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Viz's Journal

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Kuromimi, Jul 20, 2014.

  1. Kuromimi

    Kuromimi New Member

    Mar 22, 2014
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    (( this is a virtual book with old word files, other saved files, and recent postings. It is found in side of Viz's ship- at least most of the time. Somewhere hidden, but close to Viz. ))

    I feel... The urge to write. Something is going to happen, I can feel it, I just can't figure out what. I found some old files in Viruz... Odd I never knew I wrote these. I will most likely keep these files locked until my death, but heck with it. How will anyone know when I die? I suppose the company I keep would notice, but I doubt their ability to access my Computer, -THE- Remote, And/or Viruz. Perhaps I should give the password to the right person... If only I could find him/her.

    ((the files dates are unknown))
    Well to the basics, This galaxy has been... Cruel... Very cruel. I suppose I never really had a life to begin with, perhaps I should've hung out more with people. I built a computer from old scrap in a junk yard, along with a generator to power the underground hideout my parents always hated... not that they were around to hate me for it. The computer had to be built though. People had to be sacrificed for my escape. Viruz, or the computer, had to be built.

    I got out of the shit hole for a hideout. This ship... Its nice... Although, I hate the paint. The red walls, they fill me with rage. I realize what happened in this very room. All the ships had at least one. I think I'll hang this lovely poster in mine... a nice bed... But NO ONE, Will ever see it. They can't they'd think I'm insane. Perhaps I am though, Viruz oddly keeps me company with the low hum he gives. I didn't do too bad with his design. Perhaps I could give him some body parts... some arms and a leg. He'd be, a Glitch. I could tell him his purpose, what he had gone through. We could share rough times, he'd be the brother I never got to see. I think a paint chip got in my eye, I'll just shut down and rinse it out.

    The scrubbing took forever. I broke out into... A temper tantrum or two, followed by an emotional break down. How mature I am. Work is getting tougher to do. Im tired for now, I'll post again when I feel like it.

    ((a major gap in dates [approx 3 years]))
    I finally did it, I finally created a drone I had been dreaming of. I never knew I could do such a thing. I took Viruz, although with great fear of losing him from a failure, and transformed him into a drone. The controller is... Something of wonder as well. Its amazing the range I have in connection with the signal booster I designed. Days are getting shorter, and so has my name. I shall be called Viz. I don't deserve to be called by my full name. I don't deserve a last name. I don't deserve to pass the name down. Viruz seems to mock me. He almost seems alive, but I know he isn't not yet. That will be my future plan to- ((it appears to be cut off, and deleted))

    (( a month later))
    I joined the wolves. They thought Viruz was a glitch. Perhaps someone here will help me. I met a Hylotl named Ray... Odd I never talked to people. Typically they thought I was the weird kid, odd man out, or a monster who rarely came out of his cave. Viruz... Is my connection to the world. I can feel myself growing weak... I shall keep my memories and emotions stored in the computer. Perhaps I could drain my life into Viruz, at least I'd have friends to talk to.

    Ray asked me to come to the mills. I've seen it before, it was dirty, the air was polluted, and the birds had their feathers everywhere. Even on Viruz. I immediately collapsed and got rushed to the hospital. Funny, it was closed like the bar there usually is. Some enemy of the wolves, I forget their names by now, performed the surgery. God I hope this scar isn't going to last.

    I updated Viruz... Now I see why everyone thought, or thinks I'm crazy... My former friend, who I had invited to stay in my ship shot Viruz... He spoke to his hand, I now realize why you shouldn't deal with people who are insane. Viruz will eventually fear no man, and by the time my life is over. His will begin, and I'll be using his body. I see why people find me strange.

