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Wavemaker's Audio log

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by invictus69, Jul 29, 2014.

  1. invictus69

    invictus69 New Member

    Jul 2, 2014
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    -The following recording(s) are kept on Waves ship on her computer and are only accessed via voice recognition and a complicated password, any attempts to access this information without the use of these two things causes an immediate wipe of the logs although with advanced technology some may be recovered-

    *The recording clicks on, there is a long period of silence before a heavy sigh from Wavemaker is heard*

    It would seem that old habits die hard... If any of you Armored Wolfs find out about this recording please understand that I had no intention of this being used... by myself or anyone... but I cannot help protect myself and plan for any future.

    *Theres another long pause and deep breath*

    I have been at the den for a while now..days, weeks, the time seems to slip by here... The wolfs are a diverse enough group, and their individual members talents make them a force to be reckon with.

    The den itself isn't anything too special upfront, they have the bar, the lobby, a small training area.. *The sound of a match strike followed by a long exhale* The privet rooms no one ever seems ta use.. All that.

    Then theres the underground, the 'black market' they call it. No one goes down there for good reason, no law is being upheld there.

    Then theres the Wolf meeting room, office, I do not know what to call it. It needs a hand scan to get in, I've no idea how it works exactly.. Don't know if the hand needs to be on a body either. Easiest way to get in might be Flora if she has access, which I do not doubt.

    Then theres that wall at the far end, leads to something, saw how to get in...guess the trusted me enough to not care bout me finding out...or they don't think im a threat...

    *sighs* what am I doing even...

    Don't know whats behind it, my guess is the real den, an operation like this isn't going to be sticking to simple dummies or wooden targets are they?


    Nox is the big bad of the den, the say all end all, the Alpha, and he is quite intimidating. I have Never really see much of him, but if it came down to it, take him out from far away... that goes for most of these den wolves, don't let them get close to you, they know how to handle themselves in physical combat. Somethings is amiss with his hand as well, may be robotic, no idea if its just the hand. He's got some big sword with him on him as well, figure he's got the strength to swing it around like a butterknife handle, even more reason to keep my distance..

    Mars Ryougen, dad of that sweet little floran girl, fights with a bow far as I can tell, theres probably more to it then that but I have never seen him use it. Not much I can say about him, he carries himself a lot like Nox does, confident, strong. If hes wielding a bow while everyone else favors pistols and rifles he must know how to use that thing.... not sure how his hand to hand is, but if it went down, take him out quickly, don't let him see you make a move on him.

    *clears throat*

    Asa, mean girl, as of right now she might be the one to want me dead most, don't know if she remembers... Can't ever get a read on her. She might be smitten by Viv too, she's been acting funny lately. She has some kinda of optic eye in her head, whenever she fights it whirs, figure the best way to take her down is to take that out... She's also out of her mind when you get her drunk enough, like a totally new person..

    Mmm... Viiker. Ex of Vivian last she told me, he seems to get his ass handled by just about everyone in the den, all the time...that being said he's pretty durable. He's also head strong, might be easily manipulated, besides Flora hes one of the best shots at getting into the den if I can persuade him. Don't know how he fights really, or if he does at all, figure a quick decapitation will be enough for him.

    Viv- *chokes a bit*...Vivian...Ex of Viiky-boy, sweet thing, recently had some bad news hit her...she isn't much a fighter, and even if she was I don't think she'd ever try to take me out..but if it came to it.. Make it quick, painless... and don't let her know its happenin...

    Thats all I got for right now anyways, aside from the occasionally screw running in and starting trouble I feel pretty secure here, I just hope it never come to the point where I have use any of this info...


    (for this and any future posting, if you feel like Wave wouldn't know some of these things please feel free to PM me and explain, I will change it accordingly.)
    #1 invictus69, Jul 29, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 27, 2014
  2. Ariexe

    Ariexe New Member

    Apr 20, 2014
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    ((oh my god WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING

  3. Spyrosis

    Spyrosis Basedgod

    Apr 18, 2014
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  4. invictus69

    invictus69 New Member

    Jul 2, 2014
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    ....Loura.. Besides Nox she might be one the more dangerous Wolfs I have come into contact with. Like a cracked dam..ready to explode and wash away anyone in her path. She has some kind of ...electricity outlet in her hands, no idea how it works. She might be able to do something with fire as well, if she didn't use some kind of outside tool on poor Viiky-boy. She's an angry woman, havn't gotten to know her really, im guessing she's sturdy too, most glitch are. Might need some heavy weapons to bring her down, I do not doubt she hasn't all but shut down any obvious glitch weakness's by now. Don't know if that eye thing is just cosmetic either...will find out eventually if ah can.

