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Sharp decrease in my activity

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Toadkid1234, Jul 19, 2014.

  1. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Well it is babe so stfu.

    So, I've done a lot of thinking lately whilst lying in bed after a difficult few hours of building giant spaceships.

    Recently, I have been given many opportunities to improve myself, given all the free time I have with summer vacation. These opportunities would have made me stronger both mentally and physically, and would have given me a very desirable edge when it comes to my future as a college student and hopeful engineer.

    However, I have found myself tied to this server and it's community. I have been so immersed in the RP here that I am missing out on real life, and RP can never be the same as real life. Unless we get some crazy virtual reality simulators. Yes, I'm talking about you, Sword Art Online. (Best anime ever)

    I had huge plans. I wanted to make a faction. I wanted to make that faction unique and interesting. I wanted to make a fascinating storyline that teaches people valuable lessons about the value of life, the importance of being understanding, not being prejudiced agains anyone (especially a race of weeds), however I am being pulled in too many directions. On the one hand, I'm trying to improve myself in the real world. On the other, I am trying to make something beautiful in this artificial world. I cannot do both. I've tried and I can't. There simply is not enough time in one life to live two separate lives, which is what I have been trying to do and it has been largely self deprecating. I have become weaker in the real world and have made slow, dragging progress in this beautiful, artificial one. I cannot have both a complex life in Starbound and a complex life in reality. If I could I would, but I can't.

    So I had to choose. And I chose in favor of reality.

    Truthfully, it was a clear choice, but it certainly was not easy. I have invested so much time in this world, in my character, my faction... And I knew it was taking away from reality. But I thought it would slow down once I got the faction going and things would take control of themselves. It only got worse from there. I needed to build an entire flotilla of complicated ships, alone. Building ships is something I love to do, but it is largely unfulfilling to build something in the game and only realize it is but a bunch of ones and zeroes. There isn't much value in spending hours making something like that. Those hours could have been spent learning a new skill, or spending important time with relatives, or becoming physically stronger.

    396 hours.

    That's over a month of playing Starbound 12 hours a day. Am I willing to throw away that much time for the sake of living a dream life when I could be laying the foundation for the very life that I dream of having?

    As you know I'm sure, I play an engineer who designs spaceships and weapons. Ray is thin and has a high endurance. He enjoys swimming and running and playing frisbee. He adores a challenge, anything to sharpen himself he will do. His wish us to make the world, in his case the galaxy, a better place. He loves talking to people, but is inherently shy and awkward at times. He is usually incredulously formal and seems arrogant and self righteous, however when one really gets to know him, they see a caring guy who only wants the best for others. Sometimes you might even see him crying over someone's death, even if it is an enemy. He is too trusting by most standards, however always has a backup plan.

    That is my dream self.

    Ray represents my hopes and dreams as a person in real life. However, I began to invest so much time in Ray that I seemed to be pushing those very hopes and dreams further away. I didn't want it to be true. But it is. And I won't trade something real for something imaginary.

    I would like to thank and apologize to the members of the HKC for my deserting you after the faction is yet young. I don't want to do this, but I have to. Thank you all for joining my group. It filled me with joy when I saw another person willing to take part in something that I created.

    Thank you to TheAlmightyNT, for taking the reigns of the HKC. That is a big responsibility and I commend you for accepting it. I know you will be a great leader and will guide the HKC along the path to epicness. Make friends quick!

    Thank you especially to Mr. Britton for your support of my faction. At first I felt discouraged at the large amount of disapproval of my faction idea, but you gave me hope. You telling me that you thought it was a great idea was just what I needed. All it is now is thanks to you. Thank you for being my side.

    Also thanks to the entire community. Yes I'm talking to YOU. You right there. Reading this sentence. The one with the face and the hands at the computer. Yes, you! Thanks for making this experience special. You have all taught me so much about life on this server, whether you realize it or not. This hasn't been a COMPLETE waste of my time, mind you. This community has made me a more outgoing, social person and helped me realize my goals in life and taught me valuable lessons.

    So, in summation, I will no longer be so actively involved in this community as I have been. I might repurpose Ray to be an engineer in the background, or make a new character to just live somewhere, farm and socialize occasionally. But whatever happens I will not be online regularly. I'm resigning as faction leader from the HKC and leaving the controls to the wise TheAlmightyNT, aka Lenro Misra. I'll be happy to continue drawing up weapon designs, ship concepts,and faction plans but I won't be able to make them in game. Hopefully you HKCians can keep our faction going!

    Thanks again everyone for making this experience something worth remembering and showing me the amazing power of roleplay. You all have inadvertently become dear friends of mine, and I will not forget you. I especially won't forget you Sen. You're a jerk. <3

    TL;DR - life is moar important den gamez. I am have stop play Starbound as much yes. Peace dudes.


    -Mark Lipina, HS Senior, New York, aspiring engineer in astronautics and mechanics, lover of Legos, lover of sci fi, lover of scifi Legos, player of games,killjoy, forever alone (hopefully not :p), annoying n00b, runner of track and field, player of frisbee, watcher of anime, waster of time, French horn player, occasional wearer of glasses, misser of fellow RPers.

    Ps: yes this is a ridiculously long dissertation size message about not wanting to waste time. Sue me.

    Ppss: here are a few funny gifs to lighten the somber mood I just set
  2. Spyrosis

    Spyrosis Basedgod

    Apr 18, 2014
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    Had literally no interaction with your character that I could think of, but I was looking forward to the inevitable meeting due to recent events. It's a shame I didn't get to know you better because you seemed like a big cornerstone of the community. I'm sure you will be missed by the server as a whole, good luck with your endeavors Mark!
  3. Hawke

    Hawke ACK!

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Hive five for aerospace!

    Senior year of high school is pretty important, especially if you're looking too get into any good schools. Gonna suck to see you gone, but you've probably made the right choice; hope everything works out for you!

    You're always welcome t'pop back by on weekends or what not. ; >
  4. CouchPotato360

    CouchPotato360 Last Man Standing

    Jan 17, 2014
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    Although our interactions weren't too frequent or lasting, I enjoyed them nonetheless. Best of luck to you in your quest for enlightenment and success.
  5. CadeDaBeast

    CadeDaBeast New Member

    Mar 12, 2014
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    I never met you in-game, but we interacted a bit through the forums. Though this knocks our plan out, you chose right. You'll be missed here as a great RP-er and leader. Good luck Mark!