    ((current date))
    I shall upload these files no matter what is in them. I must. I still can't figure out why I feel like something is over my shoulder watching me. Perhaps... I should disconnect Viruz, but I need him to take the hits I cannot. I have already hooked up the machine. As soon as I perish I will be reborn. I hope I can perfect everything in time. Recently I have found myself... eating time, Whether its drinking with Pandora, or chatting with the people around the den. I think I'm seen as a tool, more than Viruz himself is. Ray is giving me some lessons and what not, I find his company amusing and entertaining. I think I'll update this more often, if only I wasn't so busy. I've stayed up one night now, and I'm surviving on coffee. I must finish this next update on Viruz. He killed someone in a hug... I must be able to control his functions. Gareth has helped me out on on the current update. Although, I'm afraid I'll have to cut more armor and replace the old gyro I installed. You've Changed a lot Viruz... This is Viz, signing off for tonight.
    #1 Kuromimi, Jul 20, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2014
  2. Kuromimi

    Kuromimi New Member

    Mar 22, 2014
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    Been a while since I've touched the Virtual notebook. Time to write out some thoughts.

    Not just a regular day for once. I attended a wedding for the first time ever... how odd it was. Luckily I got to sit next to Pandora, who had my attention all night. Some choices I made I will remember on this day though. Still can't decide whether it is too soon, or best the way it is. Back on track. I got to update Viruz, and finally designed some new pistols. Although more chores had to be done... I'd much rather see Gareth and Luna the way they were. How adorable they are together. I hope they work out for the best, and I still... Hate cake, but I would allow Pandora to feed me anything. I just love how it makes her smile

    I think I'll talk to Ray tomorrow. I need some advice again, and he seems like just the one to ask. I mean, when doesn't the guy have something to say. Besides I trust him more to answer truthfully.

    But... I feel happy... I've been feeling this way. Kinda... odd, everything is going well. It sounds dumb, even when its true. Gah, focus Vespera Viz. you've got work to do. Stop getting distracted. Viz, closing up.
    #2 Kuromimi, Jul 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 21, 2014
  3. Kuromimi

    Kuromimi New Member

    Mar 22, 2014
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    Okay time for another note, even if its pointless.

    I've made up my mind on many things today. I guess talking to Ray was a good idea. Heh, now that I write it down, I almost feel like I am using him. Hopefully he doesn't think that way. Besides that, I feel Amazing! I hope no one finds this, I feel so stupid to write like this to myself. Er at least, I think I said that right. Funny though. Soon as I can finally admit that to myself, I gotta stay locked up in my won ship working on Viruz. I swear maybe he is sucking the life out of me, I find myself working on him too much in my free time. At least I always have Pandora to talk to, my get-away from Viruz. I will happily wrap this up, and see what else today has in store for me. -Viz
  4. Kuromimi

    Kuromimi New Member

    Mar 22, 2014
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    Okay, I finally found my notepad. Lets see.

    I'm so glad I upgraded Viruz. I tested a rocket launcher prototype, and I was smart enough to let him test it. It blew up and Viruz only suffered a slightly damaged monitor. nothing too serious I think. Eventually this will be lightweight, an auto loader, have a good amount of ammunition, and have no recoil on the user. I've discovered my rocket design has even been able to go through about 4 to 5 inches of durasteel, probably good enough to shoot through the front of a tank. I just keep getting distracted. Focus Viz. You don't need to kill yourself now.

    Anyways, Viruz 3.0 is ready for release... I launched it for a moment, and we talked until we reached an argument. I had to shut him off before he would beat the hell out of me. So I wiped the data, and ran him back to his previous drone 2.0 update. I just hope the 3.14 update doesn't get released without my will.

    Oh! and I now have pink hair. Many people have said nasty things, or just plain out rude and un-needed comments. Pandora seems to like it... and that is all that seems to matter to me. What started out a prank turned out... decent on my part I suppose. I still don't know if I will use this dye the floran game me though. If Pandora likes it why change?

