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An actual corporation who's purpose goes beyond mercenary stuff and science.

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by Unix, Jul 19, 2014.

  1. Unix

    Unix Guest

    So I have a character with an established mining facility and more than enough pixels to live out three lifetimes in complete and utter peace - but that's not what I want to do with him, obviously.

    My proposal is something of a mega-faction - like, y'know, actual big corporations are irl. Weapons manufacturing, transportation services, farming, mining, tech, engineering - you name it, if it makes money and they'res a market for it, You've got a job. I find that all the corporations that have existed on the server have focused on military prowess and science laboratories - which, isn't bad, and we'll probably do that too if we get the chance, but they'res other things that people need that isn't assassination on speeddial and shady cloning experiments - like food. And transportation. And gadgets of multiple varieties. AND FUCKING HOSPITALS LIKE I HAVEN'T SEEN A SINGLE NON-SHITTY HOSPITAL THAT'S ACTUALLY USED ON THE SERVERokayi'mdone

    The reason I propose this here is because any attempt I could possibly make to get this off the ground on my own has failed. I don't need many people for something like this, maybe like, six, or seven.


    That's about all she wrote. Whatdya' think?
  2. Animator

    Animator New Member

    May 9, 2014
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    Something to note is that the majority of the times big corporations get to the size that they are is through various mergers with other companies that allow them to expand and utilize the resources gathered from whatever company they bought out or merged with.

    This means that, for you to properly pull this off, you would have to either a) Get other factions to fuse (which is currently pretty much out of the question), or b) Invent the lore for your mega-corp in which various factions/companies were merged in the first place. The latter is more practical, and you can easily create a springboard for it: They've been around and recently wanted to extend their presence to the list of colonies and planets out there for more business, just like any other company that would expand to other states or countries, except on the interstellar level.

    I'm down for Space Wal-Mart to be a thing, and back this idea wholeheartedly.
  3. Unix

    Unix Guest

    The problem with option B is it requires people to run, which I don't have. I'm also not a fan of using lore as a crutch to magic yourself resources - my character's story is that he lost his corporation in the first place after leaving USCM space and he's trying to build it up again.

    I'm aware that nobody wants their faction to be bought, which is why I have just trying to employ people, and then give them appropriate resources, and setting them up with a spot of their own to generate money for the company as a whole.

    That hasn't been working.
  4. Azeliblehblehbleh

    Azeliblehblehbleh New Member

    Jul 18, 2014
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    Once Evelynn is set up, if she gets set up, in a spot to be doing her blacksmith thing, she could easily be an employee for you, sending you x y and z for a pixels in return, a reduced price compared to what you can sell it for, and then you sell it at a profit. Like a work-at-home member for the Corp, and potentially advancing to being like Head of the Mining/Blacksmith department or some pluckery if we get enough people.

    Because I like the sound of Space Wal-Mart.
  5. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
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    Instead of you pulling money and assets out of your ass or buying other factions, you should:

    1- Get investors/shareholders.
    Get supporters from the big factions, endorsements and the like. Invite factions to invest on your company so you have capital to fund the company, then offer them discounts or to buy raw materials from them and the like. No company starts from scratch, unless it's a branch of another company. But then that company needed help to be built too. So yeah, ask someone from the Factions to help you out with it, maybe they'll give you a kickstart.

    2- Start small.
    No company ever starts big all at once. Unless you pull money out of your ass like stated before. Or your company already existed somewhere else. In any case, you should start small, being active and stabilizing yourself in one area first. Like pharmacy, medical assistance, agriculture, logistics, metalworking, manufacturing, you name it. If you start big all at once, it will be stressing and hard-if not utterly impossible- to manage and maintain. Unless you already have a plan fleshed that theoretically works and you know about macro/micro managing and stuff.

    After you're done taking care of one area and making sure it will not crumble under it's own weight, then you should start expanding onto other areas and making it more known. Be realistic! Because it's both challenging and fun.

    3-Take it easy.
    Companies don't start overnight. So be patient and spread the word in StarNet about how cool and sweet your company is and how everyone should join it because it sells everything, from three-eyed pegasii to tech devices that can create mini-singularities that can swallow people's lunches and stuff.

    Think like a real entrepreneur.

    Hope this helps. Because I really have no idea what I'm saying.
  6. Unix

    Unix Guest

    Funding certainly isn't a problem - it's getting employees and hiring.
  7. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
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    Hm. Then I have no idea what to do other than to just post 'employees for hiring'. Can't help you there I guess.

    Also I thought you needed funding because of what you said here, but I guess I read it wrong.