making a facility to house the research for the ape flu. my character is an minikong scientist who have came on netural terms to find a cure, at the same time secretly manipulate the cure to do other things
  5. DeltaV

    DeltaV New Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    That's... Actually a good point. I literally think we don't actually have enough people who play Apex on a regular basis.


    Mar 16, 2014
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  7. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    It might encourage people to play apex, plus I've seen quite a lot of apex recently
  8. TAP123

    TAP123 New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    This seems like an interesting counter to an idea I have planned.... if you're interested message me or check out my post that's coming up about the Miniknog.
  9. DeltaV

    DeltaV New Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    So, so far we've got one person potentially interested. I suppose there's not enough support, then.
  10. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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  11. TAP123

    TAP123 New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    Keep pushing for it, I suggest we communicate though because I'm interested in starting a Miniknog faction, and our plans might mix well like peanut butter and jelly.
  12. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    Screw it, i'll join too, and make an Apex, although Apex arent particularly my favourite race... Variety is supposed to be the spice of life right? Gonna think of a character...
  13. DeltaV

    DeltaV New Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    Alrighty! So! I thought I might write a bit more of a detailed bit of lore for the faction and go into detail on what I'd like to see out of it, and maybe we can drum up a few more people.

    The Brotherhood of Sovereign Apex (AKA The Brotherhood, because 1984 references are necessary and plentiful)

    Since time immemorial, the boot of the Miniknog has stamped on the faces of the common Apex for far too long. On our homeworld, we are worked like slaves for the barest of rations and shelter to fuel the decadent lives of Big Ape and is closest comrades. Any resistance is crushed and those captured are experimented on and executed with no trial. We have no rights, and are treated as such. And worse, reports have begun to trickle in of the beginning of Miniknog activity within Antares.

    No longer!

    We are the Brotherhood of Sovereign Apex, devoted to the protection of Apex refugees and the direct opposition of any Miniknog incursions into this sector. We work towards the common good of all the people, not the top percent. Each man in our ranks is his own person, and that will never be taken away. We will stand united and prove to the galaxy that brotherhood is stronger than oppression, and in doing so we will elevate our race to new heights of technology and morality!

    We are not rich. We have no high-level investors, no vast resources at our disposal, no grand fleets. But we will work as one, united in the goal of the furthering of the Apex race and in freeing our people from oppression. We will liberate the oppressed and bring justice to the oppressors, and we will protect all that we have built in this new land.

    We are the Brotherhood, and we stand strong.


    So yes, the idea would be that the faction would start out in direct contrast with any Miniknog faction that may or may not arise, in that we will likely have nothing but a few personal ships, whatever monetary resources those who join can donate to the cause and a planet with an abandoned base (I'm thinking either one of the naturally-spawning USCM bases or the Apex labs). We will not win every fight, and in all likelihood will probably lose most of them. Some of our members might be Miniknog spies - maybe the faction is actually a trap to find insurgents? The one thing from 1984 that I would be desperate to keep in a faction such as this would be the intrigue. Is the Brotherhood real? How many members does it have? Are there thousands? A dozen? Five? Is it a vast overarching conspiracy, or a couple of devoted rebels?

    Naturally, of course, there's a line that has to be treaded carefully, because if the faction was to go extremely-secretive (IE no section in the factions list and no RP hub for the members) it would dissolve into obscurity, and if we were to go completely obvious (IE a complete list of every member accessible to everyone, a public RP area, etc) there's no particular reason we could give that the Miniknog faction, should it be fleshed out, wouldn't just come and bombard us from orbit.

    One thing that's obviously been touched upon above is that there aren't many Apex players in the first place - and while I'm hoping that if Miniknog and Brotherhood factions go up more people will be inspired to make an Apex character, this may well not happen. For this reason, we would probably allow other 'civilized' races (Read: Not florans, probably, even though it's been proven that this results in OOC hate) into the faction itself, so long as they were devoted, but the upper echelon would likely be made entirely of Apex.

    Another big thing I'd like to keep central to the faction is the question of morality. The Miniknog, and 1984's Ingsoc, are quite obviously set up as blatantly evil. But the Brotherhood is not entirely superior. This is a very large part of the source material - for example, to paraphrase 1984, at one point the main character is asked, while he is supposedly joining the Brotherhood, whether he would be willing to, say, pour sulfuric acid on a child to further the goals of the Brotherhood, and answers "yes".

    Finally, consent to death. I am a huge fan of the Fleet's approach to consent to death, which was, to my understanding, that in being in a military faction you are consenting to death already, because war isn't pretty. This will apply to the faction. We are facing an enemy far greater than ourselves, who outnumbers, outmans and outguns us in every way. We will use every possible resource and advantage at hand, and we will still occasionally die.

    To recap the most important points:

    1. We will not start with dubious millions of pixels.
    2. We will be reasonable with consent to death, so long as others are willing to do the same.
    3. We are not the bad guys, nor are we the good guys. We will be actual characters with somewhat loose morals and high aspirations.
    4. We do not know all. We have limited access to background checks. If you want to make a Miniknog spy and put him into the faction, you are welcomed to, so long as you acknowledge rule 2.
    5. We will welcome non-Apex into the faction itself, but likely not into the upper command. We are moderately xenophobic, and might, depending on character, see the Apex as superior to most other species (see rule 3).


    That's what I've got so far. To the people who read through that entire thing,


    Please include comments, questions, inevitable harsh criticisms, attacks on my person and oaths of loyalty below.
  14. DeltaV

    DeltaV New Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    The text wall appears to have scared everyone off. Huh.
  15. WrongEndoftheRainbow

    WrongEndoftheRainbow Leprechaun Not Found

    Jun 11, 2014
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    According to your post I'm an MVP.
    It sounds like a great idea, I'd be up to joining if I already didn't have something in the works (Goddamn it when is my friend gonna finish that logo). Something I've noticed is that Apex based factions almost never work out at all. Nobody likes to play an Apex for some reason. Try asking specific people that you know in the community, to garner some attention to your faction.
  16. Zhaag

    Zhaag New Member

    Jul 11, 2014
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    ((I love this concept greatly. You have put forth very realistic and well thought out ideas that dance well in both IC Lore as well as OOC functionality of it working. We just need to find the player base. I'm not certain whether I would join the MiniKog or Brotherhood, or both with separate characters but love this idea a lot. I'm burned out on the excessive populations of Floran, Avian, and Glitch, with a few free spirited friendly humans and fish faces thrown around.))
  17. DeltaV

    DeltaV New Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    Two people have stated their interest (Three, maybe?), and I believe five are required to make a faction? Like I said, this faction at least isn't going to be necessarily Apex-only. I'd love to be able to get enough interest to have this faction up at the same time as the Miniknog one that seems to have gotten some interest.

    EDIT: Also, if someone could enlighten me on how the creation of a faction works as far as a section in the forum, it would be much appreciated. Do you just PM a moderator?
  18. Kumakin

    Kumakin New Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    Yeah, just message all of them with "I NEED A FACTION PAGE PLS SENPAI."

    Not really. Don't d that do this instead.

    Look on the sidebar for Mods who are on and start a conversation. There are perquisites like I think you need 10 people and have them all in a conversation.
  19. WrongEndoftheRainbow

    WrongEndoftheRainbow Leprechaun Not Found

    Jun 11, 2014
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    I think it's only five people, same for a Colony page.
  20. DeltaV

    DeltaV New Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    With me, we've got three or four dependent on whether Zhaag joins. So pls join pplz.