    I seem to think a lot about her... I just hope... I won't make a mistake.
    I still wonder if she feels the same way... only way to find out is by closing this up. With a... undecided closure.
    -Vespera Vizaro
    AKA: Viz
  5. Kuromimi

    Kuromimi New Member

    Mar 22, 2014
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    (( *the file is oddly written, as if the whole style of sriting changed*))

    I am using Viruz to write this. I am here with Pandora... In the hospital... right now she is sleeping peacefully. Im glad she isn't awake to feel her own pain. Why would someone do this... What has Pandora done to anyone to deserve this?! I'll kill him... her... whoever... whatever... all of them, and any of them. As long as they're responsible, their lives are now mine. She mentioned something about she, and -him-... I dont know who these are but I have to find Onyx to find out the she... The sooner the better as well. I pray to anything, god, kluex, hell even big ape or whats his face, let her gain her memory on who those people are, back.

    Its so sad to watch her... I want to just hug her... Lay down next to her... even kiss her sweet lips, but I'll catch her case of mad ape... She doesn't even know she has it. Mars and Heart hasn't told her she has it. Heart told me what she had, just to end up keeping it from her. She is already suspicious that her condition is worse... Please, let a cure be found. I'll sit with her here no matter what. I'll sleep on this stool.

    . . . I might as well continue the post as normal. Its hard to write being this depressed. My hair is back to narmal-ish. Its got teal tint, and Pandora loves teal... I know I'll keep this dye, and most likely continue to use it. I quite like my own look. Viruz is doing pretty well too. Scraped that bad shade of pink off him. I split his armor into a tanky set, which im glad it has its own easy device to equip it, and a more casual set. something that'll kinda make him blend in, and run fast. It sounds dumb, I usually just keep the heavy set equipped. He weighs about a ton... literally. And the stupid bastard eats up my time. I haaaad to be working on him today as Some asshole/s did this to Pandora! Im furious, im terrified, im confused... Help me... Someone...?
  6. Kuromimi

    Kuromimi New Member

    Mar 22, 2014
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    Another post by Viruz... God please let me write in my own stuff.
    I sound like shit... but it'd make more sense if I spoke in a recording for now...

    *a recording is uploaded in this section*

    Well, life has a way of slapping you in the face and turning everything upside down. I am sick now. Pandora is now better and is out and about. In fact she is basically immune to the sickness. I used Viruz, even though... I- *cut out*. Pandora saw Kitty's sister... Muru... That was very -very- depressing... *coughs* people keep dying, I'm getting sicker, and there is no jobs for me. *sigh* I just... When things go one way... and then take another turn... I don't know what it is, but I feel like quitting at times.
    Pandora said she'd focus on protecting me... I think she meant she was going to quit being a scientist, and I don't know how I feel about that. I promised myself... and I know I did... that I'd protect her... but what is she lays her life down for me...? *goes into a major coughing fit, ending violently* Ach... I have to train more when I get better... I wonder if Ray is back...
    I'll just get some sleep for now, at least Pandora will be sleeping next to me. Its so comforting... I feel bad that I wasn't around all the time for when she was sick...*voice recording ends*
  7. Kuromimi

    Kuromimi New Member

    Mar 22, 2014
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    I am leaving the wolves. My decision is final. After Nox beat Asa the way he did...
    I am tired of doing nothing, so I've decidied to take jobs as they come by and work and change my career to helping glitch. Hell I built Viruz, I've reprogrammed some glitch, and fixed others. I'd finally be a... doctor? I don't know, I'd like to say that. My parents always thought I could be something like that.
    I still wonder if I should tell others my real name... Who would even care? I mean Pandora didn't seem to mind much, and thought it was more adorable.
    That reminds me, im worried about pandora. She seems to be... hmm... depressed lately, happy, or muddled I think that word was. Hopefully her mood picks up at the wedding that we will finally be able to share. It should've already happend, but I just can't wait anymore... hopefully with these new events I won't have to wait more.
    I'll just have to keep my eyes on her. -Vespera
    #7 Kuromimi, Aug 14, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 14, 2014