    #4 invictus69, Jul 30, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2014
  5. LaserLlamas

    LaserLlamas Mother of the Pack

    Mar 28, 2014
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    (( The plot thickens. I like where this is going ))
  6. invictus69

    invictus69 New Member

    Jul 2, 2014
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    *The recording blares to life once more, quickly the sounds of Wavemaker gulping down mouthfuls of what one can assume to be whiskey go on for a few seconds before the bottle slams down*

    Baaah.. well here we are again... today has been interesting ta say the least, found out a little more about Loura so I figure I should start with that..

    Louras has some kind of spike in her arm, saw her playing with it, dunno if it works like a needle or a conductor for her electricity...I would not be surprised if it did both somehow. Also found out she's got a love ...heh, never took her for the kind to be a lover of anyone but..hell if she can bag someone that gives me some hope...

    *Theres a brief pause*
    All joking aside shes also got this thing on neck, some kind of nice collar. I know it isn't for show either, no way is that robot going have anything on its body that doesn't do something somehow...

    *There is another series of loud gulps and a bottle slam.*

    ...Asa whooped the shit outta me today... I would be lying if I said I went into that fight fully prepared... She could have killed me and my dumb ass would have let her too.. One dumb mistake almost cost me my life...

    ...Asa fights with a katana, she's quick with it too.. I also made the mistake of underestimating how strong that eye of hers is...she cant dodge bullets, i'm sure of that, but she can move faster then I can swing my arm.. Towards the end of the fight she got a little sluggish, all that heavy body armor shes got on cuts some of her mobility as well, she tanked a lot of the stuff I threw at her... Also have remember bout that metal left leg of hers.. wonder how sturdy it is..

    *Nearly every pause in the recording is followed by drinking*

    Hmm... Didn't leave the fight totally unscathed, She gave my arm a pretty smile... hurts to move my fingers but I can at least still sorta play my music... should be fine.

    ..Heh... Viv was a little bent out of shape about me and Asa's little catfat... She gave me some sound advice about soothing my arm...and my soul.

    Finally got to show her my new and improved hotspring too, she loved it, wants on of her own.... *The recording goes quiet for a moment*
    ...Heh, that hotspring is one of the best investments I ever made....

    #6 invictus69, Jul 31, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 27, 2014
  7. invictus69

    invictus69 New Member

    Jul 2, 2014
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    *The recording clicks on*

    Finally! Whew...Been a while since I recorded anything, just got done on a little project of mine. Nothing much to talk about in regards to the wolfs. My arms healed up nicely since last time, some kind of flu's around thats giving everybody a scare, some jackass floran busted a window in the den and now we're a table short...

    Viiky-boy is outta the wolfs, don't know what that means for me... dont' know if it makes him more or less of a threat, if he ever was one to begin with. Still a jackass though, so at least hes consistent.

    No one knows bout me and Viv, don't think they will for a while, we've been keeping the whole thing hush hush, and I think I like it this way too. We built a little place far away, its nice, quiet, it was a bitch to build and it drained almost all my private savings for the materials we couldn't rip out the land but... theres a hell a lot worse things then being broke and far away with a girl like that. Just don't know how the others will take to the news if she ever gets it in her to tell them...

    #7 invictus69, Aug 6, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 27, 2014
  8. Ariexe

    Ariexe New Member

    Apr 20, 2014
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    ((^more or less a dramatic version on how asa will act))
  9. Aradin Stanguit

    Aradin Stanguit The Vigil's Jester

    Jan 16, 2014
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    HA! Wow this will be funny))
  10. invictus69

    invictus69 New Member

    Jul 2, 2014
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    *The recording comes to life*
    I've been slipping, I really should get to doing this more often... So much has happened since last time, I guess Ill try to keep this as brief as I can.

    *Theres a long heavy sigh*
    Since the last recording Viiker kidnapped Vivian, and myself. I was stubborn and wouldn't leave her and my legs paid a hefty price for it. I don't think the pain will ever go away... at least I got Vivian back since then. It hurts to think of how easily I could have lost her. A lot of people died since then. Viiker was gunned down like an animal, Mars killed Nox..and some how died as well. I shudder to think of how that fight went down. The dens since been taken over and converted into a kind of Inn. How unfitting that what was once considered home to arguably brutal and merciless killers is not left to rot like the bodies of those who governed over it. I say let her die with her master, she has served her purpose.

    Vivian had also fallen into hard times, after being kidnapped by Viiker she was almost immediately picked up by some mad scientist named Ashford, and was tortured... Ashford himself is very very dead now. Being elbow dropped by a so many tons green glitch and being turned into a fine red paste shortly afterwards tends to do that to you.

    I also revealed my past...well... what I am to Vivian, she's seen all of this now, even her file... I thought she'd be furious with me, even leave me... but she didn't...
    ...I don't deserve her.

    But I proposed to her anyways, and she said yes.