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Merchant Faction

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by LaserLlamas, Jul 19, 2014.

  1. LaserLlamas

    LaserLlamas Mother of the Pack

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Greetings ladies and gentlemen. It came to my attention the other day that we don't exactly have a faction that is mainly focused around the economy. The closest I've seen to a faction immersing itself into that was with the Outriders and selling their ores on the market. However we don't really have a faction primarily focused on it, such as a trading caravan if you would, or a company of some sort that deals with trades of all kind, simply looking out to make profit and find business partners to further increase their revenue.

    As far as the economy on the server goes, money appears and disappears as quick as it came. Some people have money, while others do not. A lot of times it's questionable how this person obtained their money, whether they're sketchy or they happen to be loaded, while those of Tetanus aren't very well funded themselves. Because of that reason, the only way I can see the faction picking up and running smoothly and looking good all together is for it to literally start from nothing. To be a bit straight to the point, I am already in the process of developing a character, Kimiko. A merchant and trader, however due to running into some debt problems and being sold out by her friends her ship was inevitably looted for its cargo and and crashed onto a planet where she was then rescued and brought back to the Wolves' Den. (USCM almost had her, but they waved their guns around).

    Basically at the moment, she has nothing, and she's hobbling around with a crutch. All she has is her handgun and crutch, and is beginning to work a job in the bar in order to get funds for herself to hopefully one day get a new ship and return to being a tradesman. The reason I wished her to start like this was for her to start from nothing and work her way up to adjust the economy aspect as it goes. Where other characters who are interested in this come in, however, would be assumed to have to know Kimiko a bit and get her trust.

    The faction itself would not be primarily focused on a simple resource such as weaponry or tech. The faction would diverse itself into all kinds of trade for maximum profit, as well creating their own products if they ever get enough revenue and funds in order to construct a factory or production facility of some sort to create products. To make products though they would obviously need resources, whether by getting/making mining equipment, or by trading.

    The faction as well could influence others, as money is a powerful object. They could gain valuable partners by their trade and even offer deals to long term ones as a sign of trust.

    All in all, I'd like to attempt this mostly because the economy aspect of the server is something that's often ignored or neglected. It's usually often "Here have money -throws money in face-". The faction and characters within would obviously have to keep track of their money, and if they end up going bankrupt and into debt, the faction will obviously fall apart and probably end up putting Kimiko and whoever is left over into some serious debt.

    Feel free to give any input or questions and such regarding this. I'm open to ideas to better this faction and if it will ever be a possibility or not.
  2. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    If this can work, I'd love to see it. Not sure I'd be able to contribute, just because I need to clean house on alts at the moment anyway. (I have a serious issue with alts, as I tend to create them and throw them away until one sticks, and want to give all of them my full attention.)

    I feel that more civilian factions (or primarily civilian factions) would serve a great role in adding variety and stability to the galaxy. Having a faction that embarks in trade between the other groups would make inter-faction relationships a bit more dynamic, etc. etc.
  3. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Actually, I though on planning a faction like that, mostly focused on trading, not because of the people "throwing" money. I have seen both people that plays using money reasonably, and unfortunately, the ones who doesn't. (Most recent was the classic '1 milion+lotsa solarium' to release a hostage).

    I might be able able to make a character to set things up, send me a PM if you want to discuss it.
  4. Ariexe

    Ariexe New Member

    Apr 20, 2014
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    If I knew kimiko was going to have a large purpose like this, I would have made an alt to join in with you.

    Is great because as the new starbound update grows bigger and creeps on us more, trading post themed items are becoming a thing. I'd love to see these items be used for their actual purpose, and watch something like this happen. I think its a great idea and I'd defiantly like to throw in a certain crazed floran to help move some materials around ;)
  5. Swartz

    Swartz Sad Birdy Man

    Mar 1, 2014
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    This is currently something that I am working on doing with Compass Rose. I'm gonna be blunt here: It's working okay. The people on board are great, but no factions are set up to actually have to rely on people. Everyone is self sufficient. Some serious changes will actually have to occur for this kind of thing to work. My entire goal when creating my own faction was to create some sort of dynamic IC economy. Maybe I'm going about it the wrong way, using resources, as everyone seems to magically be able to pull funding out of their ass.
  6. MasterGruntR75

    MasterGruntR75 New Member

    Mar 1, 2014
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    Alright, here is the problem. Compass Rose is trying to do this, yet you yourself have been responsible for not facilitating our RP. We've been trying to work with a lot of the major factions, such as the Fleet, but we get shut down with claims of infinite resources gotten from Avos or Liberty Mills.

    Basically, if we want a factions like this to kick off (Such as CR) we need the major factions to cooperate.
  7. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    Technically, the Fleet will likely cooperate with this. Assuming negotiations with the Big Bird go over well, and not like the HKC negotiations. We're not TRYING to shut you down, but you're talking to what are essentially a bunch of grunts about trade relations. However, we're willing to sit down and have trade talks, we just need a time that the Big Bird is on as well as you guys.
  8. MasterGruntR75

    MasterGruntR75 New Member

    Mar 1, 2014
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    Alright, your going to need to talk to Swartz about that, but it's good to hear. Sorry if my post sounded at all hostile, these things can get kind of frustrating.
    #8 MasterGruntR75, Jul 26, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2014
  9. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
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    *shakes fist* Uneducated birds!
  10. invictus69

    invictus69 New Member

    Jul 2, 2014
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    I will be more then willing to set up a character to fulfill some roll in this upcoming economy based probably heavily polluted and money hungry faction. Maybe a banker?


    Silly me! A farmer! I have a Floran with a borderline obsession with plant growth who could perfectly fit the roll of a farmer. She will breed the most genetically superior fruits and veggies the world has ever seen!
    #10 invictus69, Jul 29, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2014
  11. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    I like this. It'd be cool for there to be a default, go to faction which supplies all the raw resources that other factions use to build stuff.

    A big megacorp that has mines, farms for wood and other materials etc.

    That way when a character like a gunsmith or a ship architect, or a faction wants to do something that uses resources, they have an IC place to get it from.

    Maybe different factions could also decide on specific ores and stuff that are found in particuarly high quantities within their controlled region of